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CLASS OBJECTIVES:. At the completion of this class the student will:Be familiar with legislation/study behind the 2 in/2 out ruleBe familiar with terms and definitions of R.I.T operationsUnderstand the local R.I.T. PolicyUnderstand the role/obligations of the R.I.TBe familiar with required equipment for a R.I.T..
2. CLASS OBJECTIVES: At the completion of this class the student will:
Be familiar with legislation/study behind the 2 in/2 out rule
Be familiar with terms and definitions of R.I.T operations
Understand the local R.I.T. Policy
Understand the role/obligations of the R.I.T
Be familiar with required equipment for a R.I.T.
3. Who made up this 2 in/2 out thing, anyway? 1971-OSHA adopted Respiratory Standard
SCBA use required in IDLH atmosphere
2 firefighter team for interior structural firefighting
2 firefighters on standby outside structure
First mention of “2 in/2 out”
4. More 2 in/2 out History January 1998
Standard 1910.134, includes 2 in/2 out provision, adopted
Mandated to be implemented by 10/5/98
Applies to all private sector and federal firefighters
OSHA plan states, or OSHA itself regulates state, county, or municipal firefighters
Consensus between representatives from OSHA, IAFF, IAFC, NFPA
6. Definitions Rescue Mode: Control efforts taken by resources which are first to arrive at an incident requiring immediate action to prevent or mitigate loss of life or serious injury to citizenry or firefighters
Positive Communication: Contact must be maintained by visual, verbal, physical, or electronic means
7. Definitions Rescue Mode Standby Firefighter: One firefighter in standby mode fully equipped with the appropriate protective clothing and equipment in order to provide rescue of firefighters
8. Definitions Rapid Intervention Team (RIT): A RIT shall be equipped with the appropriate protective clothing, protective equipment, SCBA, and specialized rescue equipment needed, based on the specifics of the operation underway
On scene team of at least two members designated to effect an immediate rescue operation if the need arises
9. Definitions Standby Mode: Full personal protective clothing including SCBA with face-piece in standby mode
10. When is a RIT required? RIT must be present outside the hazard area prior to interior structural firefighting
Interior structural firefighting is firefighting to control or extinguish a fire in an advanced stage of burning, with large amounts of smoke, heat, toxic products, is IDLH environment
11. When is a RIT not required? Incipient stage firefighting: beginning fire development, portable extinguisher, small hose line, PPE not needed
Limited smoke and heat
Activities such as: limited extinguishment, opening doors/windows, escorting occupants outside
Initial Stage Operations
12. Initial Stage Operations Initial actions taken by IC, not initial phase of fire
Actions taken to prevent or mitigate the loss of life or serious injury to citizenry and firefighters
Only one team in hazardous area
Additional resources can be reasonably expected
13. Initial Stage Op’s - con’t. Exceptional circumstances require immediate action
14. Standby Firefighter Must remain aware of status of FF’s in hazardous area
Must remain in positive communication with entry team, full PPE/SCBA in standby
May perform other duties, provided communications are maintained, will not interfere with ability to perform rescue
May be pump operator or IC
15. RIT Responsibilites Report to OP’s Chief for briefing
Standby at selected location:point of entry, command post, floor below fire, etc.
Assume a ready state: PPE, SCBA, tools
Monitor tactical radio channel (or other channel if assigned)
Ready to react immediately
Request permission to recon bldg exterior
16. RIT Responsibilities-con’t. Conduct building size-up
water supply
fireground equipment (ladders, hoselines, saws)
occupancy type/room layout
fire progression
structural integrity
17. RIT Tools Dedicated charged hose line
Portable radios (including 1 for victim)
Forcible entry tools-axe, pry bar
Spare air cylinder or air pack
Hand lanterns
150’ Guide rope
Tarp to place equipment on
Specialized tools for given operation
18. RIT Tools-con’t. Spare SCBA cylinder or RIT bag
Medium size SCBA facepiece
Quick fill valve
Green tarp-6’ x 8’
8” lineman’s pliers
Trauma shears
Folding pruning saw
19. RIT Tools-con’t Wedge set
4 cyalume light sticks
2 hose straps
Small rescue axe
Think outside the box
20. Nature and Number of RIT’s At least 1 team outside prior to any team going inside
IC needs to be flexible, based on type, size and complexity of incident
Additional crews should be added as needed
RIT’s staged at multiple entry points
Special OP’s entry teams require Special Op’s RIT: skills and equipment
21. IC’s Obligation for RIT Activation Monitor tactical radio channel
Assign someone to monitor additional channels
Loss of radio contact with any member is considered an EMERGENCY
Report of lost, trapped, injured, or unaccountable firefighter is considered an EMERGENCY
22. IC’s Obligations-con’t Immediate roll call must be done to verify missing member(s) RIT must be activated immediately if roll call indicates missing member(s),Transmit “Firefighter Down” message, emergency tones
RIT will be sent to last reported working area of missing/trapped FF
23. IC’s Obligations-con’t. Emergency tones:
Can be the Fire Comm alert to gain attention on tactical frequency
Must be followed be IC’s new plan:
Announce RIT activation
Continue fire attack
Abandon building, if appropriate
24. IC’s Obligations -con’t Adjust strategies to prioritize search and rescue for missing members
Dedicate radio channel to rescue effort, assign Rescue Group Supervisor, Safety Officer
Request additional alarms, if necessary
Provide continuous fire attack
Be prepared to “write off” other portions of building to protect firefighters
25. IC’s Obligations-con’t. If original RIT is activated, immediately assign a second RIT
Ensure second RIT is equipped same as first
26. Removing Personnel fromFire Building IC must evaluate risk, need for speed
Abandon: to immediately exit the building or area due to safety concerns for emergency personnel, without regard to equipment or hose lines in place
27. Personnel Removal (con’t) Evacuate: to remove the occupants or residents of a building or area
Withdraw: To exit the building or area with equipment and hoselines, due to a change in strategy (offensive to defensive)
28. Safety Officer Obligations Ensures function of PASSPORT system functions
Monitor building for structural integrity
Advise IC and Rescue Group Supervisor of safety concerns
29. Rescue Group Supervisor’s Obligations Evaluate risks/viability of rescue
Develops plan
Estimates air available to victims, ensures RIT delivers additional air
Ensures PASSPORT works
Requests aide to monitor talk groups
30. RIT Obligations after Activation Do Not Freelance!
Search towards last reported working area of victims, following hose lines
Look and listen for evidence of victims
Search hallways, exterior walls
Look for signs of collapse, holes, voids
Report progress and search areas completed
31. RIT Obligations Advise Rescue Group leader of any problems, additional resources needed
Evaluate risk to rescuers-is rescue possible, do you have a viable victim?
Treat victims as rapid extrications-get out of IDLH!
Take safest and quickest route to outside
Be prepared to create your own exit
32. A.W.A.R.E. Acronym Air-provide additional air supply to victim.
Water-create defensible perimeter with hose line. Buy yourself rescue time
A Radio-provide a dedicated radio channel to victim
Extricate victim
33. Entry team’s Obligations if they need to be rescued COMMUNICATE!
Advise IC immediately: nature of problem, location, air remaining, injuries
Activate PASS devices
Control emotions, conserve air
Attempt to reach window, exterior wall, or hallway
34. Denver Drill