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Study in John’s Gospel. Presentation 26. Jesus - Light Of The World Chap 8v12-27. Presentation 26. Introduction.
Study in John’s Gospel Presentation 26
Jesus - Light Of The World Chap 8v12-27 Presentation 26
Introduction Some time ago in the U.K. the Muslim cleric, Sheik Hamza, was sentenced to 7 years imprisonment on a number of charges, including incitement to murder. The court described him as a charismatic figure who had gathered around him a number of impressionable young people. Significantly, the families of some of these youngsters had been quick to disassociate themselves from his teaching, others did not. But how do people determine whom they should listen to? This question was being asked in Jerusalem 2000 years ago after the feast of the tabernacles. In response Jesus stood up and said, “I am the light of the world” Presentation 26
Background To The Claim In order to understand the significance of this claim, we need to be aware of the background against which it was made. During the Feast of the Tabernacles, two great lamps were lit in the temple courts. They were to remind Israel of the pillar of cloud and of fire that accompanied them during their wilderness wanderings. This cloud had a threefold function. First, it symbolised the presence of God with his people. God spoke to them out of this cloud. At no time during their wilderness wanderings were the people of Israel able to forget that the presence of God went with them and overshadowed them in all they did. Presentation 26
Background To The Claim This same cloud filled the holy of holies in Solomon’s temple. This cloud, the shekinah glory, represented God’s presence. Years later the prophet Ezekiel saw it leave the temple and the city of Jerusalem. None of the city’s inhabitants seemed aware of the fact that the glory had departed. Ezek. 10.3ff. And now Jesus is saying, “I am the light of the world, I am the shining cloud. I am God with you, the glory has returned”. Cf. Jn. 1v4-5,14; Matt.17.2ff Presentation 26
Background To The Claim Secondly, the cloud was remembered as the primary means of God’s protection. Without it they would have fallen prey to Pharaoh’s army and to the natural dangers of the desert. As the Israelites made their way out of Egypt, Pharaoh and his charioteers pursued them. Israel’s back was to the Red Sea. They were sure they would be destroyed. And although God wonderfully parted the waters, the logistics of getting around two million people safely across would require a considerable period of time. What happened? The cloud, interposed itself between Israel and the Egyptians giving Israel time to cross. Presentation 26
Background To The Claim Then, while travelling in the desert, one of the most inhospitable place on earth, Israel could have experienced daytime temperatures of 150o and at night-time the temperature could fall below freezing. Thankfully, shelter from these climatic extremes was provided by the cloud, which spread out over their camp. Jesus is therefore saying, “I am light of the world,the protector of my people”. Presentation 26
Background To The Claim Thirdly, the cloud was important to Israel in the desert because it was their primary means of guidance. There are few recognisable landmarks in the desert. Desert heat can produce mirages and distort distance. What was to prevent the people of Israel from wandering into hostile territory, or from wandering around in circles? They needed a reliable guide. And the cloud was that guide. When the cloud moved they moved. When the cloud remained they remained. And so Jesus is saying, “I am the light of the world, a qualified guide to lead my people safely home”. Presentation 26
Background To The Claim Now in line with all of the “I am” sayings in John’s gospel, Jesus is making a unique and exclusive claim. He was not claiming to be one of many lights or one of many guides to God but one who was uniquely qualified for this purpose. Note that he made it very clear that the only way to benefit from his unique function was to follow him: “whoever follows me will never walk in darkness but have the light of life” v12. To follow Christ is synonymous with believing in him. Trusting in the provision that he has made. Presentation 26
Response To The Claim To the religious leaders Jesus’ claims seemed arrogant and almost blasphemous. Today, the uniqueness of Jesus’ claims also make many people very uncomfortable. We are told, “In a tolerant age every voice must be given equal weighting”. ButJesus made exclusive claims - ‘I, and only I, am the light of the world’. And so the intensity of opposition in Jerusalem towards him grew. Thus far the religious leaders had tried to silence Jesus’ witness by taking his life and they had tried to discredit him by asking him to judge the woman caught in the act of adultery. These measures had failed so now they attempt to undermine the force of his testimony on a mere technicality. Presentation 26
Response To The Claim In a Jewish court any claim required to be substantiated by the testimony of at least two witnesses. And no individual was allowed to testify on his own behalf. Applying this to Jesus they say, ‘because yours is the testimony of just one man it can be ruled inadmissible’. Jesus’ replies that what he has been talking about - a true knowledge of God - lies outside of the framework of normal human experience. He claims to be uniquely qualified to speak about God because he has come from the Father. Presentation 26
Response To The Claim Let me illustrate. I have never been to the Outer Hebrides in Scotland but I have read one or two books and so formed a number of mental images. However, a dear friend of mine was born and brought up there. He is qualified, in a way that clearly I am not to speak about the place. He has superior ‘first-hand knowledge’ which he is capable of communicating. Jesus point is this; he has superior knowledge of the Father because he has come from him. Presentation 26
Response To The Claim The second reason Jesus gave in defending his right to speak about God is that his testimony was impartial cf. v15-16. “You judge by human standards; I pass judgment on no one. But if I do judge, my decisions are right, because I am not alone. I stand with the Father, who sent me”. He reminds the religious leaders that they judge by human standards. And as a result their judgement involves both the limitations of knowledge [they are finite creatures] and of true objectivity [they are sinful beings]. Sin has a way of distorting human judgement. Presentation 26
Response To The Claim The story is told of a dishonest judge, who was asked to decide a case between two railroads. The two lawyers representing the railroads, both sent bribes; one was for £10,000 the second for £15,000. He told his secretary to write out a cheque for £5,000 and send it back to the second lawyer because he said, “I want to decide this case on its merits and without bias”. Men, even the best of men, are sinful; this causes an element of bias to enter into their judgement. But Jesus was sinless. He had no bias, and was thoroughly impartial. Nor was he merely human he was also divine. Therefore, we should surely want to listen to what he has to say? Presentation 26
Response To The Claim The third reason Jesus gave as to why we should listen to him is that his testimony did not stand alone. It was supported by God the Father. Cf. v17-18. What was the witness of the Father? Think of the words spoken by the Father at Jesus’ baptism, “This is my Son, whom I love; with him I am well pleased.” Matt. 3v17 But in John’s mind the testimony of the Father is much wider than that. There is the testimony of John the Baptist sent by the Father, the witness of Christ’s signs and the witness of the O.T. scriptures. When we put all of these witnesses together we have good reason to listen to what Jesus has to say. He has a superior knowledge of God, he is unbiased and impartial and he has the backing and approval of God the Father. Presentation 26
Important Application You may ask, what does all this mean for me? Especially when we are reminded of the limitations of our own judgement. Scripture says, “Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make your paths straight”. Pro.3v6. We need to trust the word of the Lord Jesus implicitly because of who he is and we must learn to do so at the expense of our own finite limitations. There may be much in the Christian faith that we do not understand. There may be some aspects of Christian truth that we do not like or wish weren’t there. But to ignore it is not an option open to us. It is presumptuous for a creature of limited understanding and wisdom to say to God, “I’m sure that I know better than you”. Presentation 26
Important Application The O.T. provides a sobering illustration of such folly. Hezekiah was one of the better kings of Judah, a faithful servant of God who accomplished much for him. Hezekiah took ill and Isaiah the prophet was sent by God to tell him that his life was almost at an end. Hezekiah was upset by this news and believed God was making a big mistake. He reminded God of all the good things he had done and the faithful service he had given. He cried his heart out! Isaiah was sent back to Hezekiah with news that he would be healed and his life would be extended by 15 years. Did Hezekiah then think, “I must have made a good case for at last God seems to have seen sense”? Presentation 26
Important Application However, during those 15 years a son, Manasseh, was born to Hezekiah. Manasseh came to the throne when his father died and was the worst king Judah ever had! He took great delight in introducing idolatry to the nation. Judah suffered because Hezekiah had failed to trust God with all his heart and instead had leaned upon his own understanding. Is this not a sober warning to us all? Presentation 26
Conclusion Jesus made a significant claim when he said, “I am the light of the world”. His words were and continue to be addressed to men and women sitting in spiritual darkness. His was the light of God’s presence. And as ‘the light’ he protects his people from harm and promises to guide them safely home. Jesus made an exclusive claim quite simply because he does what no other can do for us. And as a result he is surely worth listening to above all other claims and above our own very limited understanding! Presentation 26