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Exam 1 Review

Exam 1 Review. Chapter 1. Definition of marriage Elements of marriage Know the difference between polygamy and polyamory Know the sociological definition of the family and the difference between nuclear and extended family

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Exam 1 Review

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  1. Exam 1 Review

  2. Chapter 1 • Definition of marriage • Elements of marriage • Know the difference between polygamy and polyamory • Know the sociological definition of the family and the difference between nuclear and extended family • Know the definition of domestic partnership, civli union, traditional family, modern family and postmodern family and know how to identify their examples • Know the relationship between family changes and industrialization • Understand the marriage resilience perspective • Be familiar with the marriage gradient

  3. Chapter 2 • Know the difference between sex and Gender • Who are intersex individuals? • Know the definitions of gender Identity, gender dysphoria, and transgender • Be familiar with the agents of socialization Chapter 3 • What are some sources of Conflict in relationships? • Know the defense mechanisms associated with conflict between couples

  4. Chapter 4 • Singlehood and reasons for remaining single Ways of finding a partner Chapter 5 • Know the definition of Love, Lust and Infatuation • Be familiar with the love styles • What is an engagement and what are its functions? • How has love been influenced by the social and historical context? • Understand the concepts of endogamy, exogamy, and homogamy • What are the wrong reasons for marrying?

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