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Summer PD Update

Summer PD Update. Community Conversation Getting Started with Schoology Summer Sessions. Community Conversation. Over 750 teachers so far Remaining teachers and administrators on 8/16 at Henley Middle School Facilitated by teachers and administrators with CRT Certification

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Summer PD Update

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Summer PD Update Community Conversation Getting Started with Schoology Summer Sessions

  2. Community Conversation • Over 750 teachers so far • Remaining teachers and administrators on 8/16 at Henley Middle School • Facilitated by teachers and administrators with CRT Certification • Provides common experience with a focus on historic and present barriers to equity as well as steps educators can take in our classrooms and schools

  3. Sample Exit Ticket Responses: Which concepts were most interesting to you from today's conversation? “Historical implications for today and current practices” “How my identity and values affect my teaching; what parts of the system perpetuate inequities.” “I really appreciated taking a look at the video describing the first African Americans integrated into school. I think the conversation that stemmed from that was very powerful.” “County data on equity gaps” “Defining my identity/core values and how it informs my practice”

  4. Sample Responses “What specific action do you plan to take to benefit all students in 2019-2020?” “Identifying areas of inequity in classroom” “Create learning partnerships with all students.” “Be more aware of the way that I might be inequitable in my teaching.” “Spending more time "individuating" and getting to know students and families/developing relationship.” “After this conversation and my session about home visits, I hope to be able to visit my students’ homes to learn more about the families that I serve”

  5. Additional Sessions Related to SEL and CRT • How to Recognize and Overcome Your Biases • Understanding and Supporting Mental Health as Educators • Performing Equity Audits on Your Classroom Data • Calling Families. What Do I Say and How? • Partnerships with Diverse Families • The Safe Brain Classroom • Academic Language for ALL by the ESOL Dept

  6. Getting Started with Schoology: Key Elements All Secondary Teachers Clear Expectations for Year One Implementation Central Support and School-Based Teams Supporting Consistent Use for Best Student Centered Experience

  7. Additional Summer Programming New this Summer • Grading Practices Institute (60) • Co-Teaching in Modernized Science Labs (20) • Inquiry Design Model in Social Studies (40) • Math Recovery Assessment Training (20) Annual Events • CAI (180) • Responsive Classroom (69) • Developmental Designs (52) • Teacher Leadership Academy (28) • Albemarle County Writing Collaborative (14) • Teacher Summer Reading Program (~50)

  8. Next Steps Community Conversations - • Continuing the dialogue at each school (Preservice week and beyond) • Speakers/sessions at Making Connections to further support equity, SEL and CRT • Strategic planning with Equity Specialists team for yearlong implementation at school sites. Schoology - • On-going training and support throughout the year - Division and site-based.

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