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This professional development day will provide opportunities for program coordinators to enhance their administrative skills and leadership knowledge in order to provide the highest quality of program for children, youth, and families. Topics include program administration, promoting professionalism, program planning, and more.
Site Coordinators are Getting in Gear for a NEW School Year UC Berkeley 21st Century Programs Cohort Training Expanded Learning Program Leadership Professional Development Day Monday-August 10, 20159:30am-4:30pm presented byinfo@afterschoolassist.comwww.afterschoola ssist.com
Introduction • This professional development day will provide opportunities for participants to enhance their administrative skills through the increasing knowledge and understanding of the Out-Of-School-Time workforce, and the current demands on the leadership skills, knowledge, and experience needed to provide the highest quality of program for the children, youth and families served.
Introduction CONSIDERATIONS • Opportunities to affirm the required knowledge of program leadership. • Time to assess current levels of administrative skills as required for quality programming. •A safe space for reflection and enhanced planning of exemplary program delivery.
Relationship Organization Professionalism Opportunities Managing Supervision Vision Goals Overview • While a host of factors including organizational capacity, the needs of the children and youth served, and program resources all play a role in determining a program's ability to achieve its goals, research suggests that there are some specific characteristics and practices that are essential for quality programming.
Relationship Organization Professionalism Opportunities Managing Vision Goals Supervision Overview • The highest quality programs are traditionally identified by the quality of it’s staff, it’s exemplary practices and the youth development supports and opportunities(S&O’s) offered to the youth served by the program.
Relationship Organization Professionalism Opportunities Managing Vision Goals Supervision Objectives • Participants will: • explore practices in professionalism for program quality. • identify strategies of program administration and leadership. • experience some of the tools, and techniques used in program planning.
Agenda • Setting the Stage Registration and Networking Welcome and Introductions Group Agreements and Ice Breakers Agenda Overview and Objectives • Program Administration Promoting Professionalism and Program Quality Recruiting, Training and Coaching for High Performing Teams Successful Management Practices in Organization and Delegation • LUNCH BREAK
Agenda(cont.) • Program Planning Planning with Intentionality -Balanced Programming-Academic Support, Social Emotional Learning and Engaging Enrichment - Meeting Grant Requirements Program Partnerships and Enrichment Activities Closing Wrap Up-Q&A, Clean UP, Evaluation, Certificates
Program Administration-Promoting Professionalism and Program Quality • Expanded Learning programs are generally managed by program directors, coordinators or managers who are experienced professionals with backgrounds in education, child development, recreation or youth development. • He or she is usually on the go, meeting with educators, communicating with parents and program colleagues, directing the program, supporting staff and more.
Program Administration-Promoting Professionalism and Program Quality • He or she should be proficient at communicating with a wide range of education professionals, parents, organizational representatives, community partners, the program staff as well as the youth participants. • The Out-of-School-Time program coordinator or site director has to be able to assess the needs of the students in a particular community and meet them in positive and productive ways, providing them with the highest quality of program and services.
Program Administration-Promoting Professionalism and Program Quality • Program hours vary and are dependent upon the types of programs being offered; public, private, grant funded, fee for service, etc. • Attire generally ranges from business casual to business professional; dress codes are usually determined and set by the program’s organization.
Program Administration-Promoting Professionalism and Program Quality How would you rate the named qualities listed below of Program Coordinators, Directors and Managers? in the order of priority: Making #12 the least important and #1most Important Handout: Prioritize the Qualities
Program Administration-Promoting Professionalism and Program Quality Effective Expanded Learning Programs help students succeed in school and in life. Key principles that are essential to yielding the best quality of program are: • School-Community Partnerships • Engaged Learning • Family Engagement • Intentional Programming
Program Administration-Promoting Professionalism and Program Quality Effective Expanded Learning Programs help students succeed in school and in life. Key principles that are essential to yielding the best quality of program are (cont.): • Diverse and Prepared Staff • Participation and Access • Safety, Health and Wellness • Ongoing Assessment and Improvements
Program Administration-Promoting Professionalism and Program Quality • School-Community Partnerships-Strong partnerships between community organizations and schools are at the core. • Engaged Learning-Expanded learning programs engage young people because they make learning meaningful and relevant. • Family Engagement-Effective expanded learning programs should offer parental input and choice and also encourage family engagement.
Program Administration-Promoting Professionalism and Program Quality • Intentional Programming-Explicit goals and intentionally designed activities that align with goals are critical to the success of expanded learning programs . • Diverse and Prepared Staff-Successfulexpanded learning programs en-sure that the staffing ratios, qualifications, ongoing professional development and overall diversity of staff are closely linked to program goals and activities . • Participation and Access-Studiesshow that frequency and duration of participation in expanded learning programs matter; the more kids participate, the more likely they are to show academic gains.
Program Administration-Promoting Professionalism and Program Quality • Safety Health and Wellness- Adequate space, supervision, and security are necessary for young people to have the comfort and freedom to focus solely on the task at hand. Additionally, the best programs provide opportunities for exercise and access to nutritious meals and snacks. • Ongoing Assessment and Improvements-Programs that employ sound data collection and management practices focused on continuous improvement have the most success in establishing and maintaining quality services.
Program Administration-Promoting Professionalism and Program Quality Steps to An Exemplary After School Programs
Program Administration-Program Recruiting, Training and Hiring for a High Performing Team • Start with recruiting and hiring the right people for the job • Go beyond job descriptions to performance agreements • Program with Core Values • Build Relationships
Program Administration-Program Recruiting, Training and Hiring for a High Performing Team • Lead the way • Invest in Staff Development • Training is Critical…but not enough • Spend time with staff • Coaching is Key…be the guide by the side • Create a Culture of High Expectations
Program Administration-Program Recruiting, Training and Hiring for a High Performing Team Reflecting on our practices Quality Self Assessment Tool • Section 7:Staff Recruitment and Staff Development Exemplary Practice Guide • Exemplary Practice # 3: Using Staff Development to Build a High Performing Team Handouts: QSA Section # 7 and EP Indicator #3
Program Administration-Program Recruiting, Training and Hiring for a High Performing Team OTJT-On The Job • Training on the job is necessary” • Praises and Thank You(s) are a must • Ask for best practices (not venting; problem solving is essential) • Begin with, “In my experience…” to communicate your teaching concepts • Respond by saying, “Thank you.” to model appreciation
Program Administration-Program Recruiting, Training and Hiring for a High Performing Team • Hiring
Program Administration-Program Recruiting, Training and Hiring for a High Performing Team
Program Administration-Program Recruiting, Training and Hiring for a High Performing Team The Right Staff?
Program Administration-Program Recruiting, Training and Hiring for a High Performing Team King or Queen of the World • If money, time, and options were not in the equation—what would your perfect staff member bring to the table?
Program Administration-Program Recruiting, Training and Hiring for a High Performing Team “We hire for talent, train for skill! “ Working in the afterschool field can present challenges to even the most qualified staff member. High quality, exemplary programs offer paid professional development opportunities throughout the year for staff at all levels.
Program Administration-Successful Management Practices in Organization and Delegation • You fulfill many roles as a Site Coordinator. Management is just one them. • Being successful in your management role does require that you establish some good practices in organization and delegation. Handout: Basic Functions of Managing ASP Programs
Program Administration-SuccessfulManagement Practices in Organizationand Delegation ☛ Organization- Space Adequate, organized and comfortable space is needed for staff members to conduct activities and exercises that will reinforce learning; to conduct a range of activities that promote both the mental and physical wellness of the children and youth in your program.
Program Administration-Successful Management Practices in Organizationand Delegation • ☛ Organization-Space • In addition, there should be ample storage space for equipment, materials, and personal possessions. • Equipment, materials and supplies should be stored for easy youth participants and staff access and availability.
Program Administration-SuccessfulManagement Practices in Organization and Delegation ☛ Organization-Space • The indoor and outdoor space and storage should be set up and organized to be used appropriately; catering to the activity being carried out (e.g., sports, creative arts, eating, etc.), so that the goals of the activities are sufficiently met.
Program Administration-SuccessfulManagement Practices in Organization and Delegation ☛ Organization-Space • A safely organized and supervised environment that provides ample resources for mental and physical growth is a physically and emotionally safe environment thus helping the development of positive relationships within the program environment.
Program Administration-Successful Management Practices in Organization and Delegation ☛ Organization-Planning • Planning your work will give you a general idea of what you have to do throughout the day. Plan for each day what you ‘Must Get Done', allowing flexibility for the unplanned to do’s; emergencies, staffing or parenting issues, etc. ☛ Organization-Information • Create your own unique way of organizing information which you find most comfortable and efficient; includes electronic and written documents to be filed and information to be communicated.
Program Administration-SuccessfulManagement Practices in Organization and Delegation ☛ Organization-Time • You can finish your work by properly managing the available time. Schedule and allot time for all aspect of your work; managing, directing, administration, coaching and mentoring. ☛ Organization-Task • Categorizing tasks lets you group them into relationships to help you manage them more efficiently. Limit each task to a single action.
Program Administration-Successful Management Practices in Organization and Delegation Basic Functions and Task to Managing After School Programs Handout: Basic Functions and Task to Managing After School Programs
Program Administration-Successful Management Practices in Organization and Delegation • When we think of program leadership, we often think of the person confidently in charge, steering the ship and leading the team. • What we often do not think of is delegation. The ability to wisely and effectively delegate is a quality of the most crucial to a leader’s success. Whether you’re a manager or director, effective delegation is one of the keys to achieving your goals and successful leadership.
Program Administration-Successful Management Practices in Organization and Delegation • A Successful Technique for Managing: • Delegating saves you time. Not only does delegating allow you to concentrate on other important matters, it simply gives you more time in general.
Program Administration-Successful Management Practices in Organization and Delegation • A Successful Technique for Managing: • When delegating give ample freedom for the team member to complete the task.Once you delegate a responsibility, you are placing your trust in that person to carry out the task. • Give the person room to be able to successfully complete their assignment, and remember, while there is an agreed upon goal, they don’t have to get there exactly how you would get there. Let them do things in their own way.
Program Administration-Successful Management Practices in Organization and Delegation • A Successful Technique for Managing: • Follow-up. Giving ample freedom doesn’t mean you never check in at all. Periodically follow-up with the person, not necessarily to stick your nose in what they’re doing, but to see if they have any questions or concerns that need to be addressed.
Program Administration-Successful Management Practices in Organization and Delegation • A Successful Technique for Managing: • Share in rewards and give credit and praise. When you ask others to take on responsibilities, you cannot ask them only to share in the risk and drudgery, and not the rewards and glory. When a project is a success, a leader gives credit where credit is due and treats his/her staff as true partners; listening to their feedback and respecting their ideas and opinions. A great leader understands that the one on the ground often has the best insights to offer on what is really going on and what needs to be done.
Program Administration-Successful Management Practices in Organization and Delegation • A Successful Technique for Managing: Delegating increases the morale, confidence, and productivity. Leaders that give important responsibilities to their staff or employees, along with the freedom to complete the task their way, builds his/her employees’ innovation, morale, and satisfaction. It is crucial for a leader to show those under them that he/she trusts them.
Program Administration-Successful Management Practices in Organization and Delegation • A Successful Technique for Managing: • Professionalism Matters Inc says “delegating is a critical skill!” • Successful delegation starts with matching the right people to the appropriate tasks. • Start Small; not something that is mission critical. • Remember that it takes the whole team to accomplish the program goals successfully.
Program Planning-Meeting Grant Requirement Program Planning Guidance • The 21st Century Learning Centers Program is authorized by the Elementary and Secondary Education Act. The law’s specific purposes are to: • Provide opportunities for academic enrichment, including providing tutorial services to help students (particularly students in high-poverty areas and those who attend low-performing schools) meet state and local student performance standards in core academic subjects such as reading and mathematics.
Program Planning-Meeting Grant Requirements Program Planning Guidance • Offer students a broad array of additional services, programs, and activities, such as, youth development activities, drug and violence prevention programs, counseling programs, art, music, and recreation programs, technology education programs, and character education programs that are designed to reinforce and complement the regular academic program of participating students. • Offer families of students served by community learning centers opportunities for literacy and related educational development.
Program Planning-Balanced Programming, Academic Support, Social Emotional Learning and Engaging Enrichment • TYPES OF PROJECTS Each eligible entity that receives an award from the state may use the funds to carry out a broad array of before- and after-school activities (including those held during summer recess periods) to advance student achievement. These activities include: • Remedial education activities and academic enrichment learning programs, including those which provide additional assistance to students to allow the students to improve their academic achievement; • Mathematics and science education activities; • Arts and music education activities; • Entrepreneurial education programs;
Program Planning-Balanced Programming, Academic Support, Social Emotional Learning and Engaging Enrichment • TYPES OF PROJECTS Tutoring services, including those provided by senior citizen volunteers, and mentoring programs; • Programs that provide after-school activities for limited English proficient (LEP) students and that emphasize language skills and academic achievement; • Recreational activities; • Telecommunications and technology education programs; • Expanded library service hours; • Programs that promote parental involvement and family literacy
Program Planning-Balanced Programming, Academic Support, Social Emotional Learning and Engaging Enrichment • TYPES OF PROJECTS Programs that provide assistance to students who have been truant, suspended, or expelled to allow them to improve their academic achievement • Drug and violence prevention programs; • Counseling programs; and • Character Education programs.
Program Planning--Balanced Programming, Academic Support, Social Emotional Learning and Engaging Enrichment A Daily Program Structure • Check In • Snack • Transitions • Homework Support • Academic Enrichment • Enrichment/Recreation • Check Out
Program Planning-Balanced Programming, Academic Support, Social Emotional Learning and Engaging Enrichment Overview of the Components • RECREATION • Drills • Skill development • Rules of the sport • History of the sport • ENRICHMENT • In-depth overview of the subject • Hands-on reinforcement activities • Enrichment and Recreation should be FUN!! • ACADEMICS(curriculum-based) • Homework • Skill Building • Reinforcement Activities
Program Partnerships and Enrichment Activities • The U.S. Department of Education’s guidelines for the 21st Century Community Learning Centers initiative strongly encourage local grantees to establish partnerships with other local organizations and agencies. • State afterschool networks also encourage and facilitate such partnerships, and many state education agencies have usually required that 21st Century Community Learning Centers grantees partner with at least one other organization in order to qualify for state funding.