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Basic Sentence. Definition of a complete Sentence. Finite verb forms are simply those that show Agreement with person and number Tense Voice Modality. 1. Agreement with person and number. anybody e v erybody someone a nyone everyone s omebody anything e verything something
Definition of acomplete Sentence Finite verb forms are simply those that show • Agreement with person and number • Tense • Voice • Modality
anybody everybody someone anyone everyone somebody anything everything something anywhere everywhere somewhere nothing nobody each + นามเอกพจน์ either + นามเอกพจน์ neither +นามเอกพจน์ each of + นามพหูพจน์ either of + นามพหูพจน์ neither of +นามพหูพจน์ every + นามเอกพจน์ คำต่อไปนี้ถือเป็นเอกพจน์ เมื่อมาเป็นประธานของประโยค ต้องใช้กริยาเอกพจน์เสมอ ได้แก่
Examples : • My lifeis still the same, busy and happy. • Many people often ask me how many hours I spend setting my hair. • Weare good friends. • Somebodyis in the room. • Neitherofmy sistersismarried. • Either ofusisto clean up the house after the party tonight.
2. Tense • I go to school by car. (present sim.) • He haslived here since his mother died.(present perfect.) • He hasbeenspeaking for 3 hours. (present perfect con.) • They played volleyball last week. (past sim.) • I wasplaying football at 4 pm. yesterday. (past con.)
3. Voice • Passive Voice คือ ประโยคที่ประธานเป็นผู้ถูกกระทำด้วยกริยา V.to be + past participle เช่น • Bread iseaten by John. • English had beenbeingtaught for many years by them when I started school. • Active Voice คือ ประโยคที่ประธานเป็นผู้กระทำกริยา เช่น • The teacher punisher punishes the boy.
4. Modality เป็นกริยาช่วยซึ่งนำมาใช้ร่วมกับคำกริยาหลัก Modals จะต้องเป็นกริยาช่องที่ 1 หรือ กริยาไม่มี to [Infinitive without ‘to’] เท่านั้น ไม่สามารถใช้กริยารูปอื่นๆที่ได้จากการเปลี่ยนรูปโดยเติม -ing, - ed, -s,es ฯลฯ • Big Johnwillbe in Chiang Mai on Halloween. • ShouldI go there with them? • Shewill nevergive up hope.
Non-finite Verb ส่วนมากจะทำหน้าที่ประกอบหรือ ขยาย (Predicate) กริยาแท้ (Finite Verb) • เป็นรูปของInfinitiveได้แก่ To+V.1 • She likes to walk to school early morning. • That baby learns to speak with his mother.
Non-finite Verb 2. เป็นรูปของGerund • They need sleeping in the night. • I prefer speaking to writing. 3. เป็นรูปของParticiple • Have you read the story written by me? • She does not want a used car.
Sentence Components 1. “Subject”tell who or what the sentence is about.
Major Basic Sentence Patterns • S+V+SC • Subject+ Linking Verb + Subject Complement (SVSC) The last sentence pattern includes a subject plus a linking verb (is, are, were, was, am, will be, being, been) plus the subject complement, which can be a noun or an adjective.
S+V • In this pattern, the verb is not followed by any Object. 3. S+V+O
Other Sentence Patterns • There is/There are/There was/There were Examples : • There is a book on the table. (A book is on the table.) • There are dogs under the tree. (Dogs are under the tree.) • There was a cat near the school yesterday. ( A cat was near the school yesterday.) • There were a lot ofpeople at the meeting yesterday. ( A lot of people were at the meeting yesterday.)
2. Here is/Here are Examples : • Here is Udom’s house. (Udom’s houseis here.) • Here are tall buildings. (Tall buildingsare here.) If the subject is a pronoun (he, she, it, they, you, we, I) there will be no inversion of the subject and verb. • Here you are. • Here she comes.
3. Inversion of subject and verb • The sentence begins with a negative word : • Never have I felt like this before. (I have never felt like this before.) • Hardly had we started when it began to rain. (We had hardly stared when it began to rain.) 2. The sentence begins with an adverb : • Solemnly the minister addressed her congregation. (The minister solemnly addressed her congregation.) • Little did she eat. (She ate little.)
The sentence begins with a prepositional phrase : • Inside the cupboardare the tins of soup and food. • At the street cornerwere two burglars. Interrogative sentence : • Where are the instructions for the new refrigerator? (The instructions for the new refrigerator are somewhere.)
4. The sentence begins with some parts of verb : • Located on Morocco’s Atlantic coat was the port of an ancient town. (The port of an ancient town was located on Morocco’s Atlantic coast.)
Sentence Types • Declarative sentence • Interrogative sentence • Imperative sentence • Exclamatory sentence
1. Declarative sentence • Affirmative statement • Sue is going to school on foot. • Mike is riding his bicycle to school. • Negative statement • Sandy never played tennis on Saturdays. • Peter seldom goes to the beach on Sundays.
2. Interrogative sentence 2.1 Yes-No question 1. with V.to be • Is that our new English teacher? • Are you from Thailand? • with main verb • Doeshe walk to school? • Do you play badminton? • with auxiliary verb • Can he speak English?
2. Interrogative sentence 2.2 Wh-question (who, whom, what, when, where, how, which, whose, why) • Whose bookare you reading ? • Which bookdid you buy ? • What animalslive on plants? • Whenwill they arrive ?
3. Imperative sentence • Don't forget to bring the book. • Never forget to do your homework. • Be quiet! • Wake me up at six.
4. Exclamatory sentence • How lovely you are! • How funny he looks! • What beautiful hair she has! • Wasn't that delicious soup! • What lovely roses! • How slow this bus is!