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Chapter 11 Vocabulary Review

Explore the profound effects of the Industrial Revolution, including the emergence of factory systems, capitalist practices, mass production, and urbanization, as well as the dark side of famine and discrimination. Delve into the significance of interchangeable parts in revolutionizing manufacturing processes. Discover how this period shaped societal dynamics, economies, and technological advancements.

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Chapter 11 Vocabulary Review

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Chapter 11 Vocabulary Review North and South Take Different Paths

  2. Words Industrial Revolution Factory system Capitalist Mass Production Interchangeable parts Urbanization Famine Discrimination

  3. 1. Industrial Revolution Factory system Capitalist Mass Production Interchangeable parts Urbanization Famine Discrimination

  4. Industrial Revolution Factory system Capitalist Mass Production Interchangeable parts Urbanization Famine Discrimination 2.

  5. 3. Industrial Revolution Factory system Capitalist Mass Production Interchangeable parts Urbanization Famine Discrimination

  6. 4. Industrial Revolution Factory system Capitalist Mass Production Interchangeable parts Urbanization Famine Discrimination

  7. 5. Industrial Revolution Factory system Capitalist Mass Production Interchangeable parts Urbanization Famine Discrimination

  8. 6. Industrial Revolution Factory system Capitalist Mass Production Interchangeable parts Urbanization Famine Discrimination

  9. 7. Industrial Revolution Factory system Capitalist Mass Production Interchangeable parts Urbanization Famine Discrimination

  10. 8. Industrial Revolution Factory system Capitalist Mass Production Interchangeable parts Urbanization Famine Discrimination

  11. 1. Factory System

  12. 2. Urbanization

  13. 3. Famine

  14. 4. Mass Production

  15. 5. Discrimination

  16. 6. Interchangeable Parts

  17. 7. Capitalist

  18. 8. Industrial Revolution

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