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Håkan Fransson Prevention coordinator Tel: +46-31-976459. Love and boundaries. hakan.fransson@ockero.se. Love and boundaries Armastus ja piirid Любовь и границы. Eliminate youth drunkenness ! Võitlus noorte purjus! Искоренение пьянства молодежи!. 3. Öckerö kommun. Tio öar kümme saared
Håkan FranssonPrevention coordinatorTel: +46-31-976459 Love and boundaries hakan.fransson@ockero.se
Love and boundaries Armastus ja piirid Любовь и границы
Eliminateyouthdrunkenness!Võitlus noorte purjus!Искоренение пьянства молодежи! 3
Öckerö kommun Tio öar kümme saared десяти островов Swedish West coast Rootsi läänerannikul Западном побережье Швеции
Alcohol in Öckerö:Alkoholi Öckerö:Алкоголь в Öckerö: High alcohol consumption Kõrge alkoholitarbimine Высокий уровень потребления алкоголя especially among young people eriti noorte hulgas особенно среди молодежи
Alcohol consumption 1999 Alkoholi tarbimine 1999 Потребление алкоголя в 1999 году- Alcohol consumtion in 100% alcohol cl / year Source: CAN 16 yearsold Drogförebyggare Håkan Fransson
Whatshallwedo? Activity isn’tenough Education and information isn’tenough Instead: Education and information to parents and othergrownups The grownups must agreeaboutyouthdrinking Consensus in the community Family> Friends > School > Community > Country ÖCKERÖMETODEN (The method of Öckerö) Aktiivsus ei piisaHaridus ja teave ei ole piisavaltSelle asemel, et:Haridus ja teabe vanemad ja teised täiskasvanudTäiskasvanud peavad nõustuma umbes noorte alkoholitarbimiseKonsensus kogukonnas pere > Sõbrad > kool > kogukond > riik
If all adults in a society agree that no oneshould drink alcoholbeforethey are 18, youthdrunkennessbasicallyalready are extinct.
Kui kõik Täiskasvanute ühiskond nõus, et keegi ei tohiks tarvitada alkoholi, enne kui nad on 18, noorte purjusolek põhimõtteliselt juba on surnud.
Drugsurvey2013 Öckerö community Grade7-9 Drogförebyggare Håkan Fransson 10
Parents Who shallagree? Coaches, teachers, volunteers, headmasters, elected officials, business owners, social workers, youth workers, police officers, doctors, the postman, grandma etc.
Drug-free associations (Sports withoutalcohol) Regular periodic meetings with parents Stop youth drunkenness All grownups agree Surveysamongyouthseveryyear Media Prevention coordinator Engaged political leadership
Drug-free associations (Sports withoutalcohol) Regular periodic meetings with parents Stop youth drunkenness All grownups agree Surveysamongyouthseveryyear Media Prevention coordinator Engaged political leadership Set high goals
Why is it important that youngpeopledon’tusealcohol? Acute problems Problems in the longrun
Why is it important that youngpeopledon’tusealcohol? Acute problems Problems in the longrun Gateway to cannabis and otherillicitdrugs
Drug survey 2013 Grade 7-9 2013: n=378, b=3, 1, 0 Drogförebyggare Håkan Fransson
If all adults in a society agree that no oneshould drink alcoholbeforethey are 18, youthdrunkennessbasicallyalready are extinct.
Drug survey 2013 Alcohol consumption over the past 12 months Åk 7-9 Drogförebyggare Håkan Fransson
Håkan FranssonPrevention coordinatorTel: +46-31-976459hakan.fransson@ockero.seTwitter: @Knipplebo Love and boundaries
All parents love their children and want them all the best 1. If they understand how dangerous it is to let their children drink 2. And if they know how to prevent 3. They do so!
Om alla vuxna i en kommun kommer överens om att ingen ska dricka alkohol innan man är 18 år, är ungdomsfylleriet i princip redan utrotat.