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Smart Meter

Seattle City Light aims to improve customer experience and operational efficiency through Advanced Metering Infrastructure (AMI) implementation. Enhance outage response, offer flexible billing options, reduce costs, and engage customers in conservation efforts.

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Smart Meter

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Smart Meter

  2. Seattle City Light Vision Vision To set the standard and deliver the best customer service experience of any utility in the nation. Mission Seattle City Light is a publicly owned utility dedicated to exceeding our customers’ expectations by producing and delivering environmentally responsible, safe, low cost and reliable power. 2

  3. Quick Introduction to Opower Delivering programs to 60+ US utilities, including the largest Smart Meter deployments in the country

  4. Operating Systems vs Applications data

  5. Raw Data vs Insights

  6. Delivering Day One Smart Grid Value

  7. Evolving Customer Expectations

  8. Giving Customers the Information, Motivation, and Control to Engage • Information • Motivation • Control • Providing valuable insights into energy use • Informing, educating and motivating customers to act • Providing valuable offers based on energy use • Giving customers choices and making it easy for them to act • Providing sensible control of energy use • Making it easy to maintain and improve efficient behaviors Dynamic, Personalized Conversations with Customers

  9. Why An Advanced Metering Infrastructure? • The current electro-mechanical meters are obsolete and out of production • As meters age, we lose revenue by under-measuring usage • Meter reading at the premise has high labor costs and employee safety risks • The majority of the complaints SCL receives are billing related

  10. The Solution:Advanced Metering Infrastructure (AMI) • Replaces 408,000 aging meters with new digital meters • Adds a two-way communication system

  11. AMI Goals • Improve Customer Experience • Operate a safe and environmentally responsible metering system • Provide “Real Time” usage information • Enhance Outage Management System • Support future Smart Grid capabilities

  12. AMI Benefits • Increased customer satisfaction • Faster outage response • Flexible billing/rate options that enables our ability to support new initiatives such as electric vehicle charging • Real time information to support conservation efforts • Reduced carbon foot print • Reduced labor and operational costs

  13. AMI Implementation Plan Deployment • 2012 • Proceed with field tests on potential meters and communication systems in hard to read areas • Develop RFP for system implementation • Evaluate Meter Data Management Options • Develop Customer Education Plan • 2013 • Initiate pilot project with preferred meter and communications network • Develop Implementation Plan including integration with other SCL systems (i.e. Outage Management, Customer Billing System) • 2014-16 • Complete system implementation

  14. AMI Options

  15. AMI Project Update • Refining AMI business case • Revising current costs as pricing and technology change • Developing AMI System Implementation Plan • Proceeding with field tests on potential meters and communication systems • Monitoring “lessons learned” from other utilities’ AMI deployments to avoid mistakes and pitfalls • Develop Customer Education / Communication Plan • Web portal • Community meetings • Customer engagement

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