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The Tortilla Eucharist: A theological interpretation of food sovereignty

The Tortilla Eucharist: A theological interpretation of food sovereignty. Lutero, Tishreden: “Uno no debe usar algo diferente al vino, omítase todo el sacramento a fin de que no se introduzca ninguna innovación.”. Última Cena. Marcos Zapata (XVIII) Catedral de Cuzco.

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The Tortilla Eucharist: A theological interpretation of food sovereignty

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Presentation Transcript

  1. The Tortilla Eucharist: A theological interpretation of food sovereignty

  2. Lutero, Tishreden:“Uno no debe usar algo diferente al vino, omítase todo el sacramento a fin de que no se introduzca ninguna innovación.”

  3. Última Cena. Marcos Zapata (XVIII) Catedral de Cuzco

  4. 6-7 años comiendo3 años des-comiendo4-5 días sin beber agua 2-3 semanas sin comer

  5. Genesis 47

  6. Exodus 16.18 manna communism

  7. Revelation 6.5-6Third Rider: Famine

  8. La pareja de Emaús

  9. Feed the hungry:the absolute criterion of the Last Judgement. Matthew 25.31-46

  10. 5.7 “Dichosos los misericordiosos porque ellos recibirán misericordia”.

  11. “eres un glotón y borracho”

  12. “lord”the keeperof theloaf

  13. Withwhom What How When Where

  14. The Tortured ChristGuido Rochahunger as a theological dogma

  15. El Cristo Apache

  16. “You, give them something to eat”Mark 6.1-15 • The feeding of the crowd

  17. Piscis assus, Cristus estpassusCuando se frie el pescado Cristo se sacrifica

  18. La Última Cena, Salvador Dalí 1955

  19. Primumvivere, deindephilosophari • Primumestedere, deindephilosophari • Erstkommt das Fressen, dann die Moral

  20. Dis-encounter of three kitchens. • Shifting their agriculture economy into a gold-oriented economy. • Shifting small farms agriculture for a one crop agriculture: sugar cane, cotton, coffee, banana

  21. Capitalist System

  22. “Capitalism is the more perfect digestive system known in history, it digest everything that crosses its path” Tomas Maldonado

  23. Thomas Robert MalthusEnsayo sobre el principio de la población 1798

  24. Otto von Bismark(1815-98)“German rye bread” to avoid dependence on wheat from rival nations.

  25. “Do you want to improve people? Then, instead of preaching against sin, give them better food.” Ludwig Feuerbach (1804-72)

  26. From a totally different perspective, I’m more interested in a more pressing issue than any theologian subtleties, the problem around which depends the salvation of humankind: the problem of food

  27. Nazi organized hunger:“a lower race needs less room, less clothing, less food.”

  28. “There is today one state in which at least weak beginnings toward a better conception of immigration are noticeable.” • Porfirio Díaz • (Mexicandictatorfrom 1870-1910)

  29. Of course, it is not our model German Republic, but the United States.” • Adolf Hitler, MeinKampf

  30. The • Amnesia Wall “The South also exists” • Mario Benedetti

  31. El vino, de plátano; y si sale agrio, ¡es nuestro vino! • José Martí

  32. El Velorio (1893) Fco. ManuelOller Cestero

  33. “Porto Ricans are beyond doubt the dirtiest, laziest, most degenerate and thievish race of men ever inhabiting this sphere. What the island needs is not public health work but a tidal wave or somenting to totally externinate the population.

  34. I have done my best to further the process of extermination by killing off 8...”Cornelius Rhoads, 1931.

  35. “Poor Mexico, too far from God, and too close to USA.” • Porfirio Díaz • (Mexican dictator from 1870-1910)

  36. “. . . we must march from ocean to ocean, We must march from Texas straight to the Pacific ocean. . .It is the destiny of the white race, it is the destiny of the Anglo-Saxon race.” • (The “Congretional Globe” February 11, 1847)

  37. “the universal Yankee Nation can regenerate and disenthrall the people of Mexico in a few years; and we believe it is a part of our destiny to civilize that beautiful country.” • (“The New York Herald”)

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