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Using ODS Regions to Create Custom Reports. Kate Morrow, M.S. Statistician Vermont Oxford Network, Burlington, VT. Background. Vermont Oxford Network is a non-profit membership organization of hospitals with neonatal intensive care units The Network has over 900 members worldwide
Using ODS Regions to Create Custom Reports Kate Morrow, M.S. Statistician Vermont Oxford Network, Burlington, VT
Background • Vermont Oxford Network is a non-profit membership organization of hospitals with neonatal intensive care units • The Network has over 900 members worldwide • Reporting team was asked to produce a concise and attractive data report for members • ODS was used to pull together several different objects created in SAS to output a cohesive report • The code presented is meant to provide a template for reports that can be easily modified as needed
ODS Setup ods escapechar='^'; *For use in inline formatting; ods listing close; *Turn the listing output off; ods pdf file=“<filepath>.pdf" notoc uniform style=journal; *Output file (notoc=No table of contents in PDF, uniform=Keeps the width of output tables constant across pages); %annomac; *Compiles Annotate macros; options nodate nonumber orientation=landscape; ods layout start width=11 in height=8.5 in; *Page Size;
Example Report 3 2 1 4 5
1. ODS PDF Text goptions reset=all transparency; *Transparency removes the background color from the text box.; ods region width=2.1 in height=8 in x=25 y=100; *The width and height statements determine the size of the space allotted for the ‘object’ (here a line of text). The x and y statements determine placement on the page. (0,0) denotes the upper left corner.; ods pdf text="^S={just=l font=('Helvetica', 14pt)}Sparklines are shown by overlaying plots on empty columns in proc repot. ^n^n^nThe sparklines depict the rates for a hospital in a given quarter (green dots) compared to network first and third quartiles (grey bar upper and lower limits) and averages (black line). ^n^n^nThis report combines text, shapes, tables, graphs, and images. ODS Region allows you to do truly custom reporting."; *S={} is the style statement justifying the text to the left and determining the ‘font’, font size, and style.; *^n uses ODS ESCHAPECHAR to break to a new line.;
2. Lines and Shapes Lines ods region width=10.5 in height=8.5 in x=0 y=55; dataannolines; length function color $10; retain xsys ysys '5'; * Syntax for the LINE macro; *LINE (x1, y1, x2, y2, color, line_type, size); %line(0,100,100,100,vig,1,2) run; procgslide anno=annolines; * Use the annotate data set; run; quit; *proc gslide uses the annotate data set and draws the line based on the data on the page; Shapes ods region width=2.4 in height=8 in x=0 y=55; *Because the object is a box, it will fill the entire 2.4inx8in space.; goptions reset=all; goptions cback=CXE2E2E2; *Custom color in RBG format.; procgslide; run; quit; *Draws the box.;
3. Proc Report ods region width = 8 in height = 9 in x = 360 y = 180; procreport data=dummy (where=(q=1)) nofs style(header)=[background=CXE2E2E2bordertopcolor=vigfont_face='Helvitica' font_size=8] style(column)=[bordertopcolor=white borderbottomcolor=white font_face='Helvitica' font_size=6 height=0.7in]; column ("Outcome" varno) total ("Quarter" fill1-fill4); define varno /" " order order=internal ' ' format=ofmt. style(header)=[bordertopcolor=CXE2E2E2] style(column)=[font_weight=bold just=left width=495vjust=b]; define total/'N' style(header)=[bordertopcolor=CXE2E2E2] style(column)=[width=90 just=center vjust=b rightmargin=10]; define fill1/'1' style(header)=[bordertopcolor=CXE2E2E2] style(column)=[color=white width=125]; define fill2/'2' style(header)=[bordertopcolor=CXE2E2E2] style(column)=[color=white width=125]; define fill3/'3' style(header)=[bordertopcolor=CXE2E2E2] style(column)=[color=white width=125]; define fill4/'4' style(header)=[bordertopcolor=CXE2E2E2] style(column)=[color=white width=125]; run; quit; *The define statements are column specific so any style changes must be done to all columns; b a b c a b c d c* e e e d
4. Sparklines * Macro to create sparklines; %macrotrends; %let y=330; /* Starting y value for ODS Region */ %do i=1 %to 5; axis1 label=none major=none minor=none style=0 value=none order=(1 to 4 by 1); axis2 label=none major=none minor=none style=0 value=none; symbol1 c=gray i=join l=1 w=1; symbol2 c=gray i=join l=1 w=1; symbol3 c=black i=join l=1 w=3; symbol4 c=vig v=dot h=2; pattern1 c=white v=solid; pattern2 c=ligr v=solid; ods region width = 2.75 in height =0.75 in x=1050 y=&y; proc gplot data=dummy (where=(varno=&i )); plot (firstq thirdq allavg hospavg)*q/areas=2 overlay vaxis=axis2 haxis=axis1; run; quit; %let y=%sysevalf(&y + 160); *Adds to the y value so the next sparkline plot falls under the previous one.; %end; %mend trends; goptions device=gif transparency; %trends;
5. Pictures goptions device=tiffp noborder transparency; ods region width=1.14 in height=0.4 in x=1500 y=1150; filename logo <filepath>.tif"; procgslideiframe=logo cframe=vig imagestyle=fit; run; quit; *cframe changes the color of the border around the picture and imagestyle=fit forces the image to fit in the region provided