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Basic Sentence 2. (Verb Phrase) Modal auxiliary. The chief executive officer of the trading company will deliver an opening speech in a seminar on global marketing in the hotel.
Basic Sentence 2 (Verb Phrase) Modal auxiliary
The chief executive officer of the trading company will deliver an opening speech in a seminar on global marketing in the hotel. (CEO perusahaanperdaganganituakanmenyampaikanpidatopembukaandi seminar mengenaipemasaran global dihote. • She may be preparing the wedding party at this moment. (Diamungkinsedangmenyiapkanpestapernikahansaatini) • He no longer works in the office. He might have been sent home due to the employment reduction. (Diatidaklagibekerjadikantoritu. Diamungkintelahdirumahkandenganadanyapengurangankaryawan) • The secretary quickly adapts to the new environment. (Diamungkinsedangmenyiapkanpestapernikahansaatini)
Auxiliary Be • She is preparing the wedding party at this moment. (Diasedangmenyiapkanpestapernikahansaatini) • The student are to do the school assignments. (siswa-siswaituharusmengerjakantugas-tugassekolah) • The box was placed at the corner of the room. (kotakituditempatkandisudutruangan) • The computer is being repaired. Komputeritusedangdiperbaiki)
Auxiliary Have • The committee have prepared the accommodation for the singers. (Panitiatelahmempersiapkanakomodasiuntukparapenyanyi) • The internet has been available for the students. (Internet telahtersediabagiparasiswa) • They had been working in the garden when the accident suddenly happened. (Merekasudahdanmasihsedangbekerjadikebunketikakecelakaanitutiba-tibaterjadi)
Auxiliary Do • We do understand the problem. (Kamibenar-benarmemahamipermasalahanitu) • Do be quiet for a while, please. (Mohontenangsejenak) • He did not think that a bomb would explode in the embassy. (Diatidakmenyangkakalausebuahbomakanmeledakdikedutaanitu)
Need (perlu) and Dare (berani) are followed by infinitive or to infinitive. You need (to) help her (kamuperlumembantudia) He dares (to) drive a bus. (Diaberanimengendaraibis) • Need not (tidakperlu) and Dare not (tidakberani) are followed by infinitive. The girl dare not go home alone at night. Gadisitutidakberanipulangsendiriandimalamhari We need not rely on others (kitatidakusahmenggantungkanorang lain) • When the negative forms are using do/does/did not need/dare then the verbs are followed by to infinitive. We do not need to think of the problem any more. (kitatidakperlumemikirkanmasalahitulagi)
Infinitive • The verbs followed by infinitive are:
The clauses which show the request or advice such as advise, ask, beg, command, desire, forbid, order, propose, insist, suggest, recommend, require, request, urge, imperative, important, essential are followed by infinitive • It is requested that all gentlemen wear coats and ties (dimohonsemualaki-laimemakaijasdandadi) • It is essential that a guard be on duty at all hours of the day. (Perlusekalisatpambertugaspadasemua jam setiaphari)
To infinitive • There are some patterns of to infinitive such as, To + V1 To + Have V3 To be + V3 To have been + V3
To infinitive • As purpose They go to guy a shirt. (merekapergiuntukmembelibaju) The boy was at the airport to see her father off. (Anaklaki-lakiitudibandarauntukmengantarayahnya) • As Passive verb She was seen to enter the office hurriedly (Diaterlihatmasukkantordengantergesa-gesa) • Noun There is only one room in the hotel to stay in. (Hanyaadasatukamardi hotel untuktinggal) • Adjective It is very nice to see you ( Sangatsenangbetemudengankamu) • Wh-Word we don’t know what to do if we fail in the entrance test (Kamitidaktahuapa yang haruskamilakukanjikakamigagaldalamtesmasuk).
I don’t care to see him again. (sayatidakpeduliuntukmelihatnyalagi) • We have decided not to go. (Kamitelahmemutuskanuntuktidakpergi) • She is planning to continue her study abroad. (Diamerencanakanuntukmelanjutkanstudinyadiluarnegeri) • We expect them to leave tonight. (Kamimengharapkanmerekaberangkatnantimalam) • They want you to visit them soon. (Merekamenginginkanandamengunjungimerekasegera) • He promised to tell her the truth. (Diaberjanjiuntukmemberitahudiasebenarnya)
The verbs below are also followed by object + to infinitive Advise : Menasehati Instruct : Memerintahkan Encourage : Mendorong Oblige : Mewajibkan Get : Menyuruh Remind : Mengingatkan Invite : Mengundang Tell : Memberitahu Persuade : Membujuk Warm : Memperingatkan Teach : Mengajari Urge : Mendesak Cause : Menyebabkan Force : Memaksa
I advice her to see a doctor. (Sayamenasehatidiauntukmenemuiseorangdokter.) • The trainer urge them to have a lot of practice. (Pelatihitumendesakmerekauntukbanyaklatihan.) • She invited her friends to come to her birthday party. (Diamengundangteman-temannyauntukdatangkepestaulangtahunnya.)
As a subject • The coming of foreigners to the tourist resort is very much welcomed. (Kedatanganorang-orangasingketempatwisataitusangatdiharapkan.) • Walking all the way home made us tired. (Berjalansepanjangjalankerumahmembuatkamilelah.) • Driving a car on busy streets needs a great care. (Mengendaraimobildijalan-jalanramaimemerlukankehati-hatian yang tinggi.)
Object of Verb • The verbs admit, avoid, deny, escape, postpone, keep, practice, resent, suggest, appreciate, consider, enjoy, finish, imagine, mind, quit, resist, begin, start, like, continue, intend are followed by gerund. • She avoids going out at night. (Diamenghindarikeluarmalam.) • The thief denied stealing the wallet. (Pencuriitumenyangkalmencuridompetitu.) • Would you mind helping me? (Apakahkamukeberatanmembantuku?)
Object of Preposition • He is afraid of drinking a car in the rush hours. (Diatakutmengendaraimobilpada jam-jam sibuk.) • Sinta was anxious about making mistakes. (Sintacemasmembuatkesalahan.) • They succeed in getting a scholarship. (Merekaberhasilmemperolehbeasiswa.) • The man is fond of playing tennis. (Lelakiitugemarbermaintenis.) • He is clever at making tricks. (Diapandaimembuattrik.)
Possessive Pronoun • I hope his coming to be a speaker, not his assistant. (Sayamengharapkankedatangannyauntukmenjadipembicara, bukanasistennya.) • Rini’s winning the Ford Foundation scholarship has completely surprised us. (KemenanganRinidalammendapatkanbeasiswaYayasan Ford telahbenar-benarmengejutkankami.)
As adjective • The sleeping mat was bought by Anita yesterday. (Tikaruntuktiduritudibelioleh Anita kemarin.) • I need a reading book. (Sayaperlubukubacaan.) • The old man has lost his walking stick. (Lelakituaitutelahkehilangantongkatnyauntukjalan.) The verb “allow” can be followed by gerund or to infinitive. The teacher doesn’t allow smoking in class. (Guru itutidakmengijinkanmerokokdikelas.) The teacher doesn’t allow us to smoke in class. (Guru itutidakmengijinkankitamerokokdikelas.)
Participle • I see the young mother feeding her baby. (Sayamelihatibumudaitusedangmenyuapibayinya) • I look at the baby fed by the young mother. (Sayamelihatbayiitudisuapiolehibumudaitu.) • My friend Andi noticed a pickpocket being taken to a police office. (TemansayaAndimemperhatikanseorangpencopetsedangdibawakekantorpolisi.)
Adverb • Frequency : sometimes, frequently, seldom, ever, never, barely, • Manner: slowly, carefully, directly, quickly • Place and Direction: Here, there, outside, left, right. • Degree: very, rather, too, more, just, purely, only, absolutely. • Time: Today, yesterday, last night, soon, nowadays, just. • Explanatory: for example, such as. • Modality: Perhaps, probably, maybe, well, indeed. • Inversion : seldom/rarely, hardly ever, not only…but also, no sooner…than…