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Ann LaPointe, Educational Improvement Consultant Russ Robinson, Educational Improvement Consultant

From Compliance to Impact: Utilizing the School Systems Review as part of a Continuous Improvement Process. Ann LaPointe, Educational Improvement Consultant Russ Robinson, Educational Improvement Consultant. Outcomes. School Systems Review Why? – Why should we do it?

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Ann LaPointe, Educational Improvement Consultant Russ Robinson, Educational Improvement Consultant

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  1. From Compliance to Impact:Utilizing the School Systems Review as part of a Continuous Improvement Process Ann LaPointe, Educational Improvement Consultant Russ Robinson, Educational Improvement Consultant

  2. Outcomes • School Systems Review • Why? – Why should we do it? • What? – What should the process look like? • How? – How do we utilize the results and develop an action plan which shifts the process, and our thinking, from compliance to impact?

  3. When You Know Your Why, The How Will Come to You! www.michigan.gov/schoolimprovement

  4. Why the SSR? The purpose of completing the School Systems Review (SSR) is to engage your staff in meaningful dialogue about school processes that support student achievement. Thoughtful analysis of the research-based indicators from the School Improvement Framework 2.0 can assist staff in identifying system strengths and opportunities for improvement. The School Systems Review is one piece of the comprehensive needs assessment that informs your School Improvement Process.

  5. We BELIEVE that all of you want to build successful schools that promotes exemplary teaching and learning, high level leadership, focused professional development and opportunities to create a strong climate and culture for all of your stakeholders. ! Today’s learning will give you tools and resources in order to achieve this goal in creating your successful school. Are you ready for this learning?

  6. SYSTEMS Study in order to achieve good health…. Body School

  7. School Systems Review/Ed YES____ Strand I Teaching for Learning Standard 1- Curriculum Standard 2- Instruction Standard 3- Assessment * INDICATORS A-J Strand II Leadership for Learning Std. 4-Instrucitonal Leadership Std. 5 – A Culture for Learning Std. 6 – Organizational Management *INDICATORS K-R Stand III Professional Learning Culture Std.7 – Professional Learning culture Std. 8- Professional Learning system *INDICATORS S-V Stand IV School, Family, and Community Relations Std. 9- Communication Std. 10- Engagement *INDICATORS W-Z

  8. Turn, Talk and Rate (1-5) Where are we? The purpose of completing the School Systems Review (SSR) is to engage your staff in meaningful dialogue about school processes that support student achievement? Thoughtful analysis of the research-based indicators from the School Improvement Framework 2.0 can assist staff in identifying system strengths and opportunities for improvement. The School Systems Review is one piece of the comprehensive needs assessment that informs your School Improvement Process.

  9. School Systems Review(SSR)/Ed YES report TheSchool Systems Review is a self-assessment tool to help schools develop a common understanding of the “Big Picture” of their current state, related to Key Strands, Standards and Indicators from the District Improvement Framework 2.0

  10. SIF 2.0 Documents The School Improvement Framework 2.0 Overview The School Systems Review The School Improvement Framework 2.0

  11. School Improvement Framework 2.0

  12. School Systems Review

  13. The “What” Step 1 Read the Guiding Question (for a Standard) in the School Improvement Framework Overview.

  14. Dialogue Recording Form Step 2 Discuss the Guiding Question and record your evidence for how your school is addressing the Guiding Question on the DialogueRecordingForm.

  15. Step 3 • Now turn to the corresponding Indicator in the School Systems Review. • Begin by reading the “Full Implementation” column. Mark the box for each characteristic for which your school has identified evidence (from dialogue about the Guiding Questions). Starting Point

  16. Step 3 (continued) Read the Sample Evidence listed on the School Systems Review for the Indicator. Check off any evidence listed that you identified and add additional evidence you identified that is not already listed.

  17. Step 3 (continued) Engage in dialogue about which implementation level to select based on evidence. Using evidence that was identified and the characteristics on the School Systems Review, place your school on the continuum for each Indicator.

  18. Engage in dialogue about which implementation level to select based on evidence. Using evidence that was identified and the characteristics on the School Systems Review, place your school on the continuum for each Indicator. Step 3 (continued) • If your school has evidence for all the characteristics under “Full Implementation,” • consider whether you can move to the right to “Sustained Implementation.” “Sustained Implementation” means that district policies, systems and practices align with and support sustainability of implementation at the school level. • If school implementation is not sustained and supported by district policies, systems, and practices, select the third column, “Full Implementation,” by marking the circle at the top of the column. • If your school does not have evidence for all the characteristics under “Full Implementation,” move to the left and consider selecting “Partial Implementation” or “Beginning Implementation.” Check the criteria in the first or second columns and mark the corresponding circle at the top of the implementation level you select.

  19. Step 3 (continued) On the Dialogue Recording Form, make notes of key points of discussion that occurs while placing your school on the continuum. These notes will be useful in the school improvement planning process.

  20. Shifting from Compliance to Impact • As a team, review each SYSTEM and Indicator from the School Systems Review • Using the format and resources provided, engage in dialogue about the processes and evidence your school has in place related to the chosen SYSTEM and Indicators • Based on the evidence-based dialogue and discussion, arrive at a consensus as to the progress of the school in the chosen indicator and identify the level of implementation. • Prepare an ACTION PLAN using the Dialogue Recording Form. Sample evidence and the Indicators outlined in the Full Implementation column • Completed ACTION Plan implemented successfully, will move the school closer to the desired practice. ,

  21. Closing and Feedback

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