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Mid term review : unsatisfactory project

Mid term review : unsatisfactory project. direct recommendations i – ix revision of deliverables period 1 & 2 ,within 3 months reduce scope: (a) users, (b) themes, (c) Russian version, (d) field; SIA/IA more active approach: websites, dissemination, cooperation with other projects.

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Mid term review : unsatisfactory project

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  1. Mid term review : unsatisfactory project • direct recommendations i – ix • revision of deliverables period 1 & 2 ,within 3 months • reduce scope: (a) users, (b) themes, (c) Russian version, (d) field; SIA/IA • more active approach: websites, dissemination, cooperation with other projects Project e-LUP, second review, Brussels 17.11.2008

  2. Reduced scope • Environmental, land use and social impacts, as in original DoW – 12 chapters • Focus on the primary user, EC officer, maybe sectoral issues • Russian version can be reduced variant • SIA retained Project e-LUP, second review, Brussels 17.11.2008

  3. (i) A revised DOW • done, contains points i-vi and viii • contains revised budget distribution identical to latest CPF • has more graphs on methodology, but should be looked over for consistency and: is the main idea/potential communicated? Project e-LUP, second review, Brussels 17.11.2008

  4. (ii) internal communication and management plan • project management group • panels for methodology and e-textbook • end-of-month meetings • collaborative spaces • chapter teams contribute to website and survey other projects Project e-LUP, second review, Brussels 17.11.2008

  5. (iii) strenghtened advisory board • Carys Jones, Peter Groffman and Jorma Enkenberg as old members • new: Phoebe Koundouri (economist), Michael Chernet (JRC), EC staff?? • Advisory board actions in 2009 - when the revised draft chapters are uploaded early 2009, - attending Workshop 4 :‘editing the e-textbook’ preliminarily set for March 2009 in Brussels, group meeting and statement - in summer 2009 when the chapters are finalized and submitted for testing (see WP6) and then submitted for an external peer-review. According to their own decisions as to dividing the work, the advisory board will report to the project coordinator giving recommendations on the quality and orientation of the e-tool. Project e-LUP, second review, Brussels 17.11.2008

  6. (iv) engaging stakeholders • through the e-LUP work process of contacting EC for information, material, opinions etc. • a stakeholder session at the extra Workshop in Brussels, March 2009 • training sessions as part of WP6 (months 42-44) • possibly, a launching event of the finalized tool • requisite: “profiling” of primary stakeholders • Cooperation with other projects who have done interviews etc. Project e-LUP, second review, Brussels 17.11.2008

  7. Project e-LUP, second review, Brussels 17.11.2008

  8. (vi) external & internal review • INTERNAL: Each chapter editor/coeditors from the project should evaluate at least the chapter assigned to her/him by a random ordering (DoW, p. ). A detailed critique statement structured through a short standard form is required from each reviewer. • EXTERNAL:A comprehensive external peer review will be implemented. Engaging seven expert reviewers is planned. • ALSO: Inviting contributions from other projects will give feedback on contents, ‘the chapter pages’ on the project website will stimulate internal feedback on contents. Project e-LUP, second review, Brussels 17.11.2008

  9. (vii) Survey of related projects • a new WP2 report exists, the 1st version • about 50 pages, describes other projects and their relevance for e-LUP • but, a 2nd version is needed – a closer analysis of the related projects will be of great help in (a) tailoring the new e-LUP methodology, (b) selecting projects to be contacted, (c) conclusions on state of the art in SIA tools for our Chapter 3 ’Tools’. Project e-LUP, second review, Brussels 17.11.2008

  10. (vii) Survey of related projects • The survey has the following aims: • review the EC rationale and perceived needs behind the calls issued in framework programmes for a batch of projects focused on SIA and SD. • review recent projects focused on integrative tools for land use related modelling, and impact assessment. • review recent projects on global change, environmental impacts and ecosystems. • review recent IA tools & concepts oriented projects, including institutional and economic sustainability scenarios. • also explore other topics, not obviously connected to SIA or SD. • short list projects relevant at chapter level (of the e-LUP textbook). Project e-LUP, second review, Brussels 17.11.2008

  11. (viii) time chart / workplan Project e-LUP, second review, Brussels 17.11.2008

  12. (ix) updated Period 2+ reports later today... Project e-LUP, second review, Brussels 17.11.2008

  13. WP 6 Testing • testing in 5 jurisdictions, originally 3 • planning of questionnaires • external review and compilation of results Project e-LUP, second review, Brussels 17.11.2008

  14. Website energized • updated • upsized • open and more engaging? Project e-LUP, second review, Brussels 17.11.2008

  15. Updated pages, new pages materials downloadable outreach A new forum – run by chapter teams Better formulations

  16. Revised WP2 report, outline • main focus is on training and decision support, encompassing four main elements: (1) treatment of issues, (2) of policies, (3) of tools and finally (4) assessment support. • focus on e-learning, the added-value of which should be explored maximally (interactivity, multimedia). • a rigorous analytical framework, DPSIR-framework, SENSOR benchmark? Project e-LUP, second review, Brussels 17.11.2008

  17. Revised WP3 report outline Meaningful integration of cases studies into the matrix should be guided by the Methodology The hierarchical chain ‘textbook – cases – models’ should be observed, but both cases and models also have stand-alone status e.g. on the e-tool side. Project e-LUP, second review, Brussels 17.11.2008

  18. Conclusions • we think we have valuable case studies • we think the model visualisations will be useful • we know that the challenge is the QUALITY of the e-textbook/e-tool Project e-LUP, second review, Brussels 17.11.2008

  19. Project e-LUP, second review, Brussels 17.11.2008

  20. Thank you! Thank you! intense learning process

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