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The Economics of the Malaysian Palm Oil Industry and Its Biodiesel Potential

The Economics of the Malaysian Palm Oil Industry and Its Biodiesel Potential. Kenneth R. Szulczyk , Ph.D. Convention Center, UUM December 4, 2012. Contents. Introduction Palm oil t rees Plantation land u se Palm o il uses and products Oil palm p lantation w aste p roducts

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The Economics of the Malaysian Palm Oil Industry and Its Biodiesel Potential

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  1. The Economics of the Malaysian Palm Oil Industry and Its Biodiesel Potential Kenneth R. Szulczyk, Ph.D. Convention Center, UUM December 4, 2012

  2. Contents • Introduction • Palm oil trees • Plantation land use • Palm oil uses and products • Oil palm plantation waste products • Substituting biodiesel for diesel fuel • Palm oil biodiesel production and use • Tallow and yellow grease as cheap oil sources • Conclusion

  3. Introduction • Government uses the palm oil industry for economic growth and development • Federal Land Development Authority (FELDA) • Helped 90,000 settlers with their families to own a palm oil plantation • Creates jobs in rural communities • FELDA • Provides technical assistance • Owns facilities to process and sell the settlers’ crops • Offers loans for home construction

  4. Introduction • Palm oil industry • Malaysia possesses the manufacturing to create high-valued products • Important source for foreign-currency earnings • Subsequently, most products are exported • $80.4 billion ringgits of exports in 2011 • Roughly 13.7% of Malaysia’s GDP

  5. Introduction • Malaysia passed the Malaysian Biofuel Industry Act in 2007 • The distributors for diesel must add a minimum of 5% biodiesel by volume (or B5) • Malaysia is a developing country • Kyoto Protocol - Malaysia is not required to lower its greenhouse-gas emissions to its 1990 level • Note – the agreement only slows down greenhouse-gas emissions and does not reverse it

  6. Palm Oil Trees • The two largest producers of palm oil are Indonesia and Malaysia • The British brought the palm oil trees to Malaysia in the 1870s • Used in gardens and landscaping • The palm oil tree originates from West Africa • The life of a palm oil tree exceeds 200 years • Economic life ranges between 20 and 25 years

  7. Palm Oil Trees • Each palm oil fruit has two sources of oil • Palm oil – from the mesocarp, or pulp that surrounds the kernel • Palm kernel oil – the oil from the kernel

  8. Palm Oil Trees • Both oils have different characteristics • Different uses • Palm kernel oil is more saturated than palm oil • Saturated means the oil is a solid at room temperature • Palm oil trees yield the greatest oil yields per hectare of land

  9. Palm Oil Trees

  10. Palm Oil Trees • Byproducts • Once the oil is extracted from the seeds, the seeds contain high levels of protein • Seed meal or cake is used in animal feeds • Corn (or maize) • The most widely grown • Yields the lowest oil • Producers use corn to extract the starch • Starch is used: • Ethanol for gasoline in the United States • High-fructose corn syrup – an artificial substitute for cane sugar in the U.S.

  11. Plantation Land Use • Malaysia grows cocoa, rubber, and coconut trees • Plantation owners are planting more palm oil and decreasing cocoa, rubber, and coconuts • Economic exposure • Usually countries diversify their industries to help protect themselves from rapid changes in the market • Malaysia is expanding one industry at the expense of others • International commodity prices can be extremely volatile

  12. Plantation Land Use The total area planted in Malaysia in hectares

  13. Plantation Land Use The international price in U.S. $s per tonne

  14. Plantation Land Use • Greenhouse gases – trap the sun’s energy as heat, causing the earth to become warmer • Global Warming Potential (GWP) • Carbon dioxide is defined as 1 GWP • Methane has 16 GWP • One tonne of methane traps 16 times the heat of one-tonne of carbon dioxide • Nitrous oxide has 298 GWP • One tonne of nitrous oxide traps 298 times the heat of one-tonne of carbon dioxide • Water vapor has no GWP; sensitive to temperature

  15. Plantation Land Use • Plantation owners raise buffaloes, cattle, and sheep on land • Animals: • Reduce weeding and herbicide use • Enteric fermentation – animals produce methane gases as their digestive system converts grass into food • Manure – used as a fertilizer • Boosts tree yields • Emits nitrous oxide and methane gas

  16. Plantation Land Use • Concerns • Pristine rainforests are converted into tree plantations • Loss of biodiversity and wildlife habitats • Rainforests store larges amounts of carbon in the soil • Bacteria and roots of palm oil trees releases the carbon into the atmosphere as carbon dioxide • U.S. Environmental Protection Agency ruled against importing palm oil biodiesel as a renewable fuel • However, carbon emissions are highly variable

  17. Palm Oil Uses and Products • Malaysia refines the palm oil into a variety of products • Palm oil • Palm olein – a liquid oil at room temperature • Used to fry foods • Oil is thermally stable, no bad odors, and little oxidation • Palm stearin – more solid at room temperature • Palm oil acid distillates – leftover from refining • Used in animal feeds, Vitamin E, and oleochemicals

  18. Palm Oil Uses and Products

  19. Palm Oil Uses and Products • Producers use a press to extract palm kernel oil from the kernel • Products • Palm kernel oil • Palm kernel olein • Palm kernel stearin • Palm kernel cake – remains of kernel • Used in animal feeds • Industry presses the cake into expeller pellets

  20. Palm Oil Uses and Products

  21. Palm Oil Uses and Products • Many products are listed multiple times in the table • Soap noodles – raw material to make soap • Composed of 80% palm oil and 20% palm kernel oil • Margarine – could be made from a variety of oils • Different oils yield different characteristics • Palm kernel stearin could make trans-fat free margarine

  22. Palm Oil Uses and Products • Palm kernel stearin • The most expensive oil from the oil palm • Producers use the stearin to replace cocoa butter in chocolates • Cocoa butter is more expensive than the stearin • Malaysia exports chocolate products • Industry could reduce chocolate prices, making Malaysia’s chocolate exports more competitive • Palm kernel stearin is solid at room temperature • Food producers hydrogenate vegetable oils • Hydrogenated oils are trans fats, and could lead to health problems • Palm kernel stearin is natural

  23. Palm Oil Uses and Products The international price in U.S. $s per tonne

  24. Palm Oil Uses and Products • Characteristics • Palm kernel oil is usually more expensive than palm oil • Palm oil stearin is the cheapest oil • Expeller pellets has the lowest price • Some claim the palm oil industry is recession proof • Prominent dip in prices after the 2007 Great Recession struck the world

  25. Oil Palm Plantation Waste Products • Palm oil mills use water in processing • They discharge an effluent or sludge, containing organic material • Cannot be discharged into rivers and lakes • Bacteria breaks down the material, consuming the oxygen in the water • Lack of oxygen kills the water life and fish

  26. Oil Palm Plantation Waste Products • Palm oil mills could collect the sludge into ponds and let earthworms break down the sludge into vermicompost • Then the mill uses the rich organic material to fertilize the trees or sell to consumers • The bacteria creates methane gas, or biogas • Ponds should have a covered roof to collect the biogas • If the mill releases the methane gas into the atmosphere, it lessens the efficiency for biodiesel to recycle greenhouse gases • The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency cited this in their decision

  27. Oil Palm Plantation Waste Products • Palm oil mills collect empty fruit bunches, fiber, and shells • The mill could theoretically: • Burn the wastes to produce steam and bioelectricity • 10 mills out of 360 do this • If all wastes were burned, then Malaysia could generate approx. 11.8 megawatts of electricity • This is a small fraction of electricity usage • Convert the wastes into sugars • Use bacteria to convert sugars into butanol • Use lignocellulosicfermentation to convert sugars into ethanol • Butanol and ethanol could be mixed with gasoline

  28. Substituting Biodiesel for Diesel Fuel • Palm oil, especially palm stearin would be the cheapest to use in biodiesel • Palm oil cannot be used in diesel engines directly • The oil is too viscous • Fouls the fuel injectors • Leads to carbon buildup in engine • The mill converts the palm oil into methyl-esters, or biodiesel • Creates glycerol as a byproduct • Glycerol is used in cosmetics, cough syrups, foods, haircare products, mouthwashes, paints, pharmaceutical products, shaving creams, skincare products, soap, toothpaste, and water-based lubricants

  29. Substituting Biodiesel for Diesel Fuel

  30. Substituting Biodiesel for Diesel Fuel • The use of fossil fuels releases stored carbon from the ground into the atmosphere • Biodiesel recycles carbon dioxide • Palm oil trees convert carbon dioxide into oils • A refinery converts oils into biodiesel • Then vehicles with diesel fuel engines burn the biodiesel, converting it to carbon dioxide • Thus, wide-scale use of biodiesel could lower greenhouse-gas emissions

  31. Substituting Biodiesel for Diesel Fuel

  32. Palm Oil Biodiesel Production and Use • Malaysia • The public consumed 5.8 billion liters of diesel in transportation in 2009 • The refineries produced 10.6 billion liters of diesel • Roughly half is exported • If all palm oil was converted into biodiesel, then palm biodiesel would supply 19.7 billion liters • Malaysia could offset its entire diesel fuel with biodiesel • Malaysia would have plenty of biodiesel leftover for export or consumption

  33. Palm Oil Biodiesel Production and Use • Problems • Malaysia has no substitute for gasoline • Malaysia would still refine petroleum into gasoline and diesel • Ethanol or butanol from waste products would not be enough • Petroleum exports are a source of foreign-currency earnings • Price of palm oil is too great • Malaysian government subsidizes its transportation fuels • Government would pay greater subsidy, if petroleum price rises • Gasoline is pegged at $0.855 per liter • Diesel is pegged at $0.845 per liter • Palm oil biodiesel sold for $1.49 per liter in January 2011

  34. Palm Oil Biodiesel Production and Use • Malaysia has the capacity to produce 3.8 billion liters of biodiesel • However, Malaysia produces little biodiesel • Malaysia wanted to sell biodiesel to Europe and United States • The U.S. EPA ruled the palm biodiesel only lowers greenhouse gas emissions by 17%, and not at least 20%, which is required for renewable fuel import • U.S. refineries would not get credit for the national Renewable Fuel Standards if they use palm biodiesel • Palm biodiesel’s price would need to be lower than diesel fuel for producers to use it in the U.S. • The European Union imposed tariffs on the imports of Malaysian palm biodiesel • Possibly protecting its rapeseed biodiesel industry • Could be a form of trade discrimination?

  35. Cheap Sources for Biodiesel • Potential cheap sources for biodiesel • Yellow grease – old cooking oil from restaurants and food producers • Brown grease – cooking oil trapped in a facility’s wastewater • Tallow – fat leftover from the cattle, poultry, and swine processing

  36. Cheap Sources for Biodiesel • Malaysia produced 50,000 tonnes of cooking oil and tallow in 2005 • The industry could produce theoretically 43.9 million liters of biodiesel • Problem • Yellow grease and tallow are not free • Yellow grease costs $590 per tonne in 2010 in the U.S. • Biodiesel would costs $0.67 per liter • Industries use yellow grease to make animal feeds, clothes, cosmetics, detergents, lubricants, paints, plastics, pet food, rubber, and soap • Tallow is used in animal feeds and soap

  37. Conclusion • Palm oil industry is important industry for Malaysia • Creates jobs in rural communities • Recycles greenhouse gases • Malaysia produces enough palm oil to offset its diesel consumption entirely • If yellow grease price is comparable to the U.S., then yellow grease cooking oil could be feasible • Problems • U.S. and European Union prevent the importing of palm oil biodiesel • Palm biodiesel is too expensive to use as a transportation fuel, unless the Malaysian government wants to subsidize it heavily

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