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Connectors. Connectors. Connectors of contrast. Though Although Even though. similar in meaning express something that is surprising or unexpected. Although. l inking word e xpresses the idea of contrast something that is surprising or unexpected Example
Connectors Done by Mdm Fadilah
Connectors Connectors of contrast Though Although Even though • similar in meaning • express something that is surprising or unexpected Done by Mdm Fadilah
Although • linking word • expresses the idea of contrast • something that is surprising or unexpected Example John has a car. John does not drive it often. AlthoughJohn has a car, he does not drive it often. Done by Mdm Fadilah
Although • the clause with although can come at the end Example Althoughthe café was crowded, we found a table. We found a table althoughthe café was crowded. Done by Mdm Fadilah
Though • informal • means the same as although Example Though I liked the sweater, I decided not to buy it. AlthoughI liked the sweater, I decided not to buy it. Done by Mdm Fadilah
Though • informal • means the same as although • we can use though at the end of the sentence Example I liked the sweater. I decided not to buy it, though. Done by Mdm Fadilah
Even though • Stronger, more emphatic than although Example Ram looked quite fresh, even though he had been playing soccer. Even though you dislike Tom, you should try to be nice to him. Done by Mdm Fadilah
Let’s practise I hate spiders. I know I should not kill them. Although I hate spiders, I know I should not kill them. Done by Mdm Fadilah
Let’s practise Tim did not apologise. Tim was late. Although Tim was late, he did not apologise. Done by Mdm Fadilah
Let’s practise Pythons are dangerous. Pythons strike only when provoked. Though pythons are dangerous, they strike only when provoked. Done by Mdm Fadilah
Let’s practise The population of white tigers is still dwindling. Conservation efforts have increased. though The population of white tigers is still dwindling conservation efforts have increased. Done by Mdm Fadilah
Let’s practise Turtles are clumsy on land. Turtles are fast in water. though Turtles are fast in water they are clumsy on land. Done by Mdm Fadilah
Let’s practise Female turtles lay a large number of eggs. Few hatchlings make it to the sea. Done by Mdm Fadilah
Let’s practise Turtle sighting is rare on snorkelling trips. We spotted three turtles swimming towards us on our trip. Done by Mdm Fadilah
Let’s practise The number of leatherbacks is declining. Some people eat the leatherbacks’ eggs as a delicacy. Done by Mdm Fadilah