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Published by IPC Coordination/Secretariat hosted at FAO Afghanistan. FSAC Regional Meeting. Food Security & IPC 2.0. Kabul, Afghanistan. Overview. Definition & Dimensions of Food Security Food Security Analysis & Classification What IPC is How does IPC work
Published by IPC Coordination/Secretariat hosted at FAO Afghanistan FSAC Regional Meeting Food Security & IPC 2.0 Kabul, Afghanistan
Overview • Definition & Dimensions of Food Security • Food Security Analysis & Classification • What IPC is • How does IPC work • IPC Achievements in 2012 • Plan for 2013
What is Food Security? • New Millennium • 2001, UN FAO “Food security is a situation that exists when all people, at all times, have physical, social and economic access to sufficient, safe and nutritious food that meets their dietary needs and food preferences for an active and healthy life.” .
The Multi-dimensional Nature of FS Four main dimensions of food security: 1. Physical AVAILABILITY of food 2. Economic, social and physical ACCESS to food 3. Food physical UTILIZATION 4. STABILITY of the other 3 dimensions over time For food security objectives to be realized, allfour dimensions must be fulfilled simultaneously.
Main Problems in Food Security Analysis and Classification Each doing our own thing…. Each one saying different things… Too many voices…. Conflicting analyses……
Main Problems… Lack of clarity No common definitions for: • food security, • classifying severity of food insecurity situations and related implications for action • No agreement on sources of funding, scale, planning timeframe and role • High risk of personal, government, agency, and donor biases This is well recognized and appreciated by analysts, donors, governments, implementing agencies, academics and the media
What IPC is • A set of protocolsto classify the severityof food insecurity and provide actionable knowledge for decision support • Situation analysis => How Severe-Who-How many-Where-Why ? • Meta-analysis • An approach applicable in any context • Integrated FS analytical framework • A common approach to classify food security • Technical consensus built on transparent evidence-based analysis • Increased relevance to strategic decision making and stronger linkages between information and integrated action and Whatitbrings…
The IPC consolidates wide-ranging evidence on food-insecure people to provide core answers to : • How severe is the situation? • Where are areas that are food-insecure? • How many people are food-insecure? • Who are the food-insecure people (socio-economic characteristics)? • Whyare the people food-insecure?
Four functions • Building Technical Consensus Multi sectoral experts conduct IPC analysis in a neutral, evidence-based, and consensus building manner, then obtain endorsement by key stakeholders 2. Classifying severity and causes • Complex information on severity and causes are classified into meaningful categories for decision support using tools that require rigor
Four functions 3. Communicating for actions Core aspects of situation analysis are communicated in a timely, consistent, accessible, and effective manner to all stakeholders 4. Assuring quality • Experts ensure technical rigor and neutrality of analysis by agreeing to different levels of evaluation • (self, peer, public)
IPC Analytical Framework for Area and Household Classification Draft 23 Food Security Contributing Factors • Non Food Security Specific Contributing Factors: • Disease • Water/Sanitation • Health Social Services • others…. Causal Factors • Vulnerability: (Exposure, Susceptibility, and Resilience to specific hazards events or ongoing conditions). • Livelihood Strategies (food & income sources, coping, & expenditures) • Livelihood Assets (human, financial, social, physical, & natural) • Policies, Institutions, and Processes & Food Security Outcomes (directly measured or inferred from contributing factors) 20 Outcomes Acute Events or Ongoing Conditions (natural, socio-economic, conflict, disease and others) Feedback Mortality Nutritional Status Impact Food Security Dimensions Stability (at all times) 10 Outcomes Availability Production Wild Foods Food Reserves Markets Transportation Access Physical Access Financial Access Social Access Utilization Food Preferences Food Preparation Feeding Practices Food Storage Food Safety Water Access Livelihood Change Assets & Strategies Food Consumption Quantity & Nutritional Quality Classification of Acute Phase (current or projected) and Chronic Level
Analysis worksheet Acute Reference Table
IPC achievements 2012 • Production of 2 maps / brief reports based on consensual analyses • Establishment of the Afghanistan Food Security Technical Team (AFSTT) consisting of 25 member agencies (+40 individuals) • AFSTT capacities built through dedicated training events (10 days) and workshops (15 days) and lessons learnt exercise (1 day) • Awareness raising of food security stakeholders through regular updates at FSAC national meetings and 3 presentations at regional cluster coordination meetings (FSAC, Nutrition) • IPC products well integrated to FSAC response plan
First IPC Analysis in Afghanistan • Area-based Acute food security situation Analysis • Current Situation • Validity: August – End September 2012 • Rural population • Classification was done based on evidence, assessments reports and IPC Reference Tables • Overall Confidence Level of the analysis was 1 • 16 provinces: covering all regions of Afghanistan • General Rule: 20%
Second IPC Analysis Workshop • FSAC request to AFSTT • Area-based analysis was conducted. • 16 provinces were updated from Last IPC Analysis workshop. • Additionally 10 provinces were added to the Analysis based on EFSLA. • Peer Review process was done on the coming day of workshop. • Limiting Factors of food insecurity were identified for each classification to help Response Analysis WG. • Fed into CHAP 2013 through Response Analysis WG
National IPC roll-out: financial and technical links Food Security and Agriculture Cluster Afghanistan Food Security Technical Team Afghanistan IPC Analysis Group ***Government is targeted as the ultimate custodian of the IPC process.
Plan for 2013 • Decentralization of IPC roll-out to the regions • Afghanistan IPC Analysis GROUPs • Capacity Building: Trainings & Courses • IPC Analysis Workshops • More refined products
National IPC roll-out: joining the process Afghanistan Food Security Technical Team (AFSTT) Nominate one focal point (and an alternate) Afghanistan IPC Analysis Group National Expertise Propose one national staff for inclusion in the group Participate in the validation process Provide information/evidence for the analysis Use IPC products Raise IPC awareness within your organization
Working Together in Afghanistan to Reach Technical Consensus
Thank you! for more information, visit: http://afg.humanitarianresponse.info/resources/ipc www.ipcinfo.org or write to: ipc.afg@gmail.com
Contact For more information, please contact: Fazal Rahman Malakhail fazalrahman.malakhail@fao.org 0771 298 325 Darya Khan Akbarzai daryakhan.akbarzai@fao.org 0773 810 876 IPC Secretariat members in Afghanistan The Integrated Food Security Phase Classification (IPC) is a joint initiative from: CARE, FAO, the European Joint Research Centre, FEWSNET, gFSC, Oxfam, Save the Children UK/US, and WFP. IPC is funded in Afghanistan by the European Union and hosted at the Food and Agriculture Organization, United Nations, FAO.