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VCE School Leaders Briefing 2014. Running Times. 9:30 Administrative Procedures 9.40 School-based Assessment 9:50 Changes to Dual Certification 10:00 Curriculum and School-based Audit 10.50 Exam Conduct and Supervision 11:00 Statistical Moderation and Study Score.
Running Times 9:30 Administrative Procedures 9.40 School-based Assessment 9:50 Changes to Dual Certification 10:00 Curriculum and School-based Audit 10.50 Exam Conduct and Supervision 11:00 Statistical Moderation and Study Score
School and VCAA responsibilities Schools Provision and oversight of a suitable program Collection of student details and enrolment data Entry of student data on VASS VCAA QA data Processing student enrolment and result data Reporting to students, schools and other stakeholders VCE and VCAL Administrative Handbook 2014
Key school tasks Run eligibility Identify students who are not eligible and adjust program Print Student Full Details / Student Personal Details Forms Distribute for students to confirm all details Print class lists for teachers Final checks before due dates
Enrolling students into a Second Language (EAL) • VASS will disable VASS/VCE coordinators’ ability to grant EAL approval for students whose country of origin is Singapore or India. • Approval for these countries can only be granted by the VCAA. • Schools are required to forward the applications to the VCAA for a thorough assessment to be made. Applications need to include supportive school documentation and passport stamp and/or International Movement Records to determine if the student is eligible for EAL. • If approval is granted, it will be entered on VASS and the student will be able to be enrolled.
Student transfer and credit from interstate studies • Students must apply to the VCAA through the Victorian school at which they are enrolled using the Application for Credit towards the VCE/VCAL form. • At Units 1 and 2 level, schools will recommend the amount of credit to be granted on receipt of an interstate school or authority transcript and after consulting the equivalent qualification guidelines. Credit recommended by the school must be entered on the application form (Part E). • Previous school reports and certificates should be attached. • Decisions on the amount of credit at Units 3 and 4 level will be made by the VCAA.
Privacy Considerations • Both the VCAA and schools have obligations under privacy legislation to protect the personal information of students. • The VCAA is aware that some schools engage a Third Party to analyse end of year data. • The VCAA discussed this use with the Victorian Privacy Commissioner. • We were advised that schools can best meet their privacy obligations by providing de-identifiable data to third party analysts. • The VCAA is exploring the provision of a de-identified extract for schools to assist in the appropriate transfer of data.
Contact Details Student Records and Results Nick Dobroff Phone : 9032 1743 dobroff.nick.n@edumail.vic.gov.au
Unit Results Schools report students’ results for completion of VCE Units, and VCE VET units of competence/modules VCE Unit Results are reported as: S = Satisfactory Completion N = Not Satisfactory J is to be used where the student: is no longer attending class has not submitted work for assessment VCE VET unit of competence/module results are reported as: S = Satisfactory Completion N = Not Yet Completed
Satisfactory Completion Satisfactory VCE Unit Result The student receives S for a unit when all the outcomes are achieved A student must: Produce work that demonstrates achievement of the outcome/s Observe school and VCAA rules If a teacher judges that all outcomes are achieved, the student satisfactorily completes the unit. The decision to award an ‘S’ for the unit is distinct from the assessment of levels of achievement.
Importance of Internal Moderation Consistency of teacher decisions Procedures for making school-based assessments For Statistical Moderation purposes, each school’s assessment in a study is treated as a single group not as separate unique teaching classes
Indicative Grades Indicative Grades: primary purpose is to be used as part of the quality assurance procedures for marking examinations, however they are also used in the calculation of the DES. are the prediction of a student’s actual level of achievement on the examination the rank order and level of spread of the indicative grades for the school cohort in the study is of prime importance The published previous years grade range can be used to inform this process.
Contact Details Student Records and Results Nick Dobroff Phone : 9032 1743 dobroff.nick.n@edumail.vic.gov.au
Context The revised Australian Qualifications Framework(AQF) will come into force from 1 January 2015. One of the compliance requirements of the AQF is that students cannot be issued with two certificates for the same program of study. As a result, the current regulations set out in the VCE and VCAL Administrative Handbook (page 11) will be enforced Students who have completed their Intermediate or Senior VCAL Certificate will only be awarded a VCE Certificate if, in a subsequent year,they also complete: * two units from the English Group (not previously completed) * three sequences of VCE Units 3 and 4 studies other than English (these must be units not previously completed)
Impact on Students From 2014 students will: be awarded only one primary certificate in any single academic year no longer be awarded both a VCAL and a VCE certificate for completion of the same program Need to nominate one certificate as their certificate of enrolment
Impact on Schools From 2014 schools will: need to be clear with students and parents what the certificate of enrolment is for that academic year only be able to enrol students in VCAL units if the student is enrolled in a VCAL certificate have to run eligibility diligently when a student completes one certificate and subsequently enrols in another to ensure they are eligible to complete with the enrolled program
Revised VCE study designs for implementation in 2014 • Dance • Drama • Health and Human Development • Philosophy • Theatre Studies • Extended Investigation Publication online only. Advice to teachers separate companion document on the study page
Review of VCE studies 2014 Review alongside the Australian curriculum for the senior years: • English/EAL, Literature, English Language, Bridging EAL (new, units 1-2 only) • Mathematics - all • Ancient History (new), Revolutions, Australian, Modern (new), and 20th Century • Biology, Chemistry, Environmental Science, Physics, Psychology • Geography • Information Technology.
Implementation timeline • 2014: studies revised, approved by the VCAA Board, forwarded for accreditation by the VRQA • 2015: statewide professional learning program to prepare for each revised or new study • 2016: implementation of newly accredited studies
Curriculum development and review Input into the Review and Accreditation Cycle Curriculum Managers Teacher and stakeholder consultation Subject Associations
Review process Evidence-based review by panel comprising teachers, university, TAFE and industry representatives. • International and national benchmarking • Analysis of data • Enrolment trends • School-based and examination results • Examiners’ reports • State reviewer reports from coursework audits • Online surveys • Teacher focus groups
Consultation on draft study designs Consultation register now open Notice to Schools when individual study consultation is open: • Draft study design • Questionnaire • Summary of proposed changes
Teacher involvement • Study review panels • Text list advisory panels • Exam assessors • Exam panels • State reviewer and assistant state reviewer roles Excellent professional learning opportunities. Call for applications in VCAA Bulletin; apply through SSMS. • All activities recognised by VIT.
School based assessmentConsistency of judgement Assessment Handbooks Published for all VCE studies • Advisory not mandatory • Apply to Units 3&4, can be used to inform Units 1&2 • Published online only on the individual VCE study pages Companion document Procedures for Assessment in VCE Studies on VCE home page
School-assessed Tasks 7 studies with SATs • Mandated assessment criteria and performance level descriptors on10 point marking scale • Authentication record for each study • Published each year in February on individual study pages • Professional learning program conducted annually in February/March
School-based assessment Units 3-4 Teachers make 2 judgements. • At both outcome and unit level: has the student provided evidence to demonstrate satisfactory achievement? S or N • At the outcome level: for the SAC or SAT how has the student performed and therefore what score is given in compliance with the weightings and task prescription for the study. • Note: students can redeem outcomes (S/N) through submitting further work/resitting a SAC but cannot do this to improve scores.
VCE (Baccalaureate) To be eligible to receive the VCE (Baccalaureate) the student must satisfactorily complete the VCE and receive a study score for each prescribed study component. The VCE program of study must include: • a Units 3 and 4 sequence in English or Literature or English Language with a study score of 30 or above; or a Units 3 and 4 sequence in EAL with a study score of 33 or above • a Units 3 and 4 sequence in either Mathematics Methods (CAS) or Specialist Mathematics • a Units 3 and 4 sequence in a VCE Language • at least two other Units 3 and 4 sequences FAQs on VCAA website: http://www.vcaa.vic.edu.au/Pages/vce/studies/index.aspx
Higher Education Studies • Contribute to satisfactory completion of the VCE as a 3-4 sequence • No more than one HE study can contribute • Contribute to the ATAR as 5th or 6th unscored study (incremental scale) • List of approved 1st year university studies on VCAA website: www.vcaa.vic.edu.au/pages/vce/studies/studiesextension
VCAA sponsored Awards • VCE Season of Excellence • VCE Leadership Awards (formerly VCE Achiever Awards) • VCAA Plain English Speaking Award • Margaret Schofield Memorial Scholarship (music performance) • Premier's VCE Awards • John Button School Prize • VCAL Achievement Awards
Why does the VCAA audit? Provides opportunities to: • Validate the quality of the school-based assessment program • Identify instances for school improvement • Set up professional conversations about teaching and learning
Selection of Schools Most providers are audited for at least one study. Random selection except for: • Schools that are teaching the study for the first time (new providers) or, for particular studies, after a break of three years • Schools where problems were identified the year before • Schools where there was low correlation between the internal and external scores following statistical moderation in the previous year (2013)
AuditProcess • All studies are subject to the audit process. This includes the school-assessed task component of any study. • The school-based assessment audit process is undertaken in four stages. • Stages 1 and 3 relate to the completion and submission of an online survey form. • Email notification to schools March 3. Individual email for each study for audit • Completion of the online submission form for Unit 3 (Stage 1) due by March 21.
Audit Process • Stages 2 and 4 relate to the submission of further evidence. • Notification of the outcomes of the audit submission form and any evidence needed for Stage 2 sent to schools on May 5. • Stage 2 evidence will need to be submitted to the VCAA electronically, as one PDF file for each study including the cover sheet by May 23.
Feedback • Feedback email sent to schools by study • “Submission meets requirements” – the material allowed the students the opportunity to meet the outcomes • “Further evidence required” – the material is incomplete or otherwise not satisfactory; requires follow up by the VCAA
What Schools need to do to submit further evidence. • Assessment tasks for the Outcomes • Marking scheme • Statement about conditions of assessment
Audit Process • Audit panel checks tasks against the requirements of the Study Design • School-based assessment must allow the students the opportunity to meet the outcomes • The school is notified immediately if a serious anomaly is detected (eg. incorrect text being taught)
Resources General administrative information for school-based assessment - www.vcaa.vic.edu.au/pages/vce/index/VCE General Advice and Policy VCE and VCAL Administrative Handbook 2014 • Report on Lost/Stolen/Damaged School-assessed Tasks (LSD) Individual study pages for SAT information • Authentication Record for School-assessed Tasks • Teacher additional comment sheet for Technology studies
VCE Examination Conduct and AdministrationSupport Resources VCE Examination Manual VCE Examination Document Register VCE Exams Navigator GAT Information brochure Training/Briefing Sessions for chief supervisors and relevant school personnel - Training Sessions for new Chief Supervisors and/or new school personnel - MAY - Briefing Sessions for ongoing Chief Supervisors and school personnel – AUG/SEPT VCAA Bulletins and Notices VCAA website - vcaa.vic.edu.au/vce/exams
VCE Written Examination Centre Agreement 2014 • All Principals must read and sign this agreement to certify that they fully understand all VCAA requirements for administering and conducting VCEwritten examinations. • The Principal may delegate the management of their VCE examinations to appropriate school personnel.
2013 Examination Conduct and Supervision issues – focus for 2014 Need for school personnel to work with and support supervisors, particularly when only one supervisor Ensure students are adequately prepared School personnel to carry out material checks prior to entering examination room Mobile phones/electronic devices – final check before reading time commences – confiscate then return Understanding and administering Special Examination Arrangements
2013 Examination Conduct and Supervision issues – focus for 2014 Additional response materials cannot be brought in by students. Spare general script books should be provide. Lined paper as a last option, must include student number, question number etc. Fill-in incident report & journal when lined paper supplied. Supervisors/school personnel to be aware of emergency evacuation plan Observation visits during VCE examinations and the GAT will continue in 2014
VCAA Key Contacts VCE Examination Planning and Logistics: Maria Fragale Phone: 03 9225 2255 Email: fragale.maria.m@edumail.vic.gov.au Susan Meadows Phone 03 9225 2237 Email: meadows.susan.s@edumail.vic.gov.au