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Introduction to Climate Change Study Cell

Launching Ceremony of climate change study cell, BUET on March 08, 2009. Introduction to Climate Change Study Cell. Dr. A.K.M. Saiful Islam. Coordinator, Climate Change Study Cell. Bangladesh University of Engineer and Technology (BUET). Presentation Outline. Climate Change & global warming.

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Introduction to Climate Change Study Cell

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Launching Ceremony of climate change study cell, BUET on March 08, 2009 Introduction to Climate Change Study Cell Dr. A.K.M. Saiful Islam Coordinator, Climate Change Study Cell Bangladesh University of Engineer and Technology (BUET)

  2. Presentation Outline • Climate Change & global warming. • Climatic Conditions of Bangladesh & impact. • Introduction of Climate Change Study Cell at BUET • Background • Mission, Vision, Scope • Institutional Framework • Activities in the past • Future Roadmap

  3. Global Warming Temperature rises of 0.74 0C per century

  4. Ice melting • Images gathered from the Defense Meteorological Satellite Program of NASA show the minimum Arctic sea ice concentration 1979 (left) and 2003 (right). 2003 1979

  5. Cracks in Ice bars

  6. Sea Level Rise (1980-2000) 20 cm rise of Global Sea Level in last century. Prediction of another 80 cm rise by 2100.

  7. Green house effect

  8. Increase of Green house gases • Green house gases – Co2, CH4, NO

  9. Emission of Green house gases • Emission of Co2 Bangladesh < 0.2 ton/yr

  10. Climatic Condition of Bangladesh • Mean daily temperature of Bangladesh has increased with a rate of 1.03 0C per 100 years

  11. Change of mean temperature (0C/year)

  12. Impacts of climate change on Bangladesh • Human Health impacts • Increase of vector born diseases • Ecosystem Impacts • Coastal wetland loss from sea level rise • Increase of salinity • Agriculture Impacts • Adverse effect on wheat, potato, Boro yield • Loss of agricultural lands • Water Resources Impacts • Increase of drought, intensity of flood and cyclone • Market Impacts • Increase energy demand in winter for heasting and summer for cooling

  13. Impact on Agriculture • Wheat and Boro coverage area of Bangladesh

  14. Background • September 2007: • Climate Change Cell of Department of Environment requested Director, Institute of Water and Flood Management (IWFM) to coordinate climate change related activities. • A meeting was held in the Vice Chancellor’s office with representative of IWFM, Climate Change Cell of DOE, DFID. • Vice Chancellor of BUET request director IWFM to establish a climate change study cell.

  15. Background.. • February 2008: • The cell was formally approved by the meeting (No.62) of the Board of Governess of IWFM held on February 24, 2008. • September 2008: • Advisory Committee of the CCSC has been formed by the meeting (No.63) of the Board of Governors of IWFM . • Cell is approved by the Syndicate(No. 426) on September 24, 2008.

  16. Vision The vision of the Climate Change Study Cell is to establish itself as the premier knowledge center on climate change risk and adaptation for Bangladesh.

  17. Mission • To improve knowledge about climate change and associated risk to Bangladesh; • To increase awareness of the planners, policy makers about the effects of climate change; • To become institutional home for climate modeling and predicting future scenarios; • To strengthen capacity of professionals in climate change modeling; and • To share knowledge and expertise with other organizations.

  18. Scope • Research • Short courses • Workshop • Seminar • Advisory Services • Conference • Journal publications • Climate change Database • Digital and web based dissemination of information

  19. Institution Frameworks Syndicate BOG Advisory committee Director Liaison Committee Coordinator Research Teams IWFM CCSC

  20. Advisory Committee • Chairman Dr. A.M.M. Safiullah, Vice-Chancellor, BUET • Members from BUET • Prof. Jahir Uddin Chowdhury • Prof. M. Mirjahan • Prof. Md. Hossin Ali • Prof. Md. Mujibur Rahman • Prof. Ijaz Hossain • Dr. Md. Nazrul Islam • Member-Secretary Director, IWFM, BUET • External Members • Prof. Ainun Nishat, IUCN • Dr. Atiq Rahman, BCAS • Dr. Asaduzzaman, BIDS • Director General, BWDB • Director General, WARPO • Director General, DOE • Chairman, SPARRSO • Director, BMD

  21. Multidisciplinary Liaison Committee • Chairman: Director, IWFM, BUET • Member-Secretary: Coordinator, CCSC • Members from 10 departments of BUET • Prof. Md. Monowar Hossain, WaterResources • Prof. Md. Elias, Mathematics • Prof. Khandaker Shabbir Ahmed, Architecture • Mrs. Fahima Khanam, Physics • Dr. G.M. Tarekul Islam, IWFM • Dr. Syeda Sultana Razia, Chemical Engineering • Dr. Ishrat Islam, Urban and Regional Planning • Dr. Md. Nazrul Islam, Chemistry • Dr. Zia Wadud, Civil Engineering • Mr. Md. Rafiuz Zaman, Humanities

  22. Working Teams Three working teams are formed to address various issues related to climate change. • Modeling and Scenario Development Team • Data Acquisition Team • Adaptation, Impact Assessment and Mitigation Team

  23. Activities in 2008 Short courses • Two short courses on "Climate Change Training for Water Professionals”, were held on 17-19 November and 18-20 October of 2008 at DCE, BUET. • Short Course on "Climate Change Risks and Adaptation in Water Sector" held on 10-11 February, 2008 at DCE, BUET.

  24. Activities in 2008 Regional Climate Change Modeling • Various regional climate change models such as PRECIS, RegCM3, MM5 etc. are now running at this study cell to predict future scenarios of climate. PRECIS domain over Bangladesh 25 km x 25 km

  25. Web based knowledge dissemination • Sharing of data and model output • Publication of Research Report • Information about short courses • Useful links related to climate change related activities in Bangladesh • News of all the upcoming events

  26. Roadmap • Start of Climate Change Study Cell. • Become a Center in BUET. • Become an Institute in BUET.

  27. Thank you

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