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Understanding Expectation and Variance in Probability

Learn how to compute and interpret expectations and variances of discrete and continuous random variables in probability theory. Examples provided for Bernoulli, Binomial, Geometric, Uniform, Exponential, and Normal distributions.

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Understanding Expectation and Variance in Probability

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  1. CIS 2033 based onDekking et al. A Modern Introduction to Probability and Statistics, 2007 Instructor Longin Jan Latecki Chapter 7: Expectation and variance

  2. The expectation of a discrete random variable X taking the values a1, a2, . . . and with probability mass function p is the number: We also call E[X] the expected valueor meanof X. Since the expectation is determined by the probability distribution of X only, we also speak of the expectation or mean of the distribution. Expected values of discrete random variable

  3. Example • Let X be the discrete random variable that takes thevalues 1, 2, 4, 8, and 16, each with probability 1/5. Compute the expectation of X.

  4. Bernoulli Distribution • Let X have Bernoulli distribution with the probability of success p.

  5. Binomial Distribution • Let X have Binomial distribution with the probability of success p and the number of trails n. • Computing the expectation of X directly leads to a complicated formula, but we can use the fact that X can be represented as the sum of n independent Bernoulli variables: Note: We do not need the independence assumption for the expected value, since it is a linear function of RVs, but we need it for variance.

  6. Geometric Distribution • Let X have Geometric distribution with the probability of success p. We skip the derivation of variance.

  7. The expectationof a continuous random variableX with probability density function f is the number We also call E[X] the expected valueor meanof X. Note that E[X] is indeed the center of gravity of the mass distribution described by the function f: Expected values of continuous random variable

  8. Uniform U(a,b) • Let X be uniform U(a, b). Then f(x)= 1/(b-a) for x in [a, b] and zero outside this interval.

  9. The EXPECTATION of a GEOMETRIC DISTRIBUTION. Let X have a geometric distribution with parameter p; then The EXPECTATION of an EXPONENTIAL DISTRIBUTION. Let X have an exponential distribution with parameter λ; then The EXPECTATION of a NORMAL DISTRIBUTION. Let X be an N(μ, σ2) distributed random variable; then

  10. The CHANGE-OF-VARIABLE FORMULA. Let X be a random variable, and let g : R → R be a function. If X is discrete, taking the values a1, a2, . . . , then If X is continuous, with probability density function f, then Example: Let X have a Ber(p) distribution. Compute E(2X).

  11. The varianceVar(X) of a random variable X is the number Standard deviation: Variance of a normal distribution. Let X be an N(μ, σ2) distributed random variable. Then Variance of an EXPONENTIAL DISTRIBUTION. Let X have an exponential distribution with parameter λ; then

  12. An alternative expression for the variance. For any random variable X, is called the second moment of X. We can derive this equation from:

  13. Example. Let X takes the values 2, 3, and 4 with probabilities 0.1, 0.7, and 0.2. We can compute that E[X]= 3.1.

  14. Expectation and variance under change of units. For any random variable X and any real numbers r and s, and

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