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Discovering Likes and Preferences: Animals and Daily Life Queries

Explore animal habits and human activities in ASL with questions about pet likes, food sources, favorite books, and more. Engage in interactive language practice sessions.

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Discovering Likes and Preferences: Animals and Daily Life Queries

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  1. Lesson 10Practice sheet 10.A



  4. bird

  5. 1. CAT LIKE EAT BIRD?Do cats like to eat birds?The sign “bird” can also mean “chicken” (in context)

  6. book

  7. 2. WHAT-KIND BOOK YOU LIKE READ?What type of books do you enjoy reading?

  8. bug

  9. 3. FISH LIKE EAT BUG?Do fish like to eat bugs?

  10. get

  11. 4. MILK, WHERE FROM, HOW GET?How and/or where do we get milk? [Answer: the store or a cow]

  12. dog

  13. 5. NAME SOMETHING DOG CHASE. What do dogs like to chase?Why dog chase cat?Dogs stupid.

  14. TAKE vs TAKE-up“TAKE-up” can mean: “take”-as in “take a class,” evaporate, adopt…

  15. Take

  16. 6. YOU PAST TAKE-up A-S-L CLASS YOU?Have you ever taken an ASL class?

  17. know

  18. 7. YOU KNOW TEACHER WIFE/HUSBAND NAME?Do you know the teacher's wife's/husband's-(choose one) name?

  19. pet

  20. 8. HAVE PET YOU? (if so) NAME?Do you have a pet? What is its name?

  21. some

  22. 9. SOME CAT LIKE WATER?Do some cats like water? [Note: Some like swim in it. All like to drink it.]

  23. horse

  24. 10. YOU WANT HORSE YOU?Do you want a horse?

  25. Practice sheet 10.B

  26. When discussing someone’s looks, you use the sign “face.”LOOK/watch vs SEE vs WATCH-casualvs FACE vs LOOK-LIKE

  27. face

  28. 1. YOU LOOK-LIKE YOUR DAD?Do you look like your father?

  29. read

  30. 2. WHICH YOU PREFER, READ O-R TV WATCH-(casual)?Which would you rather do, read or watch TV?

  31. cook

  32. 3. COOK CLASS, YOU PAST TAKE-up?Have you ever taken a cooking class?

  33. time

  34. 4. TIME YOU GO ASL CLASS? (wh-q)Furrow your eyebrows to ask “What time…”

  35. fish

  36. 5. BIRD LIKE EAT FISH?Do birds like to eat fish?[Some do--pelicans for example.]

  37. eat

  38. 6. HORSE LIKE EAT FISH?Do horses like to eat fish?

  39. upstairs

  40. 7. YOUR BEDROOM UPSTAIRS?Is your bedroom upstairs?

  41. tell

  42. 8. TELL-(to-me) HOW YOU FEEL.TELL vs TELL-me

  43. pet

  44. 9. YOU THINK COW GOOD PET?Do you think a cow would make a good pet?

  45. book

  46. 10. YOUR FAVORITE BOOK NAME?What is your favorite book?

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