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Homeland Security Funding Urban Areas Security Initiative September 13, 2006. What is Urban Area Security Initiative (UASI)?.
Homeland Security Funding Urban Areas Security Initiative September 13, 2006
What is Urban Area Security Initiative (UASI)? The Urban Areas Security Initiative (UASI) grant program provides financial assistance to address the unique planning, equipment, training, and exercise needs of high risk urban areas, and to assist them in building an enhanced and sustainable capacity to prevent, respond to, and recover from threats or acts of terrorism.
What’s the Status of Funding Received? FY 2003 I 100% Spent FY 2003 II 100% Spent FY 2004 100% Spent FY 2005 7% Spent 93% Obligated Note: These figures represent expenditures and obligations from the perspective of the grants administrator. Actual expenditures and obligations are higher, but they have not yet all been completely reported and processed.
FY 2006 UASI Project Funding Project:NCR Infrastructure Resiliency Program Funding Amount:$ 300,000 Description:The National Capital Region local jurisdictions that are involved in the critical infrastructure (CI) program require strong partnerships that are based on trust in the data and the acceptance of common terminology and process. In order to achieve this resilient CI program the principals have, committed to engage the public and private sector critical infrastructure owners and operators to develop the foundation for a prolonged CI partnership.
FY 2006 UASI Project Funding Project: WMATA Alternate Operations Control Center Funding Amount: $ 4,000,000 Description: This project addresses a single point of failure in Metro’s operations, which has been identified as the #1 security priority in federal security assessments sponsored by the Department of Homeland Security and the Federal Transit Administration. Addressing this single point of failure in a timely fashion will serve to mitigate the negative impacts resulting from a terrorist attack directed towards transit by enhancing the response, evacuation and recovery capabilities of the National Capital Region, including the continuity of federal government operations.
FY 2006 UASI Project Funding Project:Water Security Monitoring Network in NCR Funding Amount:$ 300,000 Description:This project serves to improve public safety and the ability of local jurisdictions to cooperatively respond to terrorist attacks, emergency incidents, or natural disasters by ensuring that critical water system infrastructure assets remain available to provide portable water, fire suppression capability, public sanitation, and support operation of critical facilities such as hospitals and trauma centers.
FY 2006 UASI Project Funding Project:Critical Infrastructure Monitoring & Protection Funding Amount:$ 1,500,000 Description:This project addresses a need for the National Capital Region to monitor and protect regional transportation assets (bridges and tunnels) currently vulnerable to terrorist attacks. This project serves three benefits: • Safeguarding critical infrastructure by monitoring and reducing the probability of terrorist attacks • Providing real-time traffic monitoring • Accelerating regional responses to events
FY 2006 UASI Project Funding Project:Continuation of Volunteer/Citizen Corps Project Funding Amount:$ 1,000,000 Description:Continuation of efforts for Volunteer Management across the NCR. Continuity and enhancement of Citizen Corps Council membership and Citizen Corps affiliated programs and activities in the NCR. Benefits Include: • Promoting a culture of citizen responsibility for personal emergency preparedness. • Integration and leveraging of volunteer resources in support of governments’ disaster preparedness, response and long-term recovery efforts.
FY 2006 UASI Project Funding Project:Media Bundle for Citizen Preparedness Funding Amount:$ 750,000 Description:The focus of this project is to increase the disaster preparedness of NCR and its residents. More specifically, this project will continue the NCR’s “Be Ready. Make a Plan.” Campaign, market the region’s text and alert systems, and implement a public education campaign to disseminate information before, during, and after emergencies.
FY 2006 UASI Project Funding Project:NCR Family Assistance/Reunification Center Funding Amount:$ 500,000 Description:Immediately following a terrorist attack or significant emergency/incident in the National Capitol Region, affected individuals must be notified quickly and be provided with access to information and services--all of which must be victim sensitive and easily accessible for all including those with special needs.A Family Assistance / Reunification Center is designed to assist communities by providing a centralized location for a full-range of initial disaster recovery services and resource referrals for unmet needs.
FY 2006 UASI Project Funding Project: Special Needs Bundle for Citizen Protection Funding Amount: $ 500,000 Description: This project is focused on people with disabilities and other special needs populations. The project includes the development of a special needs consortium to conduct and participate in special needs assessments and emergency planning, exercises, education and training.The consortium approach will focus on improving the involvement and disaster event outcomes of persons with disabilities and other special needs, especially with regard to evacuation and sheltering in place.
FY 2006 UASI Project Funding Project:Regional Evacuation Traffic Monitoring & Management Tools Funding Amount:$ 750,000 Description:This project builds on an existing investment for emergency evacuation in other regions of Maryland. The basic structure is in place to expand real-time traffic monitoring and modeling to the National Capital Region. This is critical to a region that needs additional tools to enhance its evacuation preparedness. The goal is to develop a system that will facilitate emergency evacuation of the Nation’s Capital
FY 2006 UASI Project Funding Project: NCR Patient Tracking System – Phase II Funding Amount: $ 300,000 Description: This project is the continuation of the NCR Medical Surge Initiative that proposed to establish an electronic application to track patients, victims, or evacuees from the point at which they first encounter an emergency response partner, until they no longer require their services.The project will incorporate lessons learned from Phase I and developstandard operating procedures in order to establish the technical specificationsfor the final implementation of the patient tracking system.
FY 2006 UASI Project Funding Project: NCR Interoperability Program Funding Amount: $ 5,500,000 Description: Interoperability Program Phase II consists of three projects • A dedicated network of local government-owned Institutional networks (I-Nets) in the jurisdictions interconnected into a fail-safe, secure, high-capacity network; • Wireless broadband to deploy comprehensive field access to emergency responders on the combined network; and • A data exchange hub to enable the exchange and sharing of applications and data within an interoperable framework.
FY 2006 UASI Project Funding Project: Regional Public Safety Communications Upgrade Funding Amount:$ 3,000,000 Description: Communication capacity and reliability are critical to the successful management and mitigation of emergency incidents in the Metrorail system. Communication for first responders in the below ground portions of the Metrorail system is provided by the Public Safety System (PSS). This project addresses the upgrade of the antennas in the Metrorail tunnels to allow for continuous radio communication for first responders.
FY 2006 UASI Project Funding Project: NCR Lin-X System – Phase II Funding Amount: $ 2,350,000 Description: Lin-x is an abbreviation for Legal Information Network Exchange. Phase I of this project connected 13 agencies to the Lin-X database. Phase II of this project will connect the remaining 62 agencies bringing the NCR total to 75 agencies.
FY 2006 UASI Project Funding Project: NCR Mass Care/Sheltering Bundle Funding Amount: $ 3,000,000 Description: Given the possibility and magnitude of potential disasters that could strike the NCR, current systems of recovery assistance being used by voluntary agencies as well as governmental agencies will be rapidly overwhelmed. To better prepare the region to handle such a wide scale emergency, this project will address: • Dramatically increasing our supply of mass care equipment • Developing detailed plans for each shelter, including identification of how to handle populations with special needs • Planning for sheltering of companion animals • Training additional shelter staff
FY 2006 UASI Project Funding Project:NCR Medical Surge Equipment Funding Amount:$ 700,000 Description:This project willimprove the medical surge capability within the NCR and will require concurrent upgrades in hospital detection, triage, decontamination, isolation, critical hospital infrastructure, medical stockpiles, citizen/staff education, security, transportation and communications. This project will enable the NCR to achieve an acute care medical surge capability that is greater than 50% of the federal requirement.
FY 2006 UASI Project Funding Project: NCR Syndromic Surveillance Network Funding Amount: $ 1,000,000 Description: The NCR Syndromic Surveillance will continue to monitor available data sources for outbreaks of unspecified disease or of specified disease before identifying symptoms are confirmed. This project’s goal is to make the system available to all NCR partners.Funding will be used to continue to operate and maintain the state-based surveillance sites, improve the sensitivity and specificity, improve ease of system use, and enhance the compatibility with traditional surveillance tools.
FY 2006 UASI Project Funding Project:NCR Exercise & Training Bundle Funding Amount:$ 1,500,000 Description:This funding will continue to support both the Training and Exercises held within the NCR. Specifically, the funding would support various priorities including Web-based Emergency Operations Center (WebEOC) Training, National Incident Management System (NIMS) Training, training on regional communication systems, and first responder training critical for emergency personnel response to disasters and regional in scope.
FY 2006 UASI Project Funding Project: Long Term Community Recovery and Mitigation Funding Amount: $ 250,000 Description: The National Response Plan (NRP) created a new Emergency Support Function (ESF), – Long Term Recovery (ESF #14). The objectives of this project are: document major recovery partners and their roles and responsibilities, document significant standards for recovery which may exist across the NCR, assess any existing recovery plans throughout region to ID gaps, issues and opportunities for integration across the plans, develop a Concept of Operations for Recovery for a multi-jurisdictional response,including terrorism, and plan an exercise or series of exercises for therecovery plans to analyze and improve the effectiveness of these plans.
FY 2006 UASI Project Funding Project:Mass Decontamination Program Funding Amount:$ 2,000,000 Description:This project will produce a regional decontamination protocol for first responders and a coordination of efforts with hospitals within the NCR. This partnership will ultimately preserve the safety and integrity of our hospitals so that they can continue with their primary mission of treatment. These protocols and partnerships will be tested through a series of regional exercises to validate the process.
FY 2006 UASI Project Funding Project: Metro Subway Security Strategic Initiative Funding Amount: $ 1,500,000 Description: The purpose for this project is for a multi year plan to enhance the NCR Fire Service’s abilities to respond effectively to an incident involving the Metrorail system. The procurement of equipment in this project will greatly expedite the mitigation of incidents in the Metrorail tunnels by enhancing the effectiveness in the control and restoration phases.These equipment purchases will subsequently reduce the impact of an attack by assisting workers in a quicker restoration of the Metrorail infrastructure.