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489 我常居住天愛中 IN HEAVENLY LOVE ABIDING. 我常居住天愛中, 不怕改變一點 ; In heav'nly love abiding, No change my heart shall fear; 如此把握不落空, 在此沒有改變。 And safe is such confiding, For nothing changes here. 也許狂風四面起, 也許無多希望 ; The storm may roar without me; My heart may low be laid; 但神四面來護庇, 我怎能夠徬 徨 ?

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  1. 489 我常居住天愛中 IN HEAVENLY LOVE ABIDING 我常居住天愛中, 不怕改變一點; In heav'nly love abiding, No change my heart shall fear; 如此把握不落空, 在此沒有改變。 And safe is such confiding, For nothing changes here. Silicon Valley Christian Assembly

  2. 也許狂風四面起, 也許無多希望; The storm may roar without me; My heart may low be laid; 但神四面來護庇, 我怎能夠徬徨? But God is round about me; And can I be dismayed? Silicon Valley Christian Assembly

  3. (二) 窮困難迫我回頭, 任主領我何方; Wherever He may guide me, No want shall turn me back; 我不至有何不夠, 我的牧人在旁。 My Shepherd is beside me, And nothing can I lack; Silicon Valley Christian Assembly

  4. 祂的慧心常清醒, 祂的明眼不昧; His wisdom ever waketh, His sight is never dim; 祂知祂行的路徑, 我要始終跟隨。 He knows the way He taketh, And I will walk with Him. Silicon Valley Christian Assembly

  5. (三) 青草地場尚在前, 是我從所未見; Green pastures are before me, Which yet I have not seen; 再過就是晴朗天, 今雖稠雲綿綿。 Bright skies will soon be o'er me, where the dark clouds have been. Silicon Valley Christian Assembly

  6. 我的希望真久長, 我的途徑光明; My hope I cannot measure, My path of live is free; 救主掌握我寶藏, 祂要和我同行。 My Savior has my treasure, And He will walk with me. Silicon Valley Christian Assembly

  7. (四) 或許明朝天未曉,我靈不及等待, 就脫肉體全不要,主,就與袮同在。 安息!睡眠!何寶貴, 有袮保護照顧, 或許袮忽榮耀歸,召我座前相唔! Silicon Valley Christian Assembly

  8. (五) 那時看見袮自己,被眾選民擁擠; 又是榮耀,又美麗,又是歌唱無已。 奇妙應許的日期,我們能夠同袮, 永遠享受神安息,永遠喜樂滿意。 Silicon Valley Christian Assembly

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