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ENVIRONMENTAL MOVEMENTS. BERNA TEMİZEL 988615. Throughout history There has been some natural disaster in nature. Envıronmental movements. .Floods .Earthquakes .Volcanic eruptions. Atomıc Bomb. Soviet in the Aral Sea Pollution. Electronic Waste Dumpster in China.
Throughout history There has been some natural disaster in nature.
Envıronmental movements .Floods .Earthquakes .Volcanic eruptions
Soviet in the Aral Sea Pollution Electronic Waste Dumpster in China In Hungary, the Red Poison
Atomic bomb August 6, 1945 local time 08:15 'te, the U.S. AirForce's "EnolaGay" from a B-29 bomber, Japanesecity of Hiroshima on the "little boy" (youngchildren) giventhe name of an atomicbombtossed. Forthefirst time in humanhistorythat is used in Hiroshimaand 15 thousandtons of TNT equivalentexplosivepower of theatomicbomb, accordingtoofficialsources, 140 thousandpeoplewerekilledandthousands of peopleseverelyaffectedbytheradiationcaused. 60 percent of thecitywaswipedoffthemap, a radiationcloudoverthecity of 13 squarekilometers has occurred.
ThroughouthistoryThere has beensomenaturaldisaster in nature. (floods, earthquakes, volcaniceruptions, etc.).This is a naturallyoccurringdisasters.Thisdisasterwastocreateenormouschanges in thestructure of theearth'snatural.Actually,Withindustrializationandtheuse of naturalresources, peoplehavebeen hurt worsethannaturaldisasters on theenvironment. Duetothefactthatpeople do negativedisaster, nature can not renewitself, withindustrialization, countrieshavebecomecompetitivewitheachother.Because of thiscompetition, newdevelopmentsandexperimentswereoccurring. Withthisexperiment, over time andwithemergingTechnologies,Thegrowth rate of environmentaldamagecaused. A portion of theseareannounced it viaprintandvisualmedia, but themajority of thepresscoverage of environmentalcontamination at variouspressurestocontinue. Likeotherevents in ourlives.Everythingabouttheenvironment, themedia is doing it.
Today has experiencedmanyenvironmentalevents. Theseare 1 - AtomicBomb, Chernobyl, CoalFires, TurkmenistanGas Fire, Muderuption in Indonesia, Mines in the United States, Soviet 'the Aral SeaPollution, the United States in MontanaCopperMines, China Electronic WasteDumpster, Inthe United States in the Marshall IslandsNuclearTests, AustraliaPhosphorus Mine, Fire in the United States of Coal, RedPoison in Hungary I wouldliketomentionthatone of thisdisasterfromatomicbomb Hiroşima August 6, 1945 local time 08:15 'te, the U.S. AirForce's "EnolaGay" from a B-29 bomber, Japanesecity of Hiroshima on the "little boy" (youngchildren) giventhe name of an atomicbombtossed.Forthefirst time in humanhistorythat is used in Hiroshimaand 15 thousandtons of TNT equivalentexplosivepower of theatomicbomb, accordingtoofficialsources, 140 thousandpeoplewerekilledandthousands of peopleseverelyaffectedbytheradiationcaused. 60 percent of thecitywaswipedoffthemap, a radiationcloudoverthecity of 13 squarekilometers has occurred. Three daysaftertheHiroshimabombing, 9 August 1945, this time thepeople of thecity of Nagasakiatomicbomb met. American "is Bocksc" Superfortessnamed B-29 aircraft, "Fatman" secondnuclearbombdropped on thecity of Nagasaki. Which is equivalentto 21 thousandtons of TNT explosivepower "Fat Man", thefirst time it killed 100 thousandpeople.
Bythe U.S. atomicbombsdropped on HiroshimaandNagasaki, 360 thousandpeopledied, tens of thousands of peopleobtainpermanentscarscaused. U.S., Japan'satomicbombPearlHarboravenge his raids on the port anduse it to put an endtothe Second World Warsaid. Japan, aftertheatomicbombsdropped on HiroshimaandNagasaki on August 14, 1945 has announcedthat it surrenderedtotheAllies. Hiroshima, August 6, 1945, after a "city of peace" wasrebuilt as. Destroythebomb in thearea, thefirstbuildingleftstanding "HiroshimaPeaceMemorial" waschosenas.Everyyear in Hiroshimamemorialceremonywill be heldforthosewholosttheirlives. Themostimportantthing a bomb is thrownontothecity. Withthisbomb, not justthesoldiers, women, elderly, childrenwerekilled.Ifwelook at a differentwaytothisevent:Scientistsareengaged in bombsandthesepeoplearegiven an orderto do so. Therealpeopletoblame here beforescientistspeoplegivingthemthisauthorityshould be.