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E. Běták Institute of Physics SAS, Bratislava, Slovakia

Possible production of selected therapeutic radionuclides of A>80 using the (n, g ) reactions with fast neutrons. E. Běták Institute of Physics SAS, Bratislava, Slovakia. Sr-88 Koehler (2000) 5320 points up to 350 keV isolated points in the Koehler’s region

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E. Běták Institute of Physics SAS, Bratislava, Slovakia

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  1. Possible production of selected therapeutic radionuclides of A>80 using the (n,g) reactions with fast neutrons E. Běták Institute of Physics SAS, Bratislava, Slovakia RCM "ND ... Therap. Radiois.", IAEA Nov. 2004

  2. Sr-88 Koehler (2000) 5320 points up to 350 keV isolated points in the Koehler’s region Hughes (1950) 1 point at 1 MeV (2.1 mb) Pd-102 no usable data point Xe-124 no usable data point Te-130 many points up to 10 keV about 40 points 10 keV to 20 MeV (60 mb to 0.6 mb) about 25 points 10 keV to 6 MeV (shifted by 3 orders - error) Sm-152 two sets (plus isolated points) 3 keV to 3 MeV (1.5 b to 50 mb) one set (4 points) 25 keV to 1 MeV (shifted by 3 orders) Ho-165 several sets of data up to 20 MeV (10 b to 0.7 mb) one set (5 points) 20 keV to 1 MeV (shifted by 3 orders) Ir-191 several sets up to 20 (25) MeV (EXFOR v. 1.62 – June 2004) RCM "ND ... Therap. Radiois.", IAEA Nov. 2004

  3. RCM "ND ... Therap. Radiois.", IAEA Nov. 2004

  4. RCM "ND ... Therap. Radiois.", IAEA Nov. 2004

  5. RCM "ND ... Therap. Radiois.", IAEA Nov. 2004

  6. RCM "ND ... Therap. Radiois.", IAEA Nov. 2004

  7. RCM "ND ... Therap. Radiois.", IAEA Nov. 2004

  8. RCM "ND ... Therap. Radiois.", IAEA Nov. 2004

  9. RCM "ND ... Therap. Radiois.", IAEA Nov. 2004

  10. THEORETICAL UPDATES: Varlamov et al., Izv. AN 67 (2003), 656: Y-89 GDR Varlamov et al.: in INDC(CCP)-440 [IAEA 2004], p. 37: strength f. near Sr, Xe, Ho Vasileva et al.: Yad. Fiz. 64 (2001), 195: strength f. near A=124, Sm-150, Ir-192 Talou et al.: in Varenna Conf. 2003: Ir-193(n,xng) Plujko: ND-2004: photonuclear channel and strength f. Hilgers: ND-2004: Os-192(p,n)Ir-192 COMPUTER CODE USED:M. Herman, EMPIRE-II, v. 2.18 Mondovi (IAEA 2002) Soon to be released: M. Herman et al.: EMPIRE-II, v. 2.19 Lodi A. Koning et al.: TALYS RCM "ND ... Therap. Radiois.", IAEA Nov. 2004

  11. RCM "ND ... Therap. Radiois.", IAEA Nov. 2004

  12. RCM "ND ... Therap. Radiois.", IAEA Nov. 2004

  13. RCM "ND ... Therap. Radiois.", IAEA Nov. 2004

  14. Data of Bensch et al. (4 points) by error in EXFOR shifted by 3 orders RCM "ND ... Therap. Radiois.", IAEA Nov. 2004

  15. Data by Bensch et al. (5 points) shifted by an error by 3 orders RCM "ND ... Therap. Radiois.", IAEA Nov. 2004

  16. RCM "ND ... Therap. Radiois.", IAEA Nov. 2004

  17. The resulting excitation functions of all 7 targets [only 5 shown here, where the experimental data are presented in the 2002 version of EXFOR – the two remaining reactions (on Pd-102 and Xe-124) have been also calculated and the excitation functions have been proposed, but not demonstrated as a plot today] have been prepared as ENDF files ready to be given to the IAEA NDS. RCM "ND ... Therap. Radiois.", IAEA Nov. 2004

  18. OTHER WORK WITHIN THE LAST 1.5 YEAR RELEVANT TO MEDICAL ISOTOPES: Běták et al.: NEMEA Workshop (Budapest 2003), Report EUR-21100EN, p. 41 pre-equilibrium (n,gamma) reactions Běták: contribution to Nucl. Data Conference (Santa Fe 2004) pre-equilibrium emission of complex particles Běták et al.: submitted to Radiochim. Acta neutron-induced reactions on Sn and possible production of In-111 Běták et al.: contribution to NEMEA-2 Workshop (Bucharest 2004) neutron- and proton-induced reactions on Sn and possible production of In-111 RCM "ND ... Therap. Radiois.", IAEA Nov. 2004

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