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Progress report on WG C May-October 2007 Philippe Quevauviller, Johannes Grath

This progress report provides an update on the activities and accomplishments of WG C from May to October 2007. It includes information on water scarcity, risk assessment, conceptual modeling, and guidance documents.

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Progress report on WG C May-October 2007 Philippe Quevauviller, Johannes Grath

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  1. Progress report on WG C May-October 2007 Philippe Quevauviller, Johannes Grath European Commission - DG Environment Unit D.2: Water and Marine

  2. Working Group C Progress Report& Planning 2007 STRATEGIC CO-ORDINATION GROUP PLENARY WG C CHAIR: COM CO-CHAIR: AT WFD & Agriculture Expert group Water scarcity Expert group Programme of Measures Compliance & Trends Risk Assessment • TV methodology • ‘Status & trend’ guidance • Conceptual modelling, GIS • Quantitative status management, • ‘Prevent/limit’ guidance • ‘Protected areas’ guidance • Exchanges on point & diffuse sources • Most recent milestone: Lisbon plenary WG meeting on 21 September 2007: • Drinking Water Protected Areas Guidance – endorsed by WD 18 June 2007 • GW ‘Prevent/Limit’ guidance, clarifying GWD Article 6 requirements – endorsed by WD 18 june 2007 • Advanced draft of TV methodology + of Status compliance regime – interim version • Corner stones for Trends guidance • Discussion of WP WGC-3: Work programme and list of contents • Next plenary meeting: Ljubljana on 22 April 2008

  3. WG C meeting in Lisbon 21st Sept. 07 Elaboration of an interim version for the guidance document „Threshold values and chemical status assessment“ Supporting MS activities in the near future for TVs and RBMP preparation To be updated, amended according to the feedback of MS in spring 2008 Complemented by case studies, illustrating the procedure At a later stage (spring 08): Inclusion of trend and trend reversal assessment Inclusion of GW quantity status assessment Endorsement by SCG and WD in 2008 Threshold values and chemical status assessment

  4. 7 comments to merged draft guidance Hinsby (Bridge) – positive response; Skriver (DK) positive response; “comprehensive yet clear and versatile guidance document”; no material comment. Chilton (UN-ECE) positive response; 1 editorial comment; Prchalova (CZ) positive response; few comments Drielsma (Euromines) thanks for already considering most comments; Bund für Umwelt und Naturschutz Deutschland – major comments on introducing GW ecosystems NL welcomed new merged doc (good job).Many comments included, but considerable divergencies on compliance regime (need of TVs for all or only relevant receptors – see status box) Threshold values and chemical status assessment

  5. Methodology for derivation of GW Threshold values, considering Various receptors (environmental and usage criteria) Establishing of TVs at National scale OR river basin district OR GW-body Chemical status compliance regime taking regard of both WFD and GWD provisions Reporting of threshold values and results Corner Stones of the interim version

  6. Chemical Status Assessment GWB at risk for chemical status ? yes no Establish threshold values (TV) for: - each parameter and - each receptor at risk ENVIRONMENTAL CRITERIA • Saline or other intrusion • Surface waters • GWDTE USAGE CRITERIA • Drinking water supply • Others legitimate uses (crops, industry…) Any exceedance of the most stringent TV? yes no Appropriate investigation 5 potential tests Not OK OK GWB is not of good status GWB is of good status

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