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2. DOE/WSRC Requirements. DOE Order 425.1C, Startup and Restart of Nuclear FacilitiesSRIP 400, Chapter 425.1, Nuclear Facility Startup Approval ProcessDOE-STD- 3006-2000, Planning and Conduct of ORRsDOE-HDBK-3012-2003, Guide to Good Practices for Operational Readiness Reviews, Team Leader's Gu
1. Operational Readiness Review Process(Name of Facility)
2. 2 DOE/WSRC Requirements DOE Order 425.1C, Startup and Restart of Nuclear Facilities
SRIP 400, Chapter 425.1, Nuclear Facility Startup Approval Process
DOE-STD- 3006-2000, Planning and Conduct of ORRs
DOE-HDBK-3012-2003, Guide to Good Practices for Operational Readiness Reviews, Team Leader’s Guide
WSRC Manual 12Q
Prerequisite - Read Manual 12Q, Section 2 ORR Procedures
3. 3 Key Documents/Terms C-ORR Plan of Action - Developed by facility to define scope, breadth and depth of the ORR, and the Management Self-Assessment Plan
C-ORR Implementation Plan - Developed by the C-ORR Board
MSA Report - Results from the MSA
C-ORR Report - Developed by the C-ORR Board
Minimum Core Requirements (MCRs) - Minimum set of requirements for which compliance must be demonstrated - grouped in terms of ISMS Guiding Principles
4. 4 TYPICAL STARTUP PROCESS Combined C-ORR Plan of Action and MSA Plan issued
ORR Implementation Plan issued
Facility completes readiness activities
MSA performed with WSRC ORR Board oversight
MSA completed and MSA Report issued
C-ORR Board reviews MSA Report & concurs with readiness to start C-ORR
C-ORR Board performs independent field verifications
DOE-SRS Validation performed concurrent with C-ORR
C-ORR Report issued
C-ORR Resolution Report issued (if needed)
DOE Validation Team Report issued
DOE ORR, report, corrective action developed and closed, startup approval
5. 5 C-ORR Plan-of-Action (POA) Defines scope of review by identifying applicable MCRs, Functional Areas (breadth), and SCD-4 Performance Objectives & Criteria (depth)
Some Functional Areas may not be evaluated - must be justified
Defines Prerequisites for starting the C-ORR (including equipment and personnel readiness)
Includes the MSA Plan, MSA checklists and Lines of Inquiry
Requires approval by WSRC Executive VP, OED Manager, ORR Board Chair and the Startup Authority, with a copy to DOE-HQ
Forms the basis from which the C-ORR Implementation Plan is written
6. 6 C-ORR Implementation Plan Includes rationale and process for conduct of the C-ORR
Requires assessment of each Functional Area and MCR from the POA
Includes ORR checklists for selected sets of MSA plan Criteria
Checklists include LOIs and identified sample size
Note: Assure integration of Functional Areas is addressed
Describes planned evolutions, drills, and work activities to be observed in a performance-based approach
Approved by Board Chair and OED Manager, issued to Line Manager and transmitted to DOE-SRS for review and comment
Examples of previous ORR Implementation Plans are available
7. 7 C-ORR Board Qualification Requirements Board members appointed by OED Manager
Qualifications include:
-Technical knowledge of functional area
-Performance based assessment knowledge
-Knowledge of facility specific information and familiarity with the startup activity
-Independence from the activity
8. 8 C-ORR Board Member Responsibilities Write Implementation Plan with Checklists and LOI
Become familiar with facility
Perform MSA oversight
Review MSA Report
Perform C-ORR field work
- complete Checklists and LOI
- write Findings
- attend Board meetings and vote
Validate closure of your “A” Corrective Actions
Write C-ORR Report
9. 9 C-ORR Board Member MSA-Related Duties Oversight of MSA
- gain understanding and knowledge of facility operations
- observe selected MSA evolutions/drills
- determine adequacy of MSA
- do not provide guidance to facility or cause MSA to be done differently
- discuss problems or deficiencies with Board Chair or Vice Chair
Review of MSA Report to verify that:
- PO&C were clearly documented and completed
- Findings were appropriately documented
- categorization of A vs. B corrective actions are sensible
- the number and significance of open A items is acceptable
- C-ORR prerequisites have been met
10. 10 C-ORR Implementation Plan Development (cont.) Insert a sample ORR Checklist Form here.
11. 11 Findings
Finding - Documented condition of a deviation from policies/procedures that may result in potential or actual adverse consequences to worker or public health and safety, security or the environment
Some FEB issues would not be considered to have the significant impact on safety that would warrant a finding
12. 12 C-ORR Board Process
Document and present findings to C-ORR Board for validation using the Action Item Form
Communicate with the facility on determination of corrective actions for findings (Facility responsibility to propose specific actions to correct with target date)
“A” Action Item – Must be completed prior to Startup.
“B” Action Items are Post Startup.
13. 13 C-ORR Board Process (cont.) Present corrective actions to Board with closure validation criteria for “A” Corrective Actions
Board must agree to Corrective Actions and member must validate closure (for “A” Corrective Actions only)
Present validation and closure recommendations to the Board for “A” Actions
Closure and validation criteria must be precisely worded and able to be VERIFIED.
14. 14 C-ORR Board Process (cont.) Insert a copy of the ORR Action Item Form here.
15. 15 C-ORR Board Meetings Two thirds of membership defined as quorum - required to conduct business and make formal decisions
Intent to achieve unanimous consensus on decisions - if not achieved, a minority opinion is documented in Board minutes and C-ORR Report
Functional Area assessor must be at meeting for major discussions in their area
All Board meetings, actions and major decisions are recorded
Line Management, DOE-SRS and DNFSB notified and typically attend
16. 16 C-ORR vs. FEB C-ORR verifies and certifies that activity can be started up and operated safely within its Authorization Basis
Identify in the C-ORR Implementation Plan what you must see to accomplish above goal
Unlike a FEB where you observe whatever is happening that day in the facility: The whole purpose of that day for the facility will be to perform the planned C-ORR evolutions for you to observe
Unlike a FEB where you don’t document all criteria in the assessment plan: The documented evidence must exist concerning what you saw and how the requirements from that LOI were met
17. 17 C-ORR vs. FEB (con’t)
Documentation of your observations is as important as the observations themselves.
This is a very different approach than a FEB
Must keep the key supporting documentation for one year (Will need during the DOE ORR to answer questions)
It is important to carefully define the scope of what and how much you will commit to observe. Once in writing here it must be done. DO NOT commit to more than can be done by the overall process.
18. 18 Lessons Learned Purpose of an C-ORR is to confirm readiness - not to assist in achieving readiness
Approach to achieving readiness should be that plant is ready to “go hot” once readiness is declared for ORR
Evolutions must demonstrate proficiency, with any required simulation defended as such in the POA
Maintain close contact with DOE Validation Team Counterpart