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Diagnostic Services Programme Lindsey Davies will be leaving the Programme on 8 th October to take up a post in Aneurin Bevan Health Board. Lindsey’s expertise and drive will be sorely missed and we thank her for her energetic leadership of the Programme since April 2006.
Diagnostic Services Programme Lindsey Davies will be leaving the Programme on 8th October to take up a post in Aneurin Bevan Health Board. Lindsey’s expertise and drive will be sorely missed and we thank her for her energetic leadership of the Programme since April 2006. Lindsey’s replacement will be Jane Fitzpatrick. Jane is Head of the Programme Management Unit and Portfolio Manager for the NHS Reform Programme. National Pathology Programme Board (NPPB) In June2010 the Executive Directors Team (EDT) and Chief Executive (CEO) Group chaired by Paul Williams, agreed that in future the NPPB would report to the EDT/CEO Group. It was also agreed that the NPPB would be responsible for overseeing development and consensus approval of standards and protocols relating to Pathology services on behalf of NHS bodies represented by membersThe NPPB comprises Clinical Directors of Pathology and Directorate Managers from all Health Boards and national services. Laboratory Information Management System The contract for the new All Wales LIMS has been Signed. The successful supplier, Intersystems, has begun working in partnership with NHS Wales Informatics Services (which includes Informing Healthcare) and with extensive input from Pathology service colleagues from all disciplines throughout Wales. An intensive period of build, configuration and testing of the national solution is now underway with the first Health Board planned to go live in summer 2011. The All Wales LIMS provides Pathology services in Wales with an opportunity to harmonise practice, improve clinical governance and increase capacity and flexibility to meet future demand and new service developments. Further information is available on the Informing Healthcare website www.wales.nhs.uk/ihc Pathology Diploma level 3 Skills for Health confirm that the level 3 Pathology Diploma has been approved and will be available from January 2011. Jill Manley from Hywel Dda HB and Victoria Bradley from ABMUHB have been pivotal to the development of the diploma. View it on http://www.accreditedqualifications.org.uk/qualificatio n/50117622.seo.aspx Point of Care Testing Education modules developed by the POCT Coordinators for assessing competence of end users of a series of POCT devices have been recommended for adoption UK-wide and will be available through the Open College Network. Currently the modules are available through the Welsh division of the OCN, Agored Cymru, on www.agored.org.uk Post Mortem Establishments HTA Designated Individuals have developed consent forms and guide booklets for hospital and Coroner post mortem examinations of adults and babies. The second All Wales training in consent taking based upon these forms was held on 23rd September. Clinical Pathology Accreditation (CPA) Phil Shred and Jan Chatfield from CPA attended the recent meeting of the Pathology Quality Management Forum (PQMF) to provide an update and answer Questions on standards relating to POCT services. Further PQMF resources The most recent resources address: Mapping of CPA, HTA and MHRA requirements against Doing Well, Doing Better: Standards for Health Services in Wales Guidance for establishing an SLA All resources are posted on the Pathology Community website on www.nliah.com/portal. Margie Fielden, Pathology Programme Manager, 02920 207615 or margie.fielden@wales.nhs.uk Pathology Programme NewsNo. 161st October 2010