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Explore the fundamentals and techniques of AC circuit analysis with capacitors and inductors in electrical engineering. Learn about phasor analysis, impedance model, and impedance combination for analyzing circuits excited by sinusoidal excitation. Delve into the behavior of L and C components in AC circuits, understand voltage/current relationships in capacitors and inductors, and grasp the concept of constitutive relations in electrical elements.
Energy UnitAC CircuitsSchool of Electrical, Electronic and Computer Engineering AC Circuits Study: G. Rizzoni, J. Kearnes, 6th Ed.Principles and Applications of Electrical Engineering Chapter 4: AC Network Analysis
Key Concepts: Fundamentals and Techniques (1) • What is a Capacitor? • A capacitor (denoted by C)is a passive element designed to store energy in its electric field • Its current-voltage relationship is described by a differential equation: i= C (dv/dt). The current through a capacitor is proportional to the rate of change in voltage across the capacitor • No current through capacitor if voltage is static (acts like open-circuit) Need an alternating or sinusoidal voltage across capacitor • What is an Inductor? • An inductor (denoted by L) is a passive element designed to store energy in its magnetic field. • Its voltage–current relationship is described by a differential equation: v = L (di/dt). The voltage across an inductor is proportional to the rate of change in current through the inductor • No voltage across the inductor if current is static (acts like short-circuit) Need an alternating or sinusoidal current through inductor
Key Concepts: Fundamentals and Techniques (1) Key Concepts: Fundamentals and Techniques (1) • Phasor Analysis / Impedance Model / AC Circuits • How to analyse circuits excited by harmonic / sinusoidal excitation using complex numbers phasors • Converting between time-domain and phasor-domain • How L and C components behave (the impedance model) • Using standard analysis (KCL, KVL, impedance model) for the steady-state response of circuits excited by sinusoids, but with complex equations • Impedance Combination • How to combine multiple series-connected/parallel-connected impedances • Implementing voltage-division/current-division in series/parallel ac circuits • Wye-delta and delta-to-wye transformations for complex impedances • The wye-delta and delta-to-wye transformations that we applied to resistive circuits are also valid for impedances.
Capacitors and Inductors • An electrical element is defined by its relation between v and i. This is called a constitutive relation. In general, we write • For a resistor, v = i * R • The constitutive relation of a resistor has no dependence upon time. v = f(i) or i = g(v) i + v–
Capacitors Capacitors • What is a Capacitor? • A capacitor is a passive element designed to store energy in its electric field. • A capacitor consists of two conducting plates separated by an insulator. • When a voltage source is connected to the capacitor, the source deposits a positive charge q on one plate and a negative charge on the other. • Circuit symbol for capacitors
Capacitors • Current-voltage relationship of capacitor i = C where the proportional constant C is capacitance(i unit is Farad or F) This relationship states that • currentthrough a capacitor is proportional to the rate of change in voltage across the capacitor, and • no current through capacitor if voltage is static (after initial phase)(acts like open-circuit) Need an alternating or sinusoidal voltage across capacitor AC analysis. • Voltage-current relationship of capacitor v = * t0tidt + v(t0) • The energy stored in the capacitor is w = C * v2
Capacitors Capacitor DC Response Source: Rizzoni, Kearns, Electrical Engineering
Inductors Capacitor DC Response Source: Hyperphysics GSU
Capacitors Capacitors Ceq = C1 + C2 + … + CN 1/Ceq = 1/C1 + 1/C2 + … + 1/CN • Series and Parallel Capacitors • The equivalent capacitance of N parallel-connected capacitors is the sum of the individual capacitances. • The equivalent capacitance of Nseries-connected capacitors is the reciprocal of the sum of the reciprocals of the individual capacitances.
Inductors Inductors • What is an Inductor? • An inductor is a passive element designed to store energy in its magneticfield. • An inductor consists of a coil of conducting wire. • Inductance (L) of an inductor is the property that an inductor exhibits oppositionto the change of current flowing through it, measured in henrys (H). • Circuit symbol for inductor
Inductors Inductors • voltage-current relationship of inductor v = L * where the proportional constant L is inductance(unit is Henry or H). This relationship states that • voltage across the inductor is directly proportional to the time rate of change of the current, and • If iL(t) = IL (does not change with time) then vL = 0 and L acts like a short-circuit. For L to do anything useful iL(t) needs to change with time, one such case is when iL(t)is alternating sinusoidally AC analysis • current-voltage relationship of inductor i = -∞ t v(t) dt • The power delivered to the inductor is: p = v * i = (L * di/dt) * i • The energy stored in the capacitor is: w = L * i2
Inductors Inductor DC Response Source: allaboutcircuits.com
Inductors Inductor DC Response Source: Hyperphysics GSU
Inductors Inductors Leq = L1 + L2 + … +LN 1/Leq = 1/L1 + 1/L2 + … + 1/LN • Series and Parallel Inductors • The equivalent inductance of series-connected inductors is the sum of the individual inductances. • The equivalent inductance of parallel inductors is the reciprocal of the sum of the reciprocals of the individual inductances.
Inductors Review Source: Rizzoni, Kearns, Electrical Engineering
Inductors Waveforms Source: Rizzoni, Kearns, Electrical Engineering
+1 0 –1 Inductors Phasor Consider a sinusoidal function A* ei(ωt+θ) amplitude frequency initial phase (all constant) Re(A * ei(ωt+θ)) = A * cos(ωt+θ) Im(A* ei(ωt+θ)) = A * sin(ωt+θ) Phasormeans staticcomplex vector (t=0): P = A* eiθ Notation: = A ∠θ angle time Source: Wikipedia, augmented by TB
Sinusoidal Analysis and Phasors Consider v(t) = Vm * cos(wt +f) Then v(t) = Re (Vm* ej(wt +f)) = Re (Vm * ejf* ejwt) phasorV = Vm * ejf= Vm∠fof sinusoid v(t) with frequency w = Re (V * ejwt ) }
Sinusoidal Analysis and Phasors Some handy relationships: Better: θ = atan2(X, R) Phasors are complex numbers study Polar/Cartesian representations of complex numbers and how to add/multiply
Phasors and Impedance Models We define impedanceas: Z = V / I and admittanceas: Y = I / V We will write i(t) = Im * cos(wt+F) in phasor form I = Im∠F Similarly v(t) = Vm* cos(wt +F) in phasor form V = Vm∠F Node to Datum analysisand Parallel/Series reductions can be applied to circuits where resistance/conductance is replaced by impedance/admittance.These will be complex equations!
Phasors and Impedance Models Resistor v(t) = R * i(t) = R * Im* cos(wt + ϕ) The phasor form for the voltage is then (t=0): V = R * Im∠ϕ = R * I Hence we have: Z = R = R ∠0o and Y = (1/R) ∠0o
Phasor Model for Resistor Resistor Phasor diagram for the resistor; Iand V are in phase. Voltage-current relations for a resistor in (a) time domain, (b) frequency domain
Phasor Model for Inductor Remember: i(t) = Im* cos(wt + ϕ) (t=0) j ∠𝛷 90°
Phasor Model for Inductor Phasor diagram for the inductor; I lags V Voltage-current relations for an inductor in (a) time domain, (b) frequency domain
Phasor Model for Capacitor Remember: v(t) = Vm * cos(wt +F) j ∠𝛷 90°
Phasor Model for Capacitor Phasor diagram for the capacitor; I leads V Voltage-current relations for a capacitor in (a) time domain, (b) frequency domain
Voltage-Current over Time ResistorCapacitorInductor t t t supply voltage V = vR ≈ iR Supply voltage V = Vm * cos(wt) Voltage over element Current through element Note: For C and L there will generally also be a phase shift between supply voltage and element voltage/current
Phasor Relationships for Circuit Elements Summary of voltage-current/current-voltage relationships for resistor, inductor and capacitor V = R * I V = jωL * I I = jωC * V V = * I
Impedance and Admittance • The impedanceZ of a circuit is the ratio of the phasor voltage Vto the phasor current I, measured in ohms (W): Z = • The impedances of resistors, inductors, and capacitors are:V / I = R, V / I = jwL, V / I = • As a complex quantity, the impedance may be expressed in rectangular form as Z = R + jXwhere R is the resistance and X is the reactance. • The impedance may also be expressed in polar form asZ = |Z| ∠θ • Thus, we could obtain:|Z| = √(R2 + X2) , θ = tan-1(X / R) andR = |Z| * cos(θ), X = |Z| * sin(θ)
Impedance and Admittance • The admittance Yof an element (or a circuit) is the ratio of the phasor current through it to the phasor voltage across it. Equivalently, the admittance is the reciprocal of impedance, measured in siemens(S = 1/W).Y = 1 / Z = I / V • As a complex quantity, we may write Y asY = G + jBwhereG= Re(Y) is called the conductanceandB = Im(Y) is called the susceptance.
REVIEW Complex Numbers REVIEW Complex Numbers Source: Wikipedia
REVIEW Complex Numbers REVIEW Complex Numbers • Addition • (a+bi) + (c+di) = (a+c) + (b+d)*i • Multiplication • (a+bi) * (c+di) = (ac–bd) + (bc+ad)*i • Conjugate • z’ = Re(z) – Im(z)*i • Note • i2 = i * i = –1 • 1/i = i/i2 = –i Source: Wikipedia
REVIEW Complex Numbers Complex polar conversion Remember Pythagoras: r = √(x2 + y2) tan θ = y/xθ = atan2(y,x) x = r * cosθ y = r * sin θ x + yj= r*(cosθ + j sinθ) = r ∠θ cartesian polar Source and practice:http://www.intmath.com/complex-numbers/4-polar-form.php
Phasor Arithmetic Better: ϕ = atan2(B,A) https://en.wikibooks.org/wiki/Circuit_Theory/Phasor_Arithmetic
Phasor Arithmetic https://en.wikibooks.org/wiki/Circuit_Theory/Phasor_Arithmetic
Phasor Arithmetic Multiplication Division . https://en.wikibooks.org/wiki/Circuit_Theory/Phasor_Arithmetic
Phasor Arithmetic Inversion Property Complex Conjugate. https://en.wikibooks.org/wiki/Circuit_Theory/Phasor_Arithmetic
Simple Example Make node 3 the datum/ground and apply KCL at node 2: Need to solve a differential equation For the special caseVm= 10V, w = 100Hz, F=30° of a sinusoidal excitation input V = v(t) = 10* cos(100*t + 30°)we can use phasorsto calculate the steady-state solution. Assume R = 1kΩ, C = 20μF Convert excitation to phasors and components to impedances: given case
Simple Example Let’s calculate the current. Same techniques as with resistive circuits except that you now use complex numbers
Simple Example We have I = 8.9mA∠57° (for case F=30°) Convert phasor solution back to time domain (w=100Hz) i(t) = 8.9mA * cos(100*t + 57°) Voltage across the capacitor VC = ZC* I = –j*0.5kΩ * 8.9mA∠57° = 0.5kΩ∠–90° * 8.9mA∠57° = 4.5V∠–33° Convert back to time domain vc(t) = 4.5V * cos(100t – 33°) Voltage across resistor VR = ZR* I = 1kΩ∠0° * 8.9mA∠57° = 8.9V∠57° Note: VC + VR = Vsupply Note: 90° phase shift!
Simple Example over Time Capacitor+Resistor (Vsupply=10V∠30°; I=8.9mA∠+57°; VC=4.5V∠–33°) ∠30° Supply voltage V = Vm * cos(wt) 1st Current through capacitor 2nd Voltage over capacitor Real Values∠30° I= 8.9mA*cos(57°) = 8.9*0.55mA = 4.8mA VC= 4.5V*cos(–33°) = 4.5*0.84V = 3.8V t
Simple Example over Time Capacitor+Resistor Check for Vsupply∠0° I = V/ZT = 10V∠0° / (1’118Ω∠–27°) = 8.945mA ∠+27° VC = ZC * I = 0.5kΩ∠–90° * 8.945mA∠27° = 4.5V∠–63° ∠0° Real Values ∠0° I= 8.945mA*cos(27°) = 8.945*0.89mA = 8.0mA VC= 4.5V*cos(–63°) = 4.5*0.45V = 2.0V t Note: 90° phase shift!
Simple Example over Time Capacitor+Resistor Check VC+ VR = Vsupplyfor ∠0° Vsupply= 10V * cos(0°) = 10.0V I = 8.945mA * cos(27°) = 8.0mA VC = 4.5V * cos(–63°) = 2.0V VR = 1kΩ * 8mA = 8.0V ∠0° t Sum is 10V ! Always in sync with current!
Impedance Combinations • Consider the N series-connected impedances shown below • If N=2, as shown below, • The equivalent impedance at the input terminals is • Zeq = V / I = Z1 + Z2 + …+ ZN Use the voltage-division relationship V1 = Z1 / (Z1+Z2) * V and V2 = Z2 / (Z1+Z2) * V
Impedance Combinations • Consider the N parallel-connected impedances shown below • If N=2, as shown below, • The equivalent impedance at the input terminals is • 1/Zeq = 1/V = 1/Z1 + 1/Z2 + … + 1/ZN • or:The equivalent admittance at the input terminals is • Yeq = Y1 + Y2 + … + YN • Usethecurrent-division relationship: • I1 = Z2 / (Z1 + Z2) * I • I2 = Z1 / (Z1 + Z2) * I
Wye-to-delta transformation Wye-to-delta transformation • The wye-to-delta transformation that we applied to resistive circuits is also valid for impedances. Y-D Conversion A delta or wye circuit is said to be balanced if it has equal impedances in all three branches.
Delta-to-wye transformation Wye-to-delta transformation • The delta-to-wye transformation that we applied to resistive circuits is also valid for impedances. D-Y Conversion A delta or wye circuit is said to be balanced if it has equal impedances in all three branches.