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Sharing models for multi- modality image simulation in VIP

Sharing models for multi- modality image simulation in VIP . Bernard Gibaud 1 , Germain Forestier 2 1 IRISA, puis LTSI , U1099 Inserm, Rennes 2 MIPS, Université de Haute-Alsace, Mulhouse. Acknowledgements. Hugues Benoit- Cattin Frédéric Cervenansky Patrick Clarysse

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Sharing models for multi- modality image simulation in VIP

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  1. VIP Workshop, December 14, 2012, Lyon (France) Sharing models for multi-modality image simulation in VIP Bernard Gibaud1, Germain Forestier2 1IRISA, puis LTSI, U1099 Inserm, Rennes 2 MIPS, Université de Haute-Alsace, Mulhouse

  2. VIP Workshop, December 14, 2012, Lyon (France) Acknowledgements • Hugues Benoit-Cattin • Frédéric Cervenansky • Patrick Clarysse • Denis Friboulet • Alban Gaignard • Tristan Glatard • Patrick Hugonnard • Carole Lartizien • Hervé Liebgott • Johan Montagnat • Joachim Tabary

  3. VIP Workshop, December 14, 2012, Lyon (France) Overview • Introduction – Goal and scope • Part 1. Methodology • Part 2. Result: OntoVipontology • Part 3. Result: Utilizationin VIP platform • Discussion and conclusion

  4. VIP Workshop, December 14, 2012, Lyon (France) Introduction Goal and scope

  5. http://www.creatis.insa-lyon.fr/vip Context Object model repository Simulated data repository metadata models metadata images Thorax Simulation tools repository US Himan body MRI Heart MR: SIMRI CT: Sindbad PET: Sorteo US: FIELD CT Anatomical and physiological models PET Simulated data Grids et clusters metadata Simul.

  6. VIP Workshop, December 14, 2012, Lyon (France) Goal • Define a commonvocabulary to describeshared information within the VIP platform • Content of the modelsused in simulation • Nature and provenance of simulated data • Use of ontologies • Common vocabulary • Formaldefinitions of entities and relationships, enablingreasoning

  7. VIP Workshop, December 14, 2012, Lyon (France) Scope • Models: • Data files, modeling a 3D scene • eitherobjects(voxelmaps, meshes) • and / or maps of values taken by physicalparameters • Simulated data • Non-reconstructed and Reconstructed data • Simulation actions BrainWeb model Simulated T1weighted images

  8. VIP Workshop, December 14, 2012, Lyon (France) Specificconstraints • A commonframeworkfor all imagingmodalities • X-Ray imaging, e.g., radiographs and computedtomography (CT) • Magneticresonanceimaging (MRI) • Ultrasound (US) • Positron Emission Tomography (PET)

  9. VIP Workshop, December 14, 2012, Lyon (France) Part I - Methodology

  10. VIP Workshop, December 14, 2012, Lyon (France) MethodologySpecial concerns • Reuseexisting ontologies as far as possible • not re-invent the wheel • facilitate future interoperation with biological modelling software • Createontologies whennecessary • ensureadequate documentation • Integrateall components in a consistent whole • use of consistent integration framework

  11. VIP Workshop, December 14, 2012, Lyon (France) Reuse of existing ontologies • FMA (865) • Mouse pathology (494) • PATO* (84) • RadLex (81) • RadLex (49) • RadLex (189) • ChEBI (255) • Anatomy • Pathology • Physicalqualities • Contrast agents • Radiopharmaceuticals • Foreign bodies • Atoms * PATO: PhenotypicAttribute and Trait Ontology

  12. VIP Workshop, December 14, 2012, Lyon (France) Creation of ontologies • Domains • Models(medical image simulation objectmodelsormodels) • Simulated data (simulated data) • Simulation actions(medical image simulation) (Extensive reuse of OntoNeuroLOG) • Tworepresentations • OntoSpecdocuments • OWLimplementation

  13. VIP Workshop, December 14, 2012, Lyon (France) Extract of an OntoSpec document Subsumption relation (« is a ») Essential property / existential restriction

  14. VIP Workshop, December 14, 2012, Lyon (France) Common integrationframework • One single application ontology (calledOntoVIP) • one Foundationalontology, i.e. DOLCE • SeveralCoreontologies • e.g. Actions, Artefacts, Participation roles, Agentives, Discourse message acts, I.E.C. (inscriptions-expressions-conceptualizations) • SeveralDomain ontologies particular (Masolo et al., 2003) perdurant quality abstract endurant physical quality temporal quality region physical object non-physical object event stative state time interval process

  15. VIP Workshop, December 14, 2012, Lyon (France) proposition (non-physical endurant) physical endurant quality is a is a is a physical object physical quality representational object refers to has for quality

  16. VIP Workshop, December 14, 2012, Lyon (France) conceptual action representational object representational object is a is a is a medical image simulation object model medical image simulation simulated data is a data of has for result

  17. VIP Workshop, December 14, 2012, Lyon (France) Part 2. Result: OntoVIPontology

  18. VIP Workshop, December 14, 2012, Lyon (France) OntoVIP : major features • Organization in model layers • Relation to physicalproperties (physicalparameter) • Relation to time (time point, instant) • Taxonomy of models • Taxonomy of medical image simulation • Taxonomy of simulated data • Provenance

  19. VIP Workshop, December 14, 2012, Lyon (France) Organization in layers (1/3) • Layers (model layers) are representationalobjectsthataimatcharacterizing the contents of a model • Values layersdepict the 3D spatial distribution of a parameter • e.g. the map of proton density values • Object layersdepict the 3D distribution of objects • Composed of objectlayerparts • Eachassociated to a label value 3 2 1

  20. VIP Workshop, December 14, 2012, Lyon (France) Organization in layers(2/3) • Values layer • Object layer

  21. VIP Workshop, December 14, 2012, Lyon (France) Organization in layers(3/3)examples anat-layer01 rdf:typeanatomical-object-layer anat-layer01 is-stored-in-file‘anat.nii’ anat-layer01 has-for-proper-partanat-layer-part01 anat-layer-part01 rdf:typeanatomical-layer-part anat-layer-part01 refers-togrey-matter01 grey-matter01rdf:typefma:grey-matter anat-layer-part01 has-for-label-in-model ‘2’ … 2

  22. VIP Workshop, December 14, 2012, Lyon (France) Relation to physicalpropertiesexamples • In the case of values layers… values-layer01 rdf:typephysical-parameter-values-layer values-layer01 refers-toproton-density01 proton-density01rdf:typeproton-density • In the case of objectlayers … • mathematical distribution of physicalquality anat-layer-part01 has-for-physical-parameter-distributionmath-distrib01 math-distrib01 rdf:typegaussian-distribution math-distrib01 has-for-meanmean01 math-distrib01 has-for-standard-deviationstd01 math-distrib01 refers-toproton-density01 proton-density01rdf:typeproton-density

  23. VIP Workshop, December 14, 2012, Lyon (France) Relation to time • Models’ components (such as model layers) refer to discretetime intervals • Twoscales are considered • Time points depict « long intervals », i.e. betweenseveralimagingprocedures (e.g. days, months, years) • whereasinstantsdepict « short intervals » within an imagingprocedure (e.g. seconds, minutes)

  24. VIP Workshop, December 14, 2012, Lyon (France) Taxonomy of models denotes « is a » relationship denotes disjoint classes

  25. VIP Workshop, December 14, 2012, Lyon (France) Taxonomy of simulated data

  26. VIP Workshop, December 14, 2012, Lyon (France) Simulation (actions) • Simulation (actions) • Relation to simulated data • Examples simulation01rdf:typePET-simulation simulation01has-for-resultsimul-data01 simul-data01 rdf:typePET-sinogram

  27. VIP Workshop, December 14, 2012, Lyon (France) Provenance of simulated dataexamples • Relation betweensimulated data and models simul-data01 rdf:typeMR-image simul-data01 derives-from-modelmodel01 model01rdf:type MR-compatible-model • Relation betweensimulated data and parameters and parameter sets simul-data01 derives-from-parameter-set par-set01 par-set01 rdf:typeparameter-set simul-data01 derives-from-parameterparam01 param01 rdf:typesimulation-parameter param01 rdf:typeecho-time-value-information

  28. VIP Workshop, December 14, 2012, Lyon (France) OntoVIPmodular structure OntoVIP VIP-simulated-data VIP-simulation OntoNeuroLOG components VIP-model VIP-foreign-body VIP-biological-object VIP-contrast-agent VIP- radio-pharma-ceuticals VIP-Pathological-anatomical-object-quality VIP-patho logical-object VIP-atom

  29. VIP Workshop, December 14, 2012, Lyon (France) Part 3. Result: Utilizationin the VIP platform

  30. VIP Workshop, December 14, 2012, Lyon (France) Model annotation

  31. VIP Workshop, December 14, 2012, Lyon (France) Model annotation • Ontology-basedreasoningat model upload • Semi-automaticcreation of model layersbased on the nature of referredobjects • e.g. anatomical structure assigned to an anatomicalobject layer • Retrieval of ontologyterms(ranksearchingusinglucene) • Inference of modality compatibility • e.g. a model isMR-simulation-compatible • Control of consistency • Automaticcreation of model.rdf annotation file • It becomes a part of the model • Possibility of upload of an annotated model

  32. VIP Workshop, December 14, 2012, Lyon (France) Search and reuse of models • Modelscanbesearched for based on model contents

  33. VIP Workshop, December 14, 2012, Lyon (France) Annotation of simulated data 1/3(Alan GaignardPhDwork, I3S) • GOAL: automatingthe semantic annotation of simulated data, based on: • detailed provenance data provided by the execution manager (open provenance model) • existingknowledge about models and simulation workflow components (represented as domain-specificinferencerules)

  34. VIP Workshop, December 14, 2012, Lyon (France) Annotation of simulateddata 2/3Example: PET sinogramgeneratedwith SORTEO wf-execution sinogramrdf:typePET-sinogram sinogramis-a-result-of wf-execution wf-executionrdf:typePET-simulation sinogramderives-from-modelphantom sinogramderives-from-parameter-set protocol protocolrdf:typeparameter-set

  35. VIP Workshop, December 14, 2012, Lyon (France) Annotation of simulated data 3/3Example: MR image generatedwithSimuBloch • Provenance data isbrowsablefrom the portal • An alternative to the (relatively ad-hoc) inferencerulesisprovided by conceptualworkflows(PhDwork of Nadia Cerezo, I3S), whichdescribe actions at a more abstract level (work in progress)

  36. VIP Workshop, December 14, 2012, Lyon (France) Part 4. Discussion

  37. VIP Workshop, December 14, 2012, Lyon (France) Reuse of existing ontologies • GnMost termscouldbefoundfromexistingresources: FMA, RadLex, PATO, MPATH, ChEBI • Set of termsselectedbased on a reasonableguess • Hard to seewhetheritissufficient • Selected corpus canbeextendedquiteeasily (vSPARQLquerybased on a set of terms) • Althoughpotentiallyinteresting for reasoning, « Part-whole » relations not retrievedfrom FMA, yet • Need for feedback fromactual use

  38. VIP Workshop, December 14, 2012, Lyon (France) Ontology of models • Organisation in model layersverysatifactory • Intuitive, natural relation to physicalparameters • All objectives not met • Hard to integrate all simulators in a single consistent framework • Physiological and Physiopathologicalprocesses not annoted, yet • e.g., no means to express that a model models ‘breathing’ or ‘heartmovement’  Wouldstillneedsubstantialwork

  39. VIP Workshop, December 14, 2012, Lyon (France) Deployment and adoption • Successful use of ontologies in the platform • Theycanbeused in similarprojects • Wecarefullyavoidedembedding in the ontologies specificconstraints of ourplatform • Stilllimited exploitation of embeddedknowledge • Search of models • Inference of compatiblity to modalities and/or specificsimulators • Exploitation of provenance data for assistingusers in choosing simulation parameters  Possibility to extend the platform’scapabilitybased on users’ feedback and wishes

  40. VIP Workshop, December 14, 2012, Lyon (France) Conclusion • The development of the OntoVIPprojectrequired to find a compromise betweensomewhatcontradictory contraints • Providing a vocabularytailored to the deployment of the VIP platform • Providing a generalenoughontologythatcould support similarneeds in the field of medical image simulation • Only feedback fromactual use (in VIP and elsewhere) willallow us to improveit.

  41. VIP Workshop, December 14, 2012, Lyon (France) Representation of pathologicalentitiespathological-anatomical-object hippo01 rdf:typepathological-anatomical-object hippo01 rdf:typefma:hippocampus hippo01 has-for-qualityqual01 qual01 rdf:typedecreased-volume

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