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Reason and Faith: A Study of Interwar Chilean Eugenic Discourse

Reason and Faith: A Study of Interwar Chilean Eugenic Discourse. A presentation by Sarah Walsh Postdoctoral Fellow Race and Ethnicity in the Global South. Nicolas Palacios, 1854 – 1931. The New World “Love” Affair: Pocahontas & John Smith.

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Reason and Faith: A Study of Interwar Chilean Eugenic Discourse

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Reason and Faith: A Study of Interwar Chilean Eugenic Discourse A presentation by Sarah Walsh Postdoctoral Fellow Race and Ethnicity in the Global South

  2. Nicolas Palacios, 1854 – 1931

  3. The New World “Love” Affair: Pocahontas & John Smith

  4. Visitadoreclesiasticogolpeando a unamujerindigena, siglo XVI “Ecclesiastical Visitor Kicking an Indigenous Woman, 16th Century” From: El primer nuevocoronica y buengobierno, Felipe GuamanPoma de Ayala Courtesy: MemoriaChilena

  5. Pope Leo XIII RerumNovarum“On New Things” 1891 Pope Pius XII Humani Generis 1950 Pope Pius XI CastiConnubii“On Christian Marriage” 1930

  6. Jose Vasconcelos 1882 – 1959 Mexican writer, politican, philosopher La razacosmica(1925)

  7. Mexican Casta Paintings

  8. El bombardeo de La Moneda September 11, 1973

  9. Spatial Perceptions: Chile and Australia on the Map

  10. Mapuches, late 19th century

  11. Rapa Nui, 18th& 19th centuries

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