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7-1.5~ Compare the differing ways that European nations developed political and economic influences, including trade and settlement patterns, on the continents of Asia , Africa and the Americas . .
7-1.5~ Compare the differing ways that European nations developed political and economic influences, including trade and settlement patterns, on the continents of Asia, Africa and the Americas.
Due to the economic factors that drove the European powers and technological forces that enabled them….. European expansions developed political and economic influences in Asia, the Americas, and Africa.
Asia 1. Interaction was prompted primarily through trade and the beginnings of global European colonization and expansion. 2. As a region, Asia was different from the New World and Africa in that it possessed highly advanced, prosperous, relatively modern, and militarily strong civilizations. 3. These characteristics led to European dealings with Asia that were based on the association of “equals”.
4. This equality prompted Europe and Asia to engage in mutual beneficial trade relationships. 5. To help this relationship, European nations were allowed to establish a trade “presence” in Asia which was largely based on building trading posts in port cities and along coastal regions. 6. This trade led to a change in Asian colonies which became more dependent on European trade and markets. 7. This trade also created a more prosperous merchant class of Asian societies that was closely aligned with Europeans. 8. During most of the 1600’s and 1700’s there were no significant European colonization in Asia which existed in the New World.
9. While Europe did not initially engage in the colonization methods, it still had a profound impact on the society and culture of Asia. 10. Asian civilizations had largely developed in isolation from one another and from the European world. 11. With the beginning and expansion of trade relationships, this isolation began to break down and introduction of European ideas transpired especially in the introduction of Christianity as missionaries began travelling with European merchants.
12. This influence of Christianity caused many Asian governments to limit or close off trade with Europeans in order to protect their cultures.
What do you know about ASIA’s influence on trade? 1. How was Asia different from the New World and Africa? (name at least 3 ways) 2. How did the Europeans make their “presence” in Asia? 3. Asia’s economy became dependent on European’s ____ and _______. 4. This trade created a more prosperous ___________ class. 5. Why did many Asian governments limit or close off trade with the Europeans?
THE AMERICA’S • The motivation for expansion was based on economic along with political influences. • Colonization did take place in The America’s. • Different colonial structures and settlement patterns helped establish The America’s. • Several European nations explored and settled in the New World such as Spain, Portugal, England, France and the Netherlands. • Trade became the primary basis of interaction in the areas of the Spanish and Portuguese colonies where gold and silver were discovered.
In both areas of the Spanish and Portuguese colonies, plantation systems developed depending on native labor, which was later replaced with imported slave labor from Africa. • Slavery of the Native Americans and later the Africans, created an economic, political and social system in which Native American and Africans were excluded and mistreated through harsh punishments and harsh working conditions on the plantations. • Plantations evolved in the Caribbean and Amazon Basin where sugar cane could be grown and sold as a valuable cash crop. • The French and Dutch also developed plantations in the Caribbean. • The plantation system was also advanced in southern English colonies where crops such as tobacco, rice, indigo, and sugar were grown as plantation crops. • France, England and the Netherlands did not enslave N. Americans but did import slave labor from Africa.
The British and French relied on indentured servants to help with labor supply needed for the growing of plantation system. • Indentured servants worked to pay off debts or the costs of traveling to the America’s. • “Redemptioners”- indentured servants from the British colonies who would negotiate their indenture or terms of work to pay off their costs to travel or live in the America’s. • Others who came to the America’s, about 25%, was made up of people convicted of some type of crime that were sent to the America’s to pay their debt to society. • Georgia was established based on this idea. • After the American Revolution, the British continued this practice by sending convicts to their colony of Australia.
Other settlements (developed in the French and Dutch colonies) focused on trade where gold and silver were not prevalent and plantation farming was not beneficial. • Early colonization and trading posts in South America was led by the French and Dutch in South America. • Dutch colonization was not successful except in the colony of Suriname. • The French established trading posts with Native Americans in North America. • Fur Trade was prosperous and allowed the French to establish a general good relations with the Indians.
As a result of the good relations and to try to prevent the British from taking their land, many of the Indians fought alongside the French in the French and Indian War. • The British wanted to take over the fur trade from the French while the British colonies wanted to take over French land in the America’s. • As a result of the war, the British gained much of France’s land, and France’s power and influence in the America’s began to decline. • Europeans made their political presence felt in the settlements in America’s by taking control of these lands and instituted new forms of government. • Political styles of the Spanish and Portuguese varied as they ruled their colonies with strong, central monarchies that kept a close watch on its colonies by appointing viceroys to monitor the colonies.
The French and Dutch were not as strict in their ruling which allowed for more political decision making among the colonists. • The English allowed a representative government system which allowed colonists to elect representatives to participate in decision making. • The last type of settlement was the development of a true colonial settlement. • These settlements were created by transporting large numbers of people to live in a certain area. • The English at Jamestown colony were the first type of this settlement which was a established as a trading settlement but developed into a permanent colonial settlement. • After Jamestown flourished, the Pilgrims came to the America to establish a colony based on religious freedom.
The Puritan’s intents from the beginning was to make the settlements they made into colonies of permanent habitation. • Christianity was spread throughout the settlements of the Spanish and Portuguese as was Catholicism rather than Protestantism. • Religion was NOT the emphasis or the purpose of Spanish or Portuguese settlements.
??? What do you know about …. The America’s ??? 1. What European nations settled in the New World? (5) 2. The __________ and ___________ developed plantations in the Caribbean. 3. 25% of the people who came to the America’s was made up of people who had __________________________. 4. What type of settlement allowed a representative govt. to participate in decision making? 5. __________ was NOT an emphasis or purpose of Spanish or Portuguese settlements.
The America’s:answers to the questions 1. What European nations settled in the New World? (5)Spain, Portugal, England, France, The Netherlands 2. The _French_ and __Dutch. developed plantations in the Caribbean. 3. 25% of the people who came to the America’s was made up of people who had committed a crime or had come to work off their debts to society. 4. What type of settlement allowed a representative govt. to participate in decision making? English 5.. Religion was NOT an emphasis or purpose of Spanish or Portuguese settlements.