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PCMH Supplemental Grant Interim Reports Technical Assistance Call March 28, 2012

PCMH Supplemental Grant Interim Reports Technical Assistance Call March 28, 2012. Nina Brown, MPH, CHES, Public Health Analyst, OQD Michelle Bright, Public Health Analyst, OAM U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Health Resources and Services Administration

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PCMH Supplemental Grant Interim Reports Technical Assistance Call March 28, 2012

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  1. PCMH Supplemental Grant Interim Reports Technical Assistance CallMarch 28, 2012 Nina Brown, MPH, CHES, Public Health Analyst, OQD Michelle Bright, Public Health Analyst, OAM U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Health Resources and Services Administration Bureau of Primary Health Care

  2. Learning Objectives By the end of this session you will be able to: • Understand the process for Interim Reporting for the PCMH Supplemental Grants; • Identify and understand the key activities and deliverables, to report; • Understand key requirements associated with the funding opportunity.

  3. The Patient Centered Medical Home • An approach to providing comprehensive, patient centered, and coordinated primary care for people of all ages and medical conditions. • Agency Priority Goal for HRSA • BPHC Goal: 13% by 12/31/2012 • HRSA investments • PCMHHI • Accreditation Initiative • PCMH Supplemental funds

  4. PCMH Supplemental Funding Overview • Purpose: • To improve the quality of care and access to services for health centers by supporting the costs associated with enhancing quality improvement systems and becoming patient-centered medical homes (PCMHs) • One time supplement of up to $35,000 • Project period: 1 year • Submission of Notice of Intent • Interim Report Release: • HRSA Electronic Handbook (EHB): March 18, 2012

  5. Goals of the Supplemental Funding Opportunity • Health centers will: • Assess their operations through the lens of the patient-centered medical home model of care. • Heighten awareness of the benefits of PCMH recognition. • Submit a Notice of Intent (NOI) to a PCMH Initiative to gain third-party PCMH recognition, e.g., NCQA, Joint Commission, AAAHC, State Based Initiative. • Adopt the PCMH model with an upfront investment in quality-related activities. • Enhance and/or maintain their current PCMH practice.

  6. Reported Focus Area Domains This table shows which domains the PCMH Supplemental Funds will address.

  7. Interim Report Format in EHB

  8. Reporting and Reviewing Content • Update the fields that correspond to your organization’s original application. • Reports should include updates on the following information: • Current status of proposed project and note revisions • Key milestones / deliverables that have been achieved • Status on submitted NOI and selected third party recognition body. • If your organization has modified your project please ensure you have submitted a revised project narrative, work plan, and budget, if applicable, to your project officer. • Timeline for completion of projects.

  9. Reporting Tips • Submission will follow normal reporting process. • Ensure that excel document is not corrupt. • Grantees MUST complete form e-mailed through EHB. • Reports CANNOTbe completed on a Mac system or computer. • Special characters are signs of corruption • Updated / Modified / Changed Projects • Ensure that your Project Officer has all revised narratives and budgets. • It is highly recommended to submit your NOIs early (prior to September 2012). NOI can be submitted to HRSA or other federal PCMH Initiatives, state based initiatives or private payer initiatives. You should receive recognition within a year of NOI submission

  10. Frequently Asked Grantee Questions • Can I have a no-cost extension? • No. Projects must be completed within the grant period • Do I have to become a PCMH by the end of the grant period? • No. You simply have to submit an NOI to begin the process. • I’m participating in the CMS Demonstration Project and I have 3 years to achieve NCQA Level III Recognition. Do I still have to submit an NOI? • Yes. You still need to submit an NOI to meet the funding requirement.

  11. Frequently Asked Grantee Questions • What is the NOI Process? • If applying through a HRSA Initiative simply search, PCMH and/or Accreditation on http://www.hrsa.gov to be directed to the Technical Assistance page and PAL. • My organization has discovered that our original project will no longer work. Can we propose a different project? • Yes. You must submit a revised work plan and budget, if applicable, to your Project Officer. • Will I receive notification once my report has been reviewed and accepted? • Yes. EHB will send an automated e-mail to the address on file once your report has been approved.

  12. Questions

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