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Fertility Care & Theology of the Body. Legion of Mary Youth Conference Corpus Christi Sunday 10th June 2007. This is your Body!. The Gift of Life!. Catholic Vision of Life. "Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, before you were born I set you apart"... Jeremiah 1:5.
FertilityCare &Theology of the Body Legion of Mary Youth Conference Corpus Christi Sunday 10th June 2007
This is your Body! The Gift of Life!
Catholic Vision of Life "Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, before you were born I set you apart"... Jeremiah 1:5
“I have loved you with an everlasting love"... Jeremiah 31:3 “You are precious in my eyes.”Isaiah 43:1-7:
Catholic Vision of Life “You were a twinkle in God’s eye…” “We prayed to God and he sent YOU to us”
Catholic Vision of Life “You are God’s gift to us” “You are an answer to our prayer”
Catholic Vision of Life Scripture Sacred tradition Encyclicals - Humanae Vitae - Donum Vitae - Evangelium Vitae - Theology of the Body
Catholic Vision of Life The Teachings continue to • Deepen and enrich our understanding of God’s “invitation” to participate more completely in the life of the Holy Trinity……through marriage!!
Catholic Vision of Life A Catholic Husband and wife are called to be a living sign of God’s Love in the world….
Be Subject to one another out of reverence for Christ “Wives, be subject to your husbands, as to the Lord."Ephesians 5:22 “Husbands, love your wives, as Christ loved the church, and gave himself for her” Ephesians 5:25
The Spiritual Battle “Gird your loins with the Truth” Ephesians 6
Son Holy Spirit Father
The love between Husband and Wife …becomes so real that 9 months later you have to give Him/Her a name!!
The love between Husband and Wife So your family…in all it’s frailty… is called to reflect the Holy Trinity to the World
Psalm 8 Vs. 6-7 “You have made man little less than a God; With glory and honour you crowned him, Gave him power over the works of your hand, Put all things under his feet”
Spiderman 1 and 2 “With great power, comes great responsibility!”
Catholic Vision of Life When married couples make love….God is intimately present, because God is Love. The pleasure of orgasm was designed by God and is a foretaste of heaven!
Catholic Vision of Life "God created us that we might know him, love him, and serve him that we might be happy with him in heaven for all eternity." Basic Catechism
Natural Family Planning • Because I love you • I want what is best for you • I want you to grow in the life of the trinity now and for eternity
Sacrament of Matrimony • Forever - For the rest of your life • Faithful - exclusive • Fruitful - children
Family Planning Natural Family planning only • No exceptions • No contraception • No condoms • No Sterilisation
Natural Family Planning This is not the small print for Super-Catholics who fast twice a week and recite daily rosaries. This is a minimum requirement for all Catholic couples.
Creighton Model FertilityCare System • A Standardised Modification of the Billings Ovulation Method • A medical model of Natural Family Planning
Affordable Acceptable to users Convenient to use Reversible Free of side effects Safe and Reliable Protect against STD’s The Ideal Contraceptive Research Reports NICHD. Nov. 1992
Creighton Model FertilityCare System • Much more than just family planning…. • Builds couples Relationship • Predictor of Fertility Potential and miscarriage risk • Tool for medical evaluation of gynaecologic health • PCOS • PMS • Infertility • Miscarriage
Couples can be: Sexually active but Genitally inactive (CEREBROCENTRIC) OR Genitally active but Sexually inactive (GENITOCENTRIC)
FertilityCarePromotes respect for your fertility, which is seen as a normal part of being healthy and not some disease process which needs to be controlled or treated with medications.
FertilityCareWhen couples respect their fertility, and understand the possibility of pregnancy, they are more accepting and open to the possibility of supporting this new life.
Creighton Model FertilityCare System • Much more than just family planning…. • Builds couples Relationship • Predictor of Fertility Potential and miscarriage risk • Tool for medical evaluation of gynaecologic health • PCOS • PMS • Infertility • Miscarriage