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SOCIAL SCIENCES COURSES 2014/2015. REQUIRED COURSES. GEOIC 20F GEOGRAPHIC ISSUES OF THE 21ST CENTURY. Grade 10 Social Sciences Requirement (1.0 credit) You will study: Geographic Literacy Natural Resources Food from the Land Industry and Trade Urban Places
GEOIC 20FGEOGRAPHIC ISSUES OF THE 21ST CENTURY Grade 10 Social Sciences Requirement (1.0 credit) • You will study: • Geographic Literacy • Natural Resources • Food from the Land • Industry and Trade • Urban Places This course focuses on contemporary issues in geography with the intention of using geographic knowledge, skills, and methods to analyze Canada and its position in the World
HIS 30FHISTORY OF CANADA Grade 11 Social Sciences Requirement (1.0 credit) • This is a survey course that examines the flow of historical events in Canada from the arrival of the first North Americans to our present time • You will study: • Aboriginal Peoples • New France • British Colonialism • Confederation • Canada’s role in the World Wars • Canada today All with a focus on questions which lead to deeper, richer understanding of the events that have shaped our modern country
AHIS 20GAMERICAN HISTORY Social Sciences OPTION (1.0 credit) This is a survey course of American History from Colonial America to the post 9/11 World from an American perspective. • You will study: • The American Revolution • American Slavery • The American Civil War • The World Wars • The Civil Rights movement • America Since 9/11 By the end of the course students should be prepared to understand American culture and politics today, as well as its influence on Canada and the World
What was the US Civil Rights Movement? Take American History 20G to find out!
Why did the US invade Iraq? Take American History 20G to find out!
ANTH/SOC 31GANTHROPOLOGY and SOCIOLOGY Social Studies OPTION (1.0 credit) • Why did humans begin to walk on two feet? • How do social forces affect your daily life? • How does your culture affect what you do, and how you see the World? • You will study: • The evolution of human beings and their ancestors • Human behavior within cultures and societies Special requirement: A willingness to develop critical thinking skills, share ideas with fellow classmates, and have an open mind.
How did this happen? Take Anthropology / Sociology 31G to find out!
Which one would you choose, and why? Take Anthropology / Sociology 31G to find out!
WHG 40SWORLD AND HUMAN GEOGRAPHY Social Sciences OPTION (1.0 credit) • You will study: • Over population • The ethics of food production • Energy • Geopolitics • and much, much more Human Geography explores how people and cultures interact with their environment!
How many people is too many people? Take World and Human Geography 40S to find out!
Why is Canada doing this to our environment? Take World and Human Geography 40S to find out!
HWC 40STHE HISTORY OF WESTERN CIVILIZATION Social Sciences OPTION (1.0 credit) How did humanity move from hunting and gathering to space travel and the proliferation of the internet? • You will study: • How human civilization began and developed over time, • The political and cultural legacy of Western Civilization • How society has arrived here, in 2014 • This course will help you: • place your life and community in a broader context, • think critically about the culture which surrounds you • Become an engaged and productive citizen of Canada and the World
Is this the origin of Human Rights? Take the History of Western Civilization 40S to find out!
What does this have in common with this? Take the History of Western Civilization 40S to find out!
GI40S, GI40GGLOBAL ISSUES Social Sciences OPTION (1.0 credit) • You will: • Acquire a greater understanding of major world issues and to analyze the impact of these issues on the lives of people living in a variety of political, economic and social systems throughout the world • Learn the principles of: • Active democratic citizenship • Ecological literacy, • Critical media literacy • Ethical decision-making Students will be empowered as agents of change for a sustainable and equitable future
How has this changed your world? Take Global Issues 40S to find out!
What are Human Rights? Why are they important? Take Global Issues 40S to find out!
PSY 40SPSYCHOLOGY Social Sciences OPTION (1.0 credit) • Psychology is the scientific study of behaviour and mental processes. By exploring the scientific methods upon which psychology is based, you can apply what you have learned to your daily life • You will study: • Research Methods • Biopsychology • Developmental Psychology • Cognitive Psychology • Variations in Individual and Group Behaviour If you are interested in taking Advanced Placement (AP) Psychology 42S in grade 12, you must take this course (PSY 40S) in grade 11
Why does this image look like it is moving? (it’s not) Take Psychology 40S to find out!
How well do you really know the back of your hand? Take Psychology 40S to find out!
PSY 42SADVANCED PLACEMENT PSYCHOLOGY Social Sciences OPTION (1.0 credit Prerequisite: Psychology 40S) AP Psychology is a university level course • You will study: • The systematic and scientific study of the behaviour and mental processes of human beings and other animals • The psychological facts, principles, and phenomena associated with each of the major subfields within psychology • The ethics and methods psychologists use in their science and practice You can receive both a high school credit, and the equivalent of a first year university credit in Psychology!
ECO 40SECONOMICS 40S Social Sciences OPTION (1.0 credit) • You will study: • The Canadian economy past, present, and future • Business cycles, inflation, unemployment and the stock market • The role of government monetary and fiscal policies • The international economy, trade, foreign investment, balance of payments, foreign exchange, transactional corporations, globalization, and third world development • New economics, environmental and social justice issues This introductory economics course is designed to familiarize students with the elements and the dynamics of the financial world
How does that work? Take Economics 40S to find out!
? Has your morning coffee been ethically sourced? Take Economics 40S to find out!
LAW 40SLAW Social Sciences OPTION (1.0 credit) • You will study: • tort law • family law • criminal law • human rights • immigration law • environmental law • business and consumer law • the penal system This is an introductory course designed to familiarize the student with Canadian law, the law-making process, and an individual’s rights and responsibilities within Canada, and the global community
Why is this man being arrested? Take Law 40S to find out