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Amhara Region Agricultural Research Institute (ARARI). By Gizaw Desta (PhD). ARARI Establishment. Established before 10 years to spearhead the regional research system – some of its research centers established before 25 yrs Organized into Five Research Directorates: Crop Livestock
Amhara Region Agricultural Research Institute (ARARI) By Gizaw Desta (PhD)
ARARI Establishment • Established before 10 years to spearhead the regional research system – some of its research centers established before 25 yrs Organized into Five Research Directorates: • Crop • Livestock • Soil and Water • Forestry • Agricultural Mechanization & Food Sciences NBDC N3 Partner Technical Meeting, 28-29 March 2011, Adis Ababa, ILRI
Five Comprehensive Research centers 1) Adet ARC ( Crop, Soil & water, Forestry) 2) Debre Birhan ARC ( Crop, Soil & Water, Livestock & Forestry) 3) Sirinka ARC (Crop, Soil & Water, Livestock & Forestry) 4) Sekota DLARC (Crop, Soil & Water, Livestock & Forestry) 5) Gondar ARC (Crop, soil & Water, Livestock & Foerestry) NBDC N3 Partner Technical Meeting, 28-29 March 2011, Adis Ababa, ILRI 1
Three specialized research centers1) Bahir Dar Fishery and other aquatic life research center2) Bahir Dar Agricultural Mechanization and Food Science Research center3) Andassa Livestock Research center NBDC N3 Partner Technical Meeting, 28-29 March 2011, Adis Ababa, ILRI 1
Five research sub-centers • Debre Tabor • Finoteselam • Alem Ketam • Kobo • Jari • And over 40 trial stations NBDC N3 Partner Technical Meeting, 28-29 March 2011, Adis Ababa, ILRI 1
NBDC N3 Partner Technical Meeting, 28-29 March 2011, Adis Ababa, ILRI 1
What is the major objective of ARARI? • Generation and adaptation of improved agricultural technologies • Demonstration and popularization of improved technologies and knowledge to users through pre-extension demonstration, exhibition, field days, training, advice, and publications • Multiplication of breeder and pre-seed • Coordinate the regional agricultural research system NBDC N3 Partner Technical Meeting, 28-29 March 2011, Adis Ababa, ILRI
What are the main water related activities? • In-situ rain water harvesting and management for moisture stress areas- • for hillslopes: half moon, trench, eyebrow, and • for agricultural bottom lands: tie-ridge, zie pit • Evaluation and demonstration of water harvesting systems – • Technical and socioeconomic evaluation of water harvesting systems • Comparative analysis of lining materials for seepage control NBDC N3 Partner Technical Meeting, 28-29 March 2011, Adis Ababa, ILRI 1
What are the main water related activities? • Evaluation, verification and demonstration of surface drainage techniques (BBF, BBM, RF) and reuse of drained water for supplemental irrigation in vertisol areas • Integrated watershed management –WH, SWC • Assessment and management of wetlands • Runoff-rainfall relation, runoff-soil loss NBDC N3 Partner Technical Meeting, 28-29 March 2011, Adis Ababa, ILRI 1
Conservation agriculture practices – mulching, zero tillage, crop residue, cover crops, green manuring • Testing deficit water management techniques • Irrigation water management • Flood prediction and flood control • Agrometeorology and cropping pattern studies, drought and its coping strategies • Evapotranspiration NBDC N3 Partner Technical Meeting, 28-29 March 2011, Adis Ababa, ILRI
How do you decide about the water related activities? • Which data do you use? – generated through informal and formal survey • Rainfall (deficit or excess) • Farming system (less or high water demand) • Soil (WHC, soil depth) • Socio-economic (capacity of farmers for uptake of technology, preference or demand, knowledge) • How do you decide about the location of the activities? • Extent of problem or constraint • The feasibility of potential impact and demand for adoption • Representation of wider biophysical, agroecological and socioeconomic sets of conditions or domain NBDC N3 Partner Technical Meeting, 28-29 March 2011, Adis Ababa, ILRI 1
Can you describe the process that leads to activities • Agricultural problems surveyed (and presented to stakeholder platform) • Major researchable issues identified • These issues will be distributed to research centers for project proposal development • Proposed research activities will be reviewed at department level, followed by research centre level • Research and Partner joint annual research review will be done by involving researchers, university researchers, extension, and NGOs • Annual Research Directory will be developed NBDC N3 Partner Technical Meeting, 28-29 March 2011, Adis Ababa, ILRI 1
Do you investigate the impact of the activities? • Impact of activities were not studied very often. But technical and socio-economic assessments of the activities are investigated • To what extent do you use maps and GIS? • It is not common to apply Map and GIS tools for many of the research activities as there is lack of input data and knowledge of tools NBDC N3 Partner Technical Meeting, 28-29 March 2011, Adis Ababa, ILRI 1
Who are the partners that ARARI is working with? • Small holder farmers, water user associations, FREG • Bureau of Agriculture (BoA) or agricultural extension • Bureau of Water Resources (BOWRD) • Cooperative agencies • Seed enterprises, private investors, private business processors and enterprises • The regional government • NGOs and donors of bilateral & multi-lateral agreement • Regional agricultural colleges and Universities • Regional, national and international research institutes • Stakeholder platforms NBDC N3 Partner Technical Meeting, 28-29 March 2011, Adis Ababa, ILRI
How do you disseminate knowledge to these partners ? • Participatory research – Farmer-Research-Extension-Group (FREG) • Demonstrations and pre-scaling up • Stakeholder platforms (ARDPLAC) – developing technology package and popularization through the extension service • Training and workshops • Field days and experience visit • Exhibition of technologies and information • Publication – Annual progress reports, Proceedings, Journals, Manuals, Posters and Leaflets NBDC N3 Partner Technical Meeting, 28-29 March 2011, Adis Ababa, ILRI 1
Examples of success stories? • If possible illustrate a success story? What were the factors that led to success? • Rainfed Potato production in North Shewa – competing with the barley system • Rice and vegetable production in Fogera wetland • Broad Bed and Furrow (BBF) expansion to vertisol • Village based Menz-Awassi cross breed production in Menz and South Wollo areas – poor crop farming system and immediate benefit gain NBDC N3 Partner Technical Meeting, 28-29 March 2011, Adis Ababa, ILRI 1
Do you have an examples of projects that were less successful? What were the drivers hampering success? • Water harvesting – due to blanket planning • Broad Bed Maker (BBM) – specific to soil and rainfall onset NBDC N3 Partner Technical Meeting, 28-29 March 2011, Adis Ababa, ILRI
Thank you NBDC N3 Partner Technical Meeting, 28-29 March 2011, Adis Ababa, ILRI