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Commerce Learning Center (CLC) Training: EHRI Coding. dddddd. Learning Objectives. There are four key learning objectives in this module. You will:
Learning Objectives There are four key learning objectives in this module. You will: • Learn what EHRI means, why it was developed, and why you need to enter EHRI data for each training event. You will also understand the fundamentals of the EHRI process, including data entry, compilation and transmission. [Slides 3 – 8]. 2. Know where to turn for assistance on EHRI coding if you have questions in the future. [Slides 9 – 12]. 3. Become familiar with all 27 EHRI fields, and understand the fields where you are responsible for entering data. [Slides 13 – 17]. • Understand what data OPM is looking for in each EHRI field and how they want it entered. You will learn the Department’s best practices for coding each of these fields. You will practice entering EHRI codes for sample training sessions. [Slides 18 – 55]. 2
Learning Objective 1.What is EHRI? In this segment of the EHRI module, you will benefit by learning the following: • Learn what EHRI means. • Know why EHRI was developed. • Understand the fundamentals of the EHRI process, including data entry, compilation and transmission. • Understand the benefits of EHRI. 3
Learning Objective 1.What Is EHRI (Cont’d)? • Enterprise Human Resources Integration (EHRI) was developed because oversight agencies such as the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) and various Congressional committees wanted to be able to get government-wide training data through the U.S. Office of Personnel Management (OPM). • EHRI is a data repository designed to automate, simplify and unify human resources (HR) services across the Government. 4
Learning Objective 1.What Is EHRI (Cont’d)? The EHRI process works as follows: Instructors build courses in the CLC and input proper EHRI codes. A student enrolls in a course via the CLC and completes it. All Federal agencies report training event completions electronically on a monthly basis to OPM. OPM loads training data files into its EHRI data repository. OPM responds promptly to inquiries from OMB and Congress. 5
Learning Objective 1.What Is EHRI (Cont’d)? Training data are to be reported on an individual employee basis for all Federal civilian employees, which means the reporting of: All Training Data Element Codes For Each Completed Training Event For Each Employee 6
Learning Objective 1.What Is EHRI (Cont’d)? • EHRI is one of 24 collaborative electronic government (e-Gov) initiatives managed by OPM. • Benefits of EHRI: • Gives the Federal government a modern tool for the management of human capital. • Replaces past practice of storing workforce data in an assortment on non-integrated legacy systems of varied functionality. • Enables a level of planning, analysis and accountability that until now has been impossible due to the dispersal and incompatibility of personnel records among federal agencies. 7
Summary of Learning Objective 1.What is EHRI (Cont’d)? Review of key learnings from this segment: • EHRI stands for: _________________. • EHRI was developed so that OPM can report: _________________ to: ___________________. • The EHRI data entry, compilation, and transmission process works as follows: _______________________________. • The benefits of EHRI include: __________________. 8
Learning Objective 2.EHRI Resources In this segment of the EHRI module, you will benefit by learning the following: • You will know where to turn for assistance on EHRI coding if you have questions in the future. 9
Learning Objective 2.EHRI Resources (Cont’d) • Federal agencies should rely on the OPM Guide to Human Resources Reporting (OPM Guide) to prepare their training data information: http://www.opm.gov/feddata/ghrr/index.asp • Chapter 4 - Training Interface Processing, Table 4.8, Pgs. 4-13 – 4-15: http://www.opm.gov/feddata/ghrr/ghrr07_ch4.pdf • Appendix A - Reference Code Values: http://www.opm.gov/feddata/ghrr/ghrr07_appenda.pdf • Use the materials in this training module as a guide. • This module contains: • All required EHRI components from the OPM Guide. • Additional hints, tips and guidance on how OMB and Congress have asked Federal agencies to use and interpret EHRI codes. • You should print slide 15 of this module for a reference. It lists the slide number(s) where you will find coding instructions for each particular field further on in the presentation. 10
Learning Objective 2.EHRI Resources (Cont’d) http://www.opm.gov/feddata/ghrr/index.asp 11
Summary of Learning Objective 2.EHRI Resources (Cont’d) Review of the key learning from this segment: • If you need assistance in the future on EHRI coding, you can use the following resources: _______________. 12
Learning Objective 3.Overview of EHRI Fields In this segment of the EHRI module, you will benefit by learning the following: • You will become familiar with all 27 EHRI fields. • You will understand within which of those fields you are responsible for entering data. • You will learn to categorize EHRI fields into 5 ‘buckets’: • What • How/Where • Why • When • How Much 13
Learning Objective 3.Overview of EHRI Fields (Cont’d) There are 27 EHRI fields pertaining to training that must be populated in the CLC. • 5 fields are automatically populated from information already contained in the CLC, including: • Record Action • Social Security Number • Birth Date • EHRI Employee ID • Agency Sub-element Code • 1 field is currently not used and does not appear in the CLC: • Training Travel Indicator • 3 fields are entered by you in the Session Information section of the control panel: • Training Title: Entered as Training Title for Instructor-Led Training (ILTs), Course Title for Web-Based Training (WBTs). • Training Start Date and Training End Date: Entered for ILTs only. • 18 are entered by you in the Custom Fields section of the control panel for ILTs and WBTs (these fields also appear on the SF-182): • (See Next Page) 14
Learning Objective 3.Overview of EHRI Fields (Cont’d) 18 EHRI Fields in Custom Field Section of the Control Panel Note: Red Star* = Mandatory Field Refer to:http://www.opm.gov/feddata/ghrr/ghrr07_ch4.pdf 15
WHY HOW/WHERE WHAT HOW MUCH WHEN Learning Objective 3.Overview of EHRI Fields (Cont’d) EHRI Fields can be divided into 5 ‘buckets’: Codes in this bucket allow a distinction to be made between training events that are part of an accredited degree program and those that are not. OPM uses this information to respond to requests from OMB and Congress. Codes in this bucket describe why or for what purpose the student is taking the training. This information helps OMB and Congress understand the reason employees take specific training. Codes in this bucket refer to how the course is being delivered and from where the training is being provided. Codes in this bucket are used to determine how much is being spent on training. This includes costs such as training materials, travel and tuition. Codes in this bucket capture the amount of time the employee will spend to complete the training. 16
Summary of Learning Objective 3. Overview of EHRI Fields (Cont’d) Review of the key learnings from this segment: • How many EHRI fields are automatically populated by the system? ___________ • How many EHRI fields are not entered at this point in time? ___________ • How many EHRI fields are entered by you in the session information section of the control panel? ___________ • How many EHRI fields are entered by you in the custom fields section of the control panel? __________ • What are the 5 EHRI buckets? ____________ 17
Learning Objective 4.Coding Instructions for EHRI Fields In this segment of the EHRI module, you will benefit by learning the following: • You will understand what data OPM is looking for and how they want it entered for the EHRI fields of your responsibility. • You will learn the Department’s best practices for coding each of these fields. • You will practice how to EHRI code several sample training sessions. 18
Learning Objective 4. Coding Instructions for EHRI Fields (Cont’d) Bucket 1. What These codes allow for a distinction to be made between training events that are part of an accredited degree program and those that are not. (OPM provides this information to OMB and Congress upon request) Training Title Training Type Code Training Type Sub Code Training Accreditation Indicator Training Credit Training Credit Designation Type Code Training Credit Type Code Continued Service Agreement Expiration Date Continued Service Agreement Requirement Indicator 19
Learning Objective 4. Coding Instructions for EHRI Fields (Cont’d)Training Type Code & Training Type Sub Code • There are 3 Training Type Codes: • Training Program Area • Developmental Training Area • Basic Training Area • Based on which of these 3 codes you select, only a limited range of the 36 Training Type Sub Codes will apply to that particular Training Type Code. 20
Learning Objective 4. Coding Instructions for EHRI Fields (Cont’d)Training Type Code & Training Type Sub Code There are 36 Training Type Sub Codes: 21
Learning Objective 4. Coding Instructions for EHRI Fields (Cont’d)Training Type Code & Training Type Sub Code • First choose the appropriate Training Type Sub Code from the drop-down menu. • Then select the appropriate Training Type Code from the drop-down menu. 22
Training Type Code 01 – Training Program Area (Functional or Specialized Training Programs) Learning Objective 4. Coding Instructions for EHRI Fields (Cont’d)Training Type Code & Training Type Sub Code (Cont’d) For Use with the Following Training Type Sub Codes Only: 01 – Legal 09 – Project Management 02 – Medical and Health 10 – Acquisition 03 – Scientific 11 – Logistic Specialty 04 – Engineering and Architecture 12 - Security 05 – Human Resources 13 - Clerical 06 – Budget/Finance Business Administration 14 – Trade and Craft 07 – Planning and Analysis 15 – Foreign Affairs 08 – Information Technology 16 – Leadership/Manager/ Communications Courses * Best Practice: These are subject matter/areas. 23
Learning Objective 4. Coding Instructions for EHRI Fields (Cont’d)Training Type Code & Training Type Sub Code (Cont’d) Definitions of Training Type Sub Codes to be Used with Training Type Code 01 24
Learning Objective 4. Coding Instructions for EHRI Fields (Cont’d)Training Type Code & Training Type Sub Code (Cont’d) Definitions of Training Type Sub Codes to be Used with Training Type Code 01 (Cont’d) 25
Training Type Code 02 – Developmental Training Area (Formal Developmental Training Programs) Learning Objective 4. Coding Instructions for EHRI Fields (Cont’d)Training Type Code & Training Type Sub Code (Cont’d) For Use with the Following Training Type Sub Codes Only: 20 – Pre-supervisory Program 24 – SES Candidate Development 21 – Supervisory 25 – Executive Development 22 – Management Program 26 – Mentoring Program 23 – Leadership Development Program 27 – Coaching Program *Best Practice: These are bundles of courses for one employee typically tied to formal development and leadership programs (although they can be tied to bundles of bureau-specific technical training.) 26
Learning Objective 4. Coding Instructions for EHRI Fields (Cont’d)Training Type Code & Training Type Sub Code (Cont’d) Definitions of Training Type Sub Codes to be Used with Training Type Code 02 27
Training Type Code 03 – Basic Training Area (Fundamental and/or Required Training Programs) Learning Objective 4. Coding Instructions for EHRI Fields (Cont’d) Training Type Code & Training Type Sub Code (Cont’d) For Use with the Following Training Type Sub Codes Only: 30 – Employee Orientation 33 – Work-life 31 – Adult Basic Education 34 – Soft Skills 32 – Mandated Training 35 – Agency Specific 36 – Basic Computer Training *Best Practice: These categories are broader than functional or specialized subject matter areas contained beneath Training Type Code 01. These are training classes we have to do. Codes 32 and 35 have been recently added to clarify distinctions between federally mandated training (sub code 32) and agency specific required training (35). If the course is federally mandated, it should be coded as sub code 32. If the course if mandated/required internally by the agency itself, it should be coded as sub code 35. 28
Learning Objective 4. Coding Instructions for EHRI Fields (Cont’d)Training Type Code & Training Type Sub Code (Cont’d) Definitions of Training Type Sub Codes to be Used with Training Type Code 03 29
Learning Objective 4.Coding Instructions for EHRI Fields (Cont’d)Training Accreditation Indicator • Indicates if the training course offers accreditation, such as college credits or continuing education units. • From the drop-down menu, select: • Y = Yes • N = No • N/A = Not Applicable • *Best Practice: Select “Y” for college/university courses. Select “N/A” for outside vendors except those providing accredited professional licensure or certification programs (e.g., CPA recertification courses). If training accreditation is offered, enter “Y” even if the student is not going to claim college credits or continuing education units. 30
Learning Objective 4.Coding Instructions for EHRI Fields (Cont’d)Training Credit • If training credits are granted for college credits or continuing education units, indicate how many credits (a number) the student will receive for taking this course. • This is a free-form text field (no drop-down menu). • Do not enter decimals. • If no credits are assigned, enter: 0 • *Best Practice: If training credits are granted, enter the total number of college credits or continuing education units even if the student is not going to claim them. 31
Learning Objective 4.Coding Instructions for EHRI Fields (Cont’d)Training Credit Designation Type Code • Select the appropriate type of college credit or continuing education units granted for a course from the drop-down menu: • 01 – Undergraduate Credit • 02 – Graduate Credit • 03 – Continuing Education Unit • 04 – Post Graduate Credit • 05 – N/A • If no credit is granted, select N/A. • *Best Practice: For university and college courses, select 01, 02, 03, or 04. Select N/A for most outside vendors. Exception for USDA courses only if the student applies for continuing education credit (this is not automatic). If training credits are offered, enter the type even if the student is not going to claim them. 32
Learning Objective 4.Coding Instructions for EHRI Fields (Cont’d)Training Credit Type Code • Select the type of training credit being granted from the drop-down menu: • 01 – Semester Hours • 02 – Quarter Hours • 03 – Continuing Education Unit • 04 – N/A • If no training credits are granted, select N/A. • *Best Practice: If training credits are offered, enter code 01, 02 or 03 even if the student does not claim them. 33
Learning Objective 4.Coding Instructions for EHRI Fields (Cont’d)Continued Service Agreement Expiration Date • If a continued service agreement is applicable for the employee to complete the training, enter the date at which the agreement will expire as: YYYYMMDD • This is a free form data field (no drop-down menu). • *Best Practice: If this field does not apply, you must enter: 19000101 • N/A, NA and 0 are not allowed. 34
Learning Objective 4.Coding Instructions for EHRI Fields (Cont’d)Continued Service Agreement Requirement Indicator • Indicate whether a continued service agreement is required for the training the employee is taking. • From the drop-down menu, select: • Y = Yes • N = No • N/A = Not Applicable 35
Learning Objective 4.Coding Instructions for EHRI Fields (Cont’d) Bucket 2. How/Where Codes in this section refer to how the course is being delivered and where we are getting the training from. Training Delivery Type Code Training Source Type Code 36
Learning Objective 4.Coding Instructions for EHRI Fields (Cont’d)Training Delivery Type Code • Select the training delivery method from six choices on the drop-down menu: • 01 – Traditional Classroom (no technology) • 02 – On the Job • 03 – Technology based • 04 – Conference/workshop • 05 – Blended • 06 – Correspondence 37
Learning Objective 4.Coding Instructions for EHRI Fields (Cont’d)Training Delivery Type Code (Cont’d)See the table below for descriptions of training delivery type code options: 38
Learning Objective 4.Coding Instructions for EHRI Fields (Cont’d)Training Source Type Code • Lists the type of organization that is providing the training. • Select from the five codes on the drop-down menu: • 01 – Government Internal • 02 – Government External • 03 – Non-government • 04 – Government State/Local • 05 – Foreign Governments and Organizations 39
Learning Objective 4.Coding Instructions for EHRI Fields (Cont’d)Training Source Type Code (Cont’d)See the table below for descriptions of Training Source Type Code Options: 40
Learning Objective 4.Coding Instructions for EHRI Fields (Cont’d) Bucket 3. Why This code describes why (for what purpose) the student is taking the training. Data entered here will be used to help OMB and Congress understand why employees are taking training. Training Purpose Type Code 41
Learning Objective 4.Coding Instructions for EHRI Fields (Cont’d)Training Purpose Type Code • Indicate the purpose of the training event for the employee. • Select Code ‘03 – Improve Present Performance’ from the drop-down menu: • 01 – Program/Mission Change • 02 – New Work Assignment • 03 – Improve Present Performance • 04 – Future Staffing Needs • 05 – Develop Unavailable Skills • 06 – Retention *Note: All Entries Must Be Coded ‘03 – Improve Present Performance’ at this time. 42
Learning Objective 4.Coding Instructions for EHRI Fields (Cont’d)Training Purpose Type Code (Cont’d)See the table below for descriptions of Training Purpose Type Code Options: 43
Learning Objective 4.Coding Instructions for EHRI Fields (Cont’d) Bucket 4. When The purpose of these codes is to capture the amount of time the employee will spend to complete the training. Training Duty Hours Training Non-duty Hours Training Start Date Training End Date 44
Learning Objective 4.Coding Instructions for EHRI Fields (Cont’d)Training Duty Hours • List the estimated number of duty hours that the employee will use to complete the training. • This is a free-form field (no drop down menu). • Do not enter duration units here (hours, minutes, or days). • If not applicable, must enter: 0 • Enter time in quarter hours with decimals. • Examples: • 1 hour = 1.00 • 1 ¼ hour = 1.25 • 1 ½ hours = 1.50 • 1 ¾ hours = 1.75 45
Learning Objective 4.Coding Instructions for EHRI Fields (Cont’d)Training Non-duty Hours • List the estimated number of hours outside of the normal work day that the employee will use to complete the training unit. • *Best Practice: Default should be duty hours. Enter information here for evening college classes being paid for by the government, or use for certain courses that an agency may require to be completed after hours. • This is a free-form field (no drop down menu). • If not applicable, must enter: 0 • Do not enter duration units here (hours, minutes, or days). • Enter time in quarter hours with decimals. • Examples: • 1 hour = 1.00 • 1 ¼ hour = 1.25 • 1 ½ hours = 1.50 • 1 ¾ hours = 1.75 46
Learning Objective 4.Coding Instructions for EHRI Fields (Cont’d) Bucket 5. How Much These codes are used to determine how much is being spent on training. This includes all costs associated with purchasing training materials, per diem and travel in addition to tuition cost. Training Materials Cost Training Tuition and Fees Cost Training Nongovernment Contribution Cost Training Per Diem Cost Training Travel Cost 47
Learning Objective 4.Coding Instructions for EHRI Fields (Cont’d)Training Materials Cost • Enter the cost to the Government for any training materials used by the student (not included in the tuition cost). • Examples include: • Cost of supplies • Cost of equipment • Cost of software • This is a free-form field (no drop-down menu). • Entries must be numeric. • Enter data in the following format: X.XX • If no cost, enter: 0 48
Learning Objective 4.Coding Instructions for EHRI Fields (Cont’d)Training Tuition and Fees Cost • Enter the cost of training tuition and fees, such as a conference fee or class tuition. • This is a free-form field (no drop-down menu). • Entries must be numeric. • Enter dollar amount in the following format: X.XX • If no cost, enter: 0 • *Best Practice: Estimates are okay in this field. Average out the cost per user if training is being bought at a bulk price. 49
Learning Objective 4.Coding Instructions for EHRI Fields (Cont’d)Training Nongovernment Contribution Cost • If a non-government organization or the employee has contributed some or all of the funds to pay for the training event, enter the dollar amount in this field. • This is a free-form field (no drop-down menu). • Enter dollar amount in the following format: X.XX • If this is not applicable, enter: 0 50