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JCI and the United Nations. Alan MacKinnon JCI UN Affairs Commissioner – Asia & the Pacific. JCI & the United Nations. Relationship dates back to 1954 JCI badge & logo
JCI and the United Nations Alan MacKinnon JCI UN Affairs Commissioner – Asia & the Pacific
JCI & the United Nations • Relationship dates back to 1954 • JCI badge & logo • ECOSOC, the UN Economic and Social Council, is the main entry point into the UN system for NGOs (and the only main UN body with a formal framework for NGO participation. • JCI holds General Consultative status (the highest) – one of only 148 in the world. • JCI also has formal relations with the UN Foundation, UN Global Compact,UNESCO, UNICEF
JCI & the United Nations United Nations Millennium Development Goals (MDGs):
Beyond 2015, Beyond the UN MDGs • UN MDGs end in 2015 • Have your say on what your world should look like • www.myworld2015.org/?partners=jci • See how others have voted
JCI & the United Nations • MDG 6 – JCI partners with the UN Foundation for UN Nothing But Nets
JCI Nothing But Nets • Send a Net, Save a Life! • Donate at: www.crowdrise.com/jcinothingbutnets • JCI & the United Nations Foundation
JCI & the Untied Nations • JCI is a civil society participant with the UN Global Compact
JCI & the United Nations • UN Global Compact: • Human Rights • Principle 1: Businesses should support and respect the protection of internationally proclaimed human rights; and • Principle 2: make sure that they are not complicit in human rights abuses. • Labour • Principle 3: Businesses should uphold the freedom of association and the effective recognition of the right to collective bargaining; • Principle 4: the elimination of all forms of forced and compulsory labour; • Principle 5: the effective abolition of child labour; and
JCI & the United Nations • UN Global Compact: • Principle 6: the elimination of discrimination in respect of employment and occupation. Environment • Principle 7: Businesses should support a precautionary approach to environmental challenges; • Principle 8: undertake initiatives to promote greater environmental responsibility; and • Principle 9: encourage the development and diffusion of environmentally friendly technologies. • Anti-Corruption • Principle 10: Businesses should work against corruption in all its forms, including extortion and bribery.
JCI Plan of Action 2013 2013 Goals of JCI: The organization has three goals in 2013: • To be recognized as a solution provider to the greatest global challenges of our time as defined by the eight(8) United Nations Millennium Development Goals (UN MDGs). • To empower members to respond to the needs of the world and consequently create a bigger impact • To improve the quality of service to JCI members around the world In 2013, JCI will focus on Individual Social Responsibility (ISR), inspired by the Japanese spirit of Omoiyari, to take action by creating positive change.
Action steps within the 2013 JCI PoA related to the UN MDGs • Enhance collaboration with key partners while continuing to pursue commitments to advance the UN Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) • Continue the commitment to fund the purchase and distribution of one million insecticide-treated mosquito nets by 2015 (UN MDG 6) in collaboration with the UN Foundation during major events. The goal for 2013 will be USD$600,000. • Continue to promote the principles of the UN Global Compact ensuring the sign up of small and medium size enterprises. (UN MDG 8) • Seek the establishment of a partnership with a UN or other international agency to promote gender equality and maternal health (UN MDGS 3 and 5) • Coordinate a competent delegation to present a position paper representing the voice of young people to the G20 meeting in Russia. (UN MDG 8) • Implement the resolutions of the 2012 JCI Global Partnership Summit. Responsible parties: JCI Officers, National Officers, JCI Members, JCI World Headquarters Staff.
Action steps (cont’d) • Promote awareness and encourage local organizations to take action or activities related to the UN MDGs on JCI Active Citizen Day, December 11, 2013. • Continue to enhance the organization of the JCI Global Partnership Summit to engage existing partners and attract new partners. • Spread Omoiyari Spirit with training and encouraging Individual Social Responsibility Projects through the lens of the Active Citizen Framework and the UN MDGs. • Create an online platform that will monitor and track ongoing and completed member projects related to the UN MDGs around the world. • Facilitate & support the JCI Active Citizen Framework • Plan and organize the 2013 JCI Global Partnership Summit. Responsible parties: JCI Officers, National Officers, JCI Members, JCI World Headquarters Staff.
JCI Active Citizen Framework • A roadmap to finding sustainable solutions to challenges facing communities around the world • Step-by-step guide to taking action to create positive change • Available online at www.jci.cc/acf/
JCI & the United Nations • How do I learn more? • How does JCI partner with others (MDG 8) • NYC, July 24 – 26, 2013
JCI Global Partnership Summit • Register at www.jci.cc/summit/ • Meet JCI members from around the world • Hear from experts • NYC, July 24 – 26, 2013
“As young leaders, you hold the key to solving some of the most oppressing challenges of our times.”