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IYV 2001-Sri Lanka The Launch. Formation of the IYV 2001 National Steering Committee – Facilitated by UN Volunteers as advised by the ERD – External Resources Dept.
IYV 2001-Sri LankaThe Launch • Formation of the IYV 2001 National Steering Committee – Facilitated byUN Volunteers as advised by the ERD – External Resources Dept. • National Launch of IYV 2001 in Sri Lanka – Held on 9th December 2000. Declared open by the Minister of Social Services with the Resident Representative of the UN. • Meetings of NSC - Commenced in Oct 2000 Regular monthly meetings held. A word about its composition and the key players. Ministry of Social Services facilitated through regular participation.
IYV 2001 - Sri LankaGetting the word around • Slogan Competition - Conducted in the 3 languages in the country– English, Sinhala and Tamil. Awards handed out at the launch. (over 300 participated) • Monthly discussions - by Volunteer organisations – Three discussions held.. This activity replaced with IYV presentations at events and activities of other organisations, meetings and forums on invitation. • A series of presentations - On IYV 2001 Vision and Objectives to Volunteer and NGO Agencies
IYV 2001 - Sri LankaGetting the word around to the young • IYV Poster Art Contest for Children – Paper notice in 3 languages (24th June 200) (over 400 participated). • Objectives through this activity - topic of volunteerism promoted as subject material in the classroom-specially art and social studies. • Partnership building - Sponsorship obtained from UNICEF, UNDP and Seylan Bank (Pvt sector). Co-operation with Vibhavi Academy of Fine Art (VAFA) & the Lionel Wendt Art Gallery in implementation • Award ceremony - coincided with the anniversary of the Rights of the Child Convention - 20th November • A travelling exhibition - Following opening, this show will be available as a travelling exhibit for use by NGO, volunteer agencies and other interested parties to promote interest in child art, creativity and volunteerism.
IYV 2001 - Sri Lanka State/Policy Responses • National Volunteer Awards – Discussions initiated. • Divisional Volunteer Co-ordinating Committees – Draft cabinet paper prepared by the NGO Secretariat (MSS) towards set up of such committees through out the county. • Amendments to the Act - Striking a balance between regulation and facilitation - a continuing challenge. An advocacy process - building on the global experience in place. “Suggestions” towards changes called for.
IYV 2001 - Sri LankaCommunity Responses • NGO/State activities to commemorate year by – a) Girl Guides and Boy Scouts Movements b) Sarvodaya, c) Rotary Club, d) Ministry of Social Services, e) National Youth Services Council, f) National NGO Council; g) NCEF, several NGO, Volunteer and community groups show enthusiasm for the year. • School visits and presentations with Ms. Rosy Senanayake, the IYV 2001 Goodwill Ambassador, Sri Lanka. – On invitation.
IYV 2001 - Sri LankaMedia promoting UN Volunteers and IYV 2001 • In the Newspaper – A journalist visits volunteers in action – UNVs in Trincomalee and Polonnaruwa (Sunday Leader). Why IYV? IYV for working together (Sunday Observer). • IYV on TV - An Interview on Nugasewana Rupavahini Morning Show – Mr M B C De Silva, Secretary, Ministry of SS and Mr Nelumdeniya, Director, NGO Sec, interviewed in this connection. • Radio chat programme - NGO Secretariat services and significance of IYV 2001.
IYV 2001 - Sri LankaResearch and Community Impact • IYV Research - Volunteerism in Sri Lanka – To serve as Country paper for the IYV year to UN General Assembly– Mobilised on Govt request through UNDP short term consultancy facility –Consultant: IPID -Institute for Participatory Interactive Development • The Consultative workshop - the emerging interests • A National Volunteer Information Centre • Collaborative volunteer programmes between – NGO+Pvt Sect, NGO+NGO, Govt+NGO etc. – Modalities to be evolved as networking efforts take shape.
IVV 2001 - Sri Lanka Taking the message to the future • Set up of a National Volunteer Information Centre - A networking and facilitation centre for Volunteer organisations. An organisation for organisations. Already coalitions exist, but they struggling to survive. Building on IYV is an opportunity to give them a new and greater boost.
IYV 2001 _ Sri LankaYear End Plans • Seminar on Volunteerism in Sri Lanka – Sarvodaya to take up this activity to provide a boost to national and international volunteer activity in the country. • .IYV Year Closing ceremony – Was scheduled for 7th December 2001 at the NYSC auditorium, together with NYSC collaboration to conduct a NYSC/NPO Exhibition at this event. Postponed due to the elections.