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Assistive Technology in Leicester

Assistive Technology in Leicester. Leicester City Council. We as a local authority operate an assistive technology service across all service areas including learning disabilities, older people, adults and mental health The assistive technology service has been in operation since May 2007

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Assistive Technology in Leicester

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  1. Assistive Technology in Leicester

  2. Leicester City Council • We as a local authority operate an assistive technology service across all service areas including learning disabilities, older people, adults and mental health • The assistive technology service has been in operation since May 2007 • It utilises both ‘stand alone’ and telecare items of technology • Founding principles • ‘Two individuals presenting with the same problem may require different solutions depending on their individual circumstances’ • Technology is a tool, just another component of care • No limit to number of solutions available • We have around 700 service users at present

  3. What is assistive technology? • The Kings Fund gave their definition in a consultation paper March 2001, as “assistive technology (A.T.) is any product or service designed to enable independence for people with disabilities and those who are older”. • Assistive technology has become an umbrella term for various technologies. • Basic groups, telecare, telehealth, stand alone, • Community alarm or web based

  4. What has accelerated the use of assistive technology in social care? Changes experienced in recent years. • Demographic changes • Societies ability to treat illness resulting in greater life-expectancy • Higher expectations in regard to quality of care • Greater mobility within families • Increases in people living alone and outside families • Recognition of changing attitudes • Advances in technology

  5. Impact of Changes • Recognition that the traditional care services are expensive, offer limited options and create dependence • Redesign of services was required • Realisation of technology advances Other influencing factors for use of technology • A series of government initiatives including, the Green Paper Independence, Well-being and Choice (2005) and the resulting White Paper, Our Health, Our Care, Our Say (2006) • The Preventative Technology Grant (2006-08)

  6. But why use assistive technology? • Using technology is not new • First electronic ‘enabler’ was used in 1957 • Developed into community alarm system • How do we know it works? • Early adopters were West Lothian and Northamptonshire • Both produced convincing evidence of both economic and quality of life benefits

  7. A.T. Example A.T. solution Gas detector and shut off valve Can be linked to control centre

  8. Technology and Prevention • Manage risk • Helps to maintain independence • Enable individuals to remain in their own home • Reduce the need for hospital admissions • Alleviate stress for both the individual and carers/families

  9. Implementation in Leicester • The assistive technology service has been in operation since May 2007 • It utilises both ‘stand alone’ and telecare items of technology • Founding principles • ‘Two individuals presenting with the same problem may require different solutions depending on their individual circumstances’ • Technology is a tool, just another component of care • No limit to number of solutions available

  10. Partner Agencies • LeicesterCare (installation, monitoring and location service) • LHA Service 24 (installation and monitoring) • Asra (installation and monitoring) • Anchorcall (installation and monitoring) • Hanover Housing (monitoring) • Leicester C.C. Handyman Service (installation) • Leicester C.C. Housing maintenance team (installation) • Paul Brant Heating and Plumbing (installation) • Leicester C.C. 24 hour response team (response) • Two Technology Support Workers (support and advice) • Leicester City Primary Care Trust

  11. Method of Delivery • Identification of need is via usual Community Care assessment • These assessments are carried out by frontline staff e.g. social workers, community care officers, care managers • Support for the frontline staff is available from Technology Support Workers • Orders are placed electronically direct to installers/suppliers

  12. Where is it used in Leicester? • The Assistive technology service works mainly within social care at present, the beneficiaries so far have been those in receipt of care packages • The service areas using technology include older people, mental health, physical and sensory impairment and learning disabilities • The STAR (supporting tenants and residents) in housing are also using technology to great effect in enabling individuals to maintain tenancies

  13. Extending the use of technology • Ensure technology is embedded as an enabler in all service areas in housing and social care • Spread awareness throughout the community • Encourage all preventative services making use of technology where applicable • Making technology readily available • Encourage retailers to stock the most popular lines

  14. Health Warning! • Assistive technology is not always the answer • We should not be afraid to admit this • There is no one size fits all • The same problem may require different solutions depending on the individual • Assistive technology should enable not control

  15. Further Information • Web site addresses • www.insite.council.leicester.gov.uk • www.ldicn.org.uk • Technology Lead • Barbara Archer 0116 252 6943 • Technology Support Workers Elaine Cook 0116 2943208 Wendy Jelley 0116 221542 Retail Outlets • Learning and Information Library, Bishop St. • Central Lending Library, Belvoir St.

  16. Thank You and Questions

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