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Join us in Utrecht on July 1st and 2nd, 2019 to shape the future of women's land rights. Together, we will answer key questions to envision a platform that empowers women worldwide. Prioritize action lines, align projects, and engage in impactful activities. With dedicated allies, we aim to be a transformative force for gender justice. Hear inspiring testimonies from Amina, Priti, Patricia, Marta, Clara, and more. Let's create a platform that amplifies women's voices, influences policies, and promotes collective strength. Embrace the feminist approach, drive revolutionary transformation, and champion women's rights globally.
BUILDING THE VISION We answer the following motivating questions: 1. If everything were successful, what will the platform be like in 3 years?2. What achievements of the management of the site we would like to remember within 3 years?3. What kind of participation and activities do we want to promote?
Defining the shared vision • "In 3 years (who) ... will be (how will it be seen) ... (activities that are developed) ... (for what)".Example:"Within 3 years San Miguel will be recognized as the great portal to Iberá, through the integrated and sustainable development of the ecotourism destination and its community, with a committed, enterprising and proud citizenship of its customs and traditions and open to meet and exchange with other cultures".
PRIORITIZATION OF ACTION LINES AND / OR PROJECTS We answer the following questions: 1. What projects can be promoted by the platform?2. As a co-responsible actor in the management of the site, what will be my contribution to the promotion of the platform?3. Who are allies of this that we want to promote?
Buildingthemission The mission is the fundamental purpose or reason for being of the organization. Indicates the category of the processes to which the organization is dedicated, and the most important beneficiaries.
Someinitialcomments • Amina (Morocco): “our role is to make something strong. If we will define our objectives, the criteria will come for sure”. • Priti (India): Women economic rights, women farmers, we have recognized that we are invisible. The power of the network is what we can do. ILC is not relevant without gender. It’s important a collective voice, a collective analysis. • Patricia (Brazil): we need to say “we take the decision”. Our expectation is to claim the space and we need to take some decisions. Land is a very important issue. Land is power. • Marta (Argentina): what is happening with women is a hard and long process. Step by step we could achieve the objective. The land is power and the women aren’t seeing the protagonist of the process. “We are here taking decisions, and not a subject of some rights”. The platform will be constituent, the mission and a workplan. • Clara (Ecuador): we have to be like protagonists as popular movement, we need to be acknowledged as leader of our decisions. Women in poverty have the capacities, having the political capacity building. Our fight is the defense of our territories and our bodies that is our territory. We need to make global transformations. • Marta (Spain): I agree with the preliminary comments, and adding the focus on gender discrimination. It’s a global problem the gender discrimination. The platform is the opportunity to talk about this, to make visible these gaps.
Importance of creatingtheplatform • Influencepolicy and taketheleadershipondecisionmaking at alllevelstopromotewomenlandrights. • Givevisibility and vioicetofeministmovement • Buildcolllectivestrenght, findingcommonstrategies. • Going global, breaking regional isolation, learningfromeachother, alsovalidatingourknowledge. • Mobilizinng, connecting and influencing. Fromdiscourse to practice. • Understandingthat in practice and frombottom –up model, wecan’tseparatewomenlandrightsto social and genderjustice. • Having a impactontheground and the global levels. • Proactive+united+visibility+structuted+simple • Revolutionarytransformation.
Importance of creatingtheplatform (2) • pluralism, diverse, inclusive, feasibility. • Organizewomen and position to join global discussions. • It’s a tooltosupport and accompaingthewomenfightsaroundtheworld. • Collectivefightforfeministmovementisstrongerthat individual fights. • It’s a feministmovement. • It can be a platformfortherest of womenorganizationsthat can not be representedbecausetheydon’tresources. • Powerfulltool of fighting, sharing, knowing and learning. A referencetoolforwomen. • Womenorganizations trust us, thesecretariat trust us, we are goingto be thecorrectvehicletoadvance.
Importance of creatingtheplatform (3) • Consolidate a strategiccommonvisionaboutwomen, land and territories. • It’s a strategic plan related to women,land, territories and justice. • Agreedpointsforthefightrelated to women and genderjustice.
GenderJustice = Feministapproach • Building a system/practices • Consideringthefeministmovement (allkind of pressure) • Lookingforgenderjusticereferedtoland. • Create a new mechanism of thinking. • Havingwomenparticipation, access, management. Therights are real. • Access tojustice. • Addressthesystem rule costtoerradicatethedifference, thesystematicbreaks. • Changingmetalities (Education) • Politicalformation / organization. • Fundamental rightsaren´tthesameforwomen and men.
Key messagesaboutFeministapproach • Theprotagonists are women. • It’s a societyproblem and we are thesolution. • Weneed to changethesystem, butit’stheresponsibilityforallsociety. Ouractionwill be driven in thisdirection. • Transformativeapproachtoaddressinequalities and justice.
Mission and vision Mission: Feministmovementfor global actions in genderjustice and WomenLandRights. Vision: Theplatformisrecognized as a strategic, inclusive and open spaceforfeministorganisations and leadersworkingonwomenlandrights and genderjustice to unite, amplifyvoices and analysisfromwomenstrugglesfordiverseconstituencies, buildingalliances to bringchanges to addressoppresivepractices and social normsforjust and equalsocietyforall.
Strategic Objectives • To strengthen (political) feminist movements in Women Land’s Rights (WLR) and Gender Justice (GJ) at all levels. • To provide open feminist inclusive space and support for sharing, learning, and collective actions. • To amply women voices, analysis and struggles from diverse constituencies for gender justice in WLR. • To build an agenda on gender justice in women land’s rights from the CBO’s realities, bottom-up, including political, economic, and legislative changes.
Strategic Objective 1: to strengthen (political) feminist movement(s) in women’s land rights and gender justice at all levels. • Outreach –mapping potential members, and data base of existing members (who we are, what our skills, and our constituencies) • Education - - training and capacity building (women’s land rights, political formation) • Participation, advocacy and lobby Have to be present very strongly not only in dialogue but also in decision making spaces: UN, CSW, Side events, regional and 2 national congress, others. • A formal platform • Consultative status in UN • How influential we want to be • Communication: e-platform, knowledge, exchange, webinar • Informative material translated in different language • Communication strategy and plan – internal (email, social media) and external )TV, radio, social media) • Launching and awareness – raising campaigns about the status of WLR. Product: Communication tools. • Fundraising • Internal resources • External resources • Political actions: strategic, international, involved and influencial.
Strategic Objective 2: to provide open feminist inclusive space and support for sharing, learning and collective action. • Platform a real open inclusive space that gives voice to CBO’s view about gender justice in women’s land rights • Have regional and national meetings • To elaborate and document and expose the problems, fight, experiences, and proposal regarding land rights from the CBOs. • To include the demands and proposal of organisations in the platform agenda • Collecting updated information about the current situation about the current situation of women’s access to land and perspectives on the current context.
Strategic Objective 3: to amplify women’s voices, analysis and struggles from diverse constituencies for gender justice in women’s land rights. • To make visible the platform at all levels • Develop a communication strategy – Development – for visibility and dissemination • Statement, blog, release something about the platform • Establishing relationship/partnership with media and media organisation such as Land portal or Thomas Reuter etc. (Website, FB and twitter, You tube, Whatsapp, Print materials, Logo). • Profiling women land rights leaders – from our constituencies – case studies • Holding session in major events – panels -- identify which are good strategic spaces-World bank land conference, regional land policy conferences; ILC Global land forum • Regular statements, petitions
Strategic Objective 4: to build an agenda on gender justice in women land’s rights from the CBO’s realities, bottom-up, including political, economic, and legislative changes. • Local/ National consultation – 1 year • Regional consultation – external funding – link it to regional ILC meeting -- 1st year • Bi-Annual global meetings-next global meeting in Ivory Coast alongside the Land Policy in Africa in ivory coast. • Bring to platform core group meeting – to prioritise collectively 2-3 year
Initial structure Founding members: the eight (8) organisations that represent the core membership. During the Year 1, these founding members will take the decisions to initiate the platform’s activities. Coordinator: Espaço Feminista. The organisation and its representative (Patricia Chaves) will be the focal point with ILC and other partners, channeling the communication. Host organisation: Espaço Feminista. It will be responsible for following up and monitoring the initial activities and budget during Year 1. Furthermore, it has the capacity to receive funds. Communication: Espaço Feminista. It will address the Platform’s internal and external communications. Finally, it was decided for the founding members should hold elections annually to elect the coordinating organisation, changing by region.
Criteria to be member of the Platform 1. Core Members: core leadership of the platform – decision making – governing structure. • Feminist – self defined feminist organisation – women led • Organisation (not individuals) • Constituency based organisation (CBO) working on the ground – (scale) • Women’s land rights is part of the organisation’s core focus • Organisation demonstrates local, national and regional leadership 2. General members • Feminist organisations, women’s organistions working on land rights at local, national, regional levels • Individuals (feminist and those working on women land rights) can be members but do not have voting rights 3. Associates – outside rings –not members no voting rights • Add strategic value
Government structure Government structure: • As a founder, the eight (8) organisations are part of the governing body: Plurales (Argentina), EspacoFeminista (Brazil), Luna Creciente (Ecuador), GROOTS Kenya (Kenya), Pastoral Women’s Council (Tanzania), PWESCR (India), AZUL (Morocco), and Trashumancia y Naturaleza (Spain). • Regional representatives are elected by regional platform members Process: all membership applications to be first viewed by a membership committee • Only those who are approved by the Committee will be presented to all the core group members • All core group has to approve – any concerns from any members would not lead to qualification. • International organisations don’t have voting rights