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Bones & Joints

Bones & Joints. ACCESS HE Human Biology. Introduction. Bones are connected to each other by connective tissue. Where two bones meet a joint is formed. Without joints the skeleton would not be able to move or have very limited movement.

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Bones & Joints

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  1. Bones & Joints ACCESS HE Human Biology Clare Hargreaves-Norris

  2. Introduction • Bones are connected to each other by connective tissue. • Where two bones meet a joint is formed. • Without joints the skeleton would not be able to move or have very limited movement. • Fibrous connective tissue is used for immovable joints such is the cranium. • Fibro-cartilage is used for semi-moveable joints such as the vertebrae. • The most common joints are synovial joints and these hold freely moveable joints together by a connective tissue called a ligament. Clare Hargreaves-Norris

  3. Synovial joints • Synovial joints have a fibrous capsule. • The fibrous capsule is lined with synovial membrane which secretes synovial fluid. • Synovial fluid lubricates the joint. • Articular cartilage coats the ends of the bones to protect against wear and tear by reducing friction at the joint. • Extra ligaments may surround the outside of the joint to provide extra strength. • Some joints also contain discs of cartilage to maintain stability. • However, the main support to the joints is provided by muscles. Clare Hargreaves-Norris

  4. Synovial joints. • There are several types of synovial joints. • Ball and Socket. • Hinge. • Pivot. • Saddle. • Gliding. • Condyliod. Clare Hargreaves-Norris

  5. Planes of Movement. • Flexion, (bones of joints brought towards each other) and Extension, (straightening). • Abduction, (away from the body) and Adduction (towards the body). • Rotation, (turning around), Pronation (palms upwards) and Supination (palms downwards). Clare Hargreaves-Norris

  6. Clare Hargreaves-Norris

  7. Clare Hargreaves-Norris

  8. Clare Hargreaves-Norris

  9. Clare Hargreaves-Norris

  10. Clare Hargreaves-Norris

  11. Clare Hargreaves-Norris

  12. Terminology. • Lamella: a thin layer. • Lacuna: a small cavity or depresssion. • Osteocyte: bone cell. • Concentric: circular. • Periosteum: hard outer shell of bone. • Circumferential: around the edge. • Trabecula: thin bars of bony tissue in cancellous (spongy) bone. Clare Hargreaves-Norris

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