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Forensic Science Technician. By: Ebony R. Job Description.
Forensic Science Technician By: Ebony R
Job Description • Forensic science technicians investigate crimes by analyzing physical evidence. They also prepare reports to document their findings and the laboratory techniques used. When criminal cases come to trial forensic science technicians often testify as a expert witness on their findings and other collections from the crime scene.
Education and Training • To be a forensic science technician you have to get a bachelors degree to qualify for entry levels. While in high school you should take as many math and science classes as you can. Knowledge and understanding of legal procedures can also be helpful.
Yearly Income • A forensic science technician makes $49,860 a year.
Location • To do this job I would have to relocate to a different place. You could go to places like Miami and Las Vegas.
Resources • www.google.com • www.sciencebuddies.org
Bibliography Angi M. Christensen Sources: National Institutes Of Health Office of Science Education. December 15,2009. Forensic Science Technician http://science.education.nih.gov/LifeWorks.nsf/Interviews/Angi+M.+Christensen#Interviewchnician. 27 April 2011 http://www.sciencebuddies.org/science-fair-projects/science-engineering-careers/Phys_forensicsciencetechnician_c001.shtml?From=testb
BIBLIOGRAPHY Katie, “CSI: Forensics on TV vs. real life.” Online posting. 2008. Disorderly Conduct. 13 May 2011. http://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://cdn.edu-search.com/uploads/policetape.jpg&imgrefurl=http://www.criminaljusticeschools.org/blog/csi-forensic-science-on-tv-vs-real-life&usg=__3BVRX3PEET4Bf72NU6TgUeW8JUE=&h=1080&w=1440&sz=198&hl=en&start=5&zoom=1&itbs=1&tbnid=nW7eJGF4WIx7vM:&tbnh=113&tbnw=150&prev=/search%3Fq%3Dforensic%2Bscience%2Btechnician%26hl%3Den%26biw%3D1259%26bih%3D594%26gbv%3D2%26tbm%3Disch&ei=lKfaTY7uEoSDtgfts43pDg