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U NIVERSITY OF M INNESOTA D ULUTH Emergency Preparedness & Response Training Prepared by: Mahjoub Labyad, MIS Public Health Specialist Environmental Health & Safety Office 218-726-7273. Training Objectives.
UNIVERSITYOFMINNESOTADULUTHEmergency Preparedness & Response TrainingPrepared by: Mahjoub Labyad, MISPublic Health SpecialistEnvironmental Health & Safety Office218-726-7273 Fall 2009
Training Objectives • Save life and property, prevent injuries and lessen the impact of the crisis or disaster. • Improve employee preparedness & response, and ensure proper response procedures are in place. • Familiarize staff with possible emergency scenarios and appropriate response • Familiarize staff with emergency response plans and equipment, and provide hands-on training. • Fulfill state and federal training requirements for emergency preparedness & response planning. Fall 2009
Campus General Emergency Planning Goal • Preserve life, protect property, and ensure academic and business operational continuity. • Establish the roles and responsibilities for responding to major incidents. • Establish the importance of the Incident Command System and its function. • Establish a working knowledge of the National Incident Management System (NIMS) and how it affect the University incident command http://www.dem.umn.edu/training.html Fall 2009
What Constitutes anEmergency or a disaster? • An emergency, or a disaster is an extraordinary event that disrupts the normal lives of people or normal operations of a business. Because of its nature, there is an urgent requirement for immediate and coordinated response by trained personnel who must function together in a team effort. Fall 2009
Types of Emergencies • Biological (bacterial, viral, toxin spills, exposure, leaks, theft, flu-pandemic etc..) • Chemical (accidental spill, exposure, leaks, thefts..) • Fire/explosion (housekeeping, electrical or chemical-related) • Medical/Personal Injuries (work, or Health-related...) • Radiation (isotope spills, exposure, material leaks, theft..) • Threats (bombs, weapons use) • Weather (tornadoes, power outages, flooding) Fall 2009
Campus Emergency Preparedness The University of Minnesota Duluth (UMD) has in place a number of guidelines for students, faculty, and staff to follow in order to minimize the impact of emergencies. It is everyone’s responsibility to become familiar with the established guidelines and procedures, and know what to do before, during and after any emergency. Fall 2009
Campus EmergencyPreparedness Plans & Policies • Emergency Operation Planhttp://www.dem.umn.edu/planprepareprevent.html • Annex R: Pandemic Influenza Responsehttp://www.d.umn.edu/ emergency/flu/Annex_R_UMD_Pan_Flu.pdf • Contingency Plan for Hazardous Waste Generatorshttp://www.d.umn.edu/ehso/UMD_Contingency_Plan/ • Regents of The University of Minnesota Policy on “Establishing the National Incident Management System” at the Universityhttp://policy.umn.edu/Policies/Operations/Safety/NIMS.html Fall 2009
Quick Overview of the Regent Policy On NIMS • Homeland Security Presidential Directive 5 (HSPD-5) requires Federal agencies to adopt a new National Incident Management System (NIMS) for response to domestic incidents • Provides a flexible framework that facilitates government and private entities at all levels working together • Provides a set of standardized organizational structures applicable across jurisdictions and functions • NIMS is based on established concepts, including the Incident Command System NIMS Training: http://www.dem.umn.edu/training.html Fall 2009
Campus Emergency Guidelines & Procedures • UMD Emergency Preparedness (http://www.d.umn.edu/emergency/) • Emergency Information Desk Reference (http://www.d.umn.edu/ehso/emergencies) • Building Emergency Evacuation Plan (BEEP) (http://www.d.umn.edu/ehso/beep) • Automatic External Defibrillators (AED) Program (http://www.d.umn.edu/ehso/AED/) • Department Of Emergency Management (http://www.dem.umn.edu/) Fall 2009
Individual Preparedness Be prepared! Have a plan and know what to do before, duringandafter an emergency. Fall 2009
Before an emergency • Become familiar with the UMD Emergency Procedures Booklet. <http://www.d.umn.edu/ehso/emergencies> • Know your building’s floor plan and become familiar with all building Emergency Exits Routes, • Become familiar with your Building Emergency Evacuation (BEEP) Plan, and know your assembly point area. • Know the location of emergency response equipment (Automatic External Defibrillator , Fire Extinguishers, Fire Alarm Pull Station, Safety Shower/eyewash). • Keep your Tone Alert Radio (TAR) in a working order if you have one Fall 2009
Before an emergency • Develop a department emergency plan and if required a Business Continuity Plan. • Maintain department emergency phone trees. • Gather individual preparedness supplies. • Share preparedness information with your students at the start of each semester. • Cooperate during evacuation drills. Fall 2009
During an emergency • Remain calm. • Alert emergency responders (police, fire, medical) to situations requiring their attention. • If you areEVACUATING, report to your Assembly Point by the safest route available. • Assist individuals with physical limitations. • Walk do not run. • Use stairs, do not use elevators. Fall 2009
During an emergency • Wait for and follow instructions from your Building Emergency Coordinators and/or Public Safety. • If you are SHELTERING IN PLACE, stay inside the building within your work area, or find a safer place. • If applicable, make sure room door and windows are closed (hazmat spill situation) to reduce chemical vapor/odor/fume intrusion Fall 2009
During an emergency • If you are in a LOCKDOWN situation, lock the doors to deny entry, barricade yourself if necessary • Turn lights off, silence electronic devices, and remain quiet. • Spread within the room and hide behind furniture. • Remain quiet and wait for further directions from emergency response (Police Dept.) personnel. • Further info. maybe obtained from the UMD PD. Fall 2009
After an emergency • Wait for and follow instructions from Public Safety, Emergency Personnel, or Building Emergency Coordinators. • Up-to-date information concerning the status of the campus and the emergency will be communicated through available communication sources. • Necessary administrative/operational plans for essential university functions to continue on a temporary basis will be put in place. Fall 2009
Afteran emergency • Depending on the situation, safe facilities and critical personnel will be designated to carry on operations on a limited basis • Alternate facilities will be established, if necessary. • If it is safe to do so, normal campus operations will resume as soon as possible following stabilization of the emergency. Fall 2009
Campus Emergency Notification UMD uses an emergency text alert system which can notify all UMD community members via Cell-phone TXT and email following any incident. You are encouraged to sign up for this free system at http://www.d.umn.edu/emergency/umd_alerts.html UMD also uses Tone Alert Radios (TAR) to broadcast voice alert messages to the campus community. Depending on the situation, information about the emergency and instructions about how to proceed will be given. TARs are strategically placed in every building or department throughout campus to ensure maximum coverage. . Fall 2009
Additional Emergency Notification • UMD Home Page • U of M Home Page • Email • Campus Voicemail • Public-Alert System Horns (City & UMD) • KUMD • Local Radio and TV Channels • Departmental Phone Trees Fall 2009
UMDEmergency Response Personnel Fall 2009
(BEEP) Building Emergency Coordinators During emergencies requiring evacuation, Building Emergency Coordinators will assist with: • Evacuating the building • Guiding building occupants to emergency assembly areas/points • Account for evacuating employees • Help people needing assistance to evacuate Building Emerg. Coordinators may wear yellow vests or carry flags for easy identification by students and staff at assembly points. Further info at: http://www.d.umn.edu/ehso/beep Fall 2009
Critical Personnel Critical Personnel are designated UMD staff from the Police Department, Facilities Management, Information Technology, Health Services, Auxiliary Services, and Environmental Health and Safety with a critical role in responding to and dealing with particular aspects of the crisis or disaster in order to stabilize the emergency, to ensure business and academic continuity, and a prompt return to normal operations. Fall 2009
Campus Emergency Response Depts. • UMD Police DepartmentConsists of sworn police officers highly trained in rapid response to unfolding emergencies. The department is here to protect and serve the campus community and adjacent neighborhood 24 hours a day. To contact the UMD PD. Call 911 or 9-911 (24 hrs/day)and Request University Police • Facilities Management726-8262 (Mon.-Fri. 8 a.m.-4:30 p.m.)After hours (726-8147, 726-7007 or 348-4748) For custodial services and utility problems • Environmental Health & Safetyext: 7139 (Mon.-Fri. 8 a.m.-4:30 p.m.) General Safety ext: 7273 or 343-9645 For chemical, biological, Radioactive spills, or radiation exposure and exposure to toxic fumes Fall 2009
Emergency Response Procedures
Typical Response Agency Timelines NEWS MEDIA EOC FEMA HAZMAT FIRE / EMS LAW ENFORCEMENT FBI Call Rec’d 5 Minutes 1 Hour 1 Day 1 Week Fall 2009
General Emergency Evacuation Fall 2009
Medical Emergencies Health-relatedemergencies due to pre-existing conditions (heart problems, asthma conditions, diabetes etc), require proper preparedness and response when they occur in the work place. Things you need to consider: • Let someone like a friend, a coworker, or a supervisor know if you have a pre-existing condition that may result in an emergency. • Have your medication (inhaler, insulin, etc) available close by. • Take a CPR class and/or learn how to use the provided AED. • If you witness a medical emergency call 911 immediately and follow proper response procedure Fall 2009
Additional Personal Preparedness
Disaster Supply Kits Personal preparedness is essential. In a major disaster, it might be several days before vital services are restored. Personal supply kits should be adjusted based on personal needs. Suggested supplies include: • Flashlight with extra batteries • Battery-powered radio • Food • Water • Medications • First Aid Supplies • Warm Cloths/weather Resistant, and/or Blankets Disaster Supply Kits for individual, departmental, or family preparedness are available from a variety of sources and/or Safety supply vendors. You can also make your own Kit. Fall 2009
UMD Police Department Lockdown Video Presentation