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Defining and Enforcing Hardware Security Requirements 14 Oct 2011

Defining and Enforcing Hardware Security Requirements 14 Oct 2011. CDR Mike Bilzor mbilzor@nps.edu. =. ?. Challenge. Can we define, and then enforce , security requirements in hardware designs?. Agenda. Research Goals Malicious Inclusion Threat to Processors

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Defining and Enforcing Hardware Security Requirements 14 Oct 2011

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  1. Defining and EnforcingHardware Security Requirements14 Oct 2011 CDR Mike Bilzor mbilzor@nps.edu

  2. = ?

  3. Challenge Can we define, and then enforce, security requirements in hardware designs?

  4. Agenda • Research Goals • Malicious Inclusion Threat to Processors • Existing Techniques for Detecting Malicious Inclusions • Proposed Method • Main Ideas • Details • Experimental Demonstration • Analysis • Summary

  5. Research Goals

  6. Research Goals • Examine and categorize previously demonstrated processor Malicious Inclusions • Develop a methodology whereby the stated security requirements of a processor architecture can be translated into runtime enforcement mechanisms that are integrated into the processor implementation • Develop tools for automating the translation from a specified security requirement into an enforcement mechanism

  7. Research Goals • Demonstrate the methodology on a general-purpose processor model, including detection of malicious inclusions that are similar to those in real-world and academic examples • Describe how the methodology can be implemented in simulation, FPGA emulation, and in traditional and three-dimensional fabricated chips • Characterize themethod's algorithmic complexity, and analyze its soundness and completeness

  8. Processor Threat

  9. Processor Threat • Customers in DoD need trustworthy processors for high-assurance applications • Classified systems, weapons, aircraft • Many processor/system designs incoporate third-party IP • Very few advanced processors are manufactured in the U.S. anymore [Adee08] • Supply chain vulnernabilities: thousands of counterfeit processors discovered by DoD [Grow08, King10]

  10. Microprocessor Threat • Some real-world reports [Adee08] • 2007: Israel bombs a suspected Syrian nuclear facility, but Syrian radars aren't functioning, reportedly disabled by a "kill switch" • 2008: a European manufacturer reportedly designs a chip that can be remotely disabled, and claims that French contractors have used the chip in military equipment • Academic demonstrations • 2008: Yale researchers show how to modify an encryption processor so that the encryption key is leaked through various channels [Jin08] • 2009: Illinois researchers add two subversions to a processor [King09] • Escalation of privilege attack, "shadow mode" attack

  11. Existing Methods forDetecting Malicious Inclusions

  12. Malicious Inclusion (MI) • Definition: an unauthorized, undocumented modification to a piece of hardware, or hardware design unit, that circumvents or subverts some portion of the hardware's functionality

  13. Existing Methods • Physical Analysis • Destructive Analysis • Very expensive, very slow, destructive to sample chip • Power and Timing Analysis • Detects large-scale changes well, but not small ones • Doesn't detect malicious changes made in the design phase • Design Analysis • Functional Equivalence • Reference design could itself have a malicious inclusion • Rarely Used / Unused Circuit Identification • False positives and false negatives

  14. Proposed Method:Observations and Main Ideas

  15. Observations, Main Ideas • A security policy specifies permitted and prohibited behaviors • Malicious inclusions, in the examples seen to date, often violate some behavioral restriction that is either stated or implied in a processor's architectural specification • If we can identify these behavioral restrictions in text statements, it should be possible to express them formally, so we can evaluate a particular processor's design against them • Doing so can express a security policy, and may help us to detect malicious inclusions that violate it [Schn00]

  16. Observations, Main Ideas • The behavior of hardware systems can be expressed using assertions, for example using the Property Specification Language (PSL) • Assertions are already used for functional verification, but can also be used to describe behaviors that a processor's designers feel should be prohibited • The conversion of PSL assertions into equivalent synthesizable "checkers" allows us to monitor hardware behavior, using other hardware modules, at runtime • This ability spans simulation, FPGA emulation, and fabrication

  17. Proposed Method:Details

  18. Method Description • Map behavioral restrictions from the architectural specification into a set of PSL assertions • Using a "checker-generator," create synthesizable hardware modules, or "checkers," to evaluate the PSL assertions at runtime • Add the checker units (hardware modules) to the processor design • Evaluate the design under simulation and/or FPGA emulation • If desired, leave the checkers in the processor for fabrication

  19. Basic Method Workflow Processor Architectural Specification:Behavioral Requirements and Restrictions Mapping ofRequirements assert always ({ { ( ex_pc >= `A_IVT ) } | { rst !== 0 } | { `A_SM !== 0 } || { ( except_start ; ex_pc < `A_IVT ) ; `A_RFE } }); assert always { ~ we_o } |-> ( { true ; true ; stable( `A_UART_OUT ) } ); assert always except_start -> ( (except_type > 0) && (except_type < 16) ) ; assert always {(dtlb_done && ((~dcpu_we_i && ~supv && ~dtlb_ure) || (~dcpu_we_i && supv && ~dtlb_sre))) } |-> fault ; assert always {(dtlb_done && ((dcpu_we_i && ~supv && ~dtlb_uwe) || (dcpu_we_i && supv && ~dtlb_swe))) } |-> fault ; assert always ( {(mtxd_pad_o !== 4'h0)} |-> ( (WillTransmit) || (`A_SM === 1'b1) || (prev(eth_top.txethmac1.TxData[0]) != 1'bX)) ); assert always ( { stable(dvr_0[0]) } |-> ( (rst) || (`A_SM) ); assert always ({ ( if_insn === 32'hXXXXXXXX ) || ( ~ ( ( (if_insn[31:26] > 10) && (if_insn[31:26] < 17) ) || ( (if_insn[31:26] < 28) && (if_insn[31:26] > 21) ) ) }); PSL Assertions ProcessorImplementation:HDL Design "Checker Generator" module SERE3 (clk, reset, c, b, a, holds); always @(posedge clk, posedge reset) begin if (reset) begin SERE3_q0 <= 0; SERE3_q3 <= 0; ... Synthesizable HDL "Checkers" Processor ImplementationWith Checkers Built In Monitor Layer Target Layer Fabricated3D-IC Simulation Fabrication FPGAEmulation

  20. The Property Specification Language • Derives from linear temporal logic (LTL) • Formalized in 2005 • Specifically designed for describing the behavior of hardware designs • Supports the most common hardware description languages, like Verilog and VHDL

  21. Example PSL Assertion • “assert always ( bnext[2 to 3](c) )” • The assertion holds on this execution trace, or input 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 b c

  22. PSL Checker-Generators • Formal Checkers (FoCs): IBM, early 2000s • MBAC: Boule, Zilic, 2006-present • PSL rewrite rules • Automata-based method • HDL checker construction • psl2hdl: NPS, 2011 • Implementation of Boule-Zilic method, plus: • Full boolean-layer representation and simplifications • DFA minimization • Multi-language output (VHDL and Verilog) • PSL parse tree generation • Analysis of algorithmic complexity, soundness and completeness

  23. Parse PSL Assertion Exampleassert always ({a ; d}) @ (rose(clk)); Parsing ToolsP-L-Y (Python Lex-Yacc) Graphviz • Rewrite RulesThere are 39 total rewrite rules, which reduce the formulas to a small number of "base cases" to implement in automata format

  24. Construct and Combine Automata {a ; b} | {c ; d} c ; d a ; b ; d ; c b a

  25. Convert Automaton to Hardware • Construction based on circuit model of an automaton • States are modeled by flip-flops, all transitions occur on clock cycles a q1 q0 always @ (posedge clk) begin q1 <= q0 && a; q2 <= (q1 && c) || (q0 && b); end c hold q2 b

  26. Tool Comparison [Boule08, Fin07]

  27. Demonstration

  28. Experiment Summary • Implement open-source general-purpose processor • Create "typical" MIs for it, knowing that some of them will violate behavioral restrictions from the text in the processor's architectural documents • Demonstration Goals – show whether: • The behavioral restrictions can be translated correctly into a set of PSL assertions • The PSL assertions can be converted into synthesizable hardware "checkers" and added back into the design • The checker modules can be created efficiently, in terms of time and space required, using our checker-generator tool • The checkers detect the malicious behaviors in question correctly, when the MI triggers are active, with no false positives or negatives

  29. MI-Detection Demonstration • Platform: MINSOC system on chip, from OpenCores.org • Has 32-bit or1200 CPU, MIPS-style instruction set, on-chip memory, Ethernet, UART, debug support, and Wishbone bus

  30. MI-Detection Demonstration • Malicious Inclusions • #1: Allows a software process running in User Mode to escalate its privilege level to Supervisor Mode. On-trigger and off-trigger are each unique opcode/data combinations • #2: Leaks data from memory via the UART port, upon receipt of the input trigger text “Get Data,” plus a memory location • #3: Disables the processor by commanding a "permanent" reset. Triggered when input text “Shutdown” received at Ethernet terminal • Behavioral Requirements • Ten total requirements are mapped from specifications, and each is implemented by one or more assertions.

  31. Detections • MI #1 (Supervisor Mode), when triggered, is detected • MI #2 (Data Leak), when triggered, is detected • MI #3 (Shutdown) is a disabling attack, is not detected, but it is included for demonstration purposes • There are no requirements in the OpenRISC architecture that it violates • When no MIs are triggered, all the checkers always "hold" • A checker outputs "hold" or "fail" • We also show that statement coverage in "infected" modules is reduced when the MIs are not triggered, facilitating easier manual analysis of a small portion of the design

  32. Cross-Check • All assertions were implemented using our checker-generator, and matching "soft assertions" were also added to QuestaSim • The output of all the checkers ("hold" or "fail") exactly matched the semantics of the QuestaSim "soft assertions" "Soft"Assertions MatchingFailure CheckerModules

  33. Demonstration • Though not adversarial, the demonstration: • Employs the most advanced open-source general-purpose processor design available • Is only the second published MI-detection demonstration of its kind, for a full general-purpose processor design • Shows: • The architectural restrictions can be translated into PSL assertions • The assertions can be converted into synthesizable "checkers" • The checker modules can be created efficiently, using our tool • The checkers correctly detect the malicious behaviors in question, when the MI triggers are active, with no false positives or negatives [Hicks10, Jin08, Zhang11]

  34. Analysis

  35. Limitations: Cases Not Covered • Absence or incompleteness of the requirements • Limitations of the existing checker-generator techniques • Current method restricted to PSL Simple Subset • Some processor elements not well suited for the method • Best example is memory elements (RAM); though they are fundamentally circuits, the checker method is not efficient, since each memory element would require a checker • Use other techniques, like error correction, encryption, hashing, etc.

  36. Limitations: Cases Not Covered • Incompleteness of the checkers • If the behavioral restrictions are clearly stated, but we omit checkers from certain design units, the method implementation is incomplete • After checkers are added, an MI is introduced and the checkers are simultaneously subverted • In this case, the attacker's task is made more difficult, but not prevented

  37. Strengths and Weaknesses • Strengths • Early frame of reference (specification) • Persistence (checkers may be left in design) • Size (on average, checkers take up few hardware resources) • Compatibility (can be used in conjunction with obfuscation techniques, as well as code coverage) • Weaknesses • High level of effort – tedious to map requirements to assertions • Does not work efficiently with memory elements, only with logic • Adversary may subvert the checkers, too, if gaining later access • Not all requirements are dynamically enforceable (e.g., liveness properties)

  38. Lifecycle Coverage Comparison [Hicks10, Banga10, Bilzor10a]

  39. Soundness and Completeness • PSL assertion to checker module • obligation: given a PSL formula and an input word , according to the PSL formal semantics, if and only if the checker for holds on input • Formal equivalence under the PSL semantics for step 1, the rewrite rules, was shown by Morin-Allory et al. using a PVS model[Morin10] • We have constructed proofs for steps 2 and 3, and conclude that the overall checker-generator method is sound and complete Convert Automaton to HDL Checker Convert Base Case Formulato Automaton Rewrite Rules

  40. Algorithmic Complexity • Rewritten parse tree is traversed in DFS order: O(V+E) time • Each automata combination algorithm for the base cases has its own associated complexity, based on input automata size: PotentialExponentialIncrease

  41. Recommendations for Future Work • Adversarial experiments • Automate or semi-automate the translation of text-based requirements into assertions • Automate hierarchical completeness of checker installation (when more than one checker is needed per requirement) • Corporate partnership, commercial processor design • Design a processor from inception with security-focused requirements/assertions for each component • Automated dependency analysis: "program slicing" for VHDL/Verilog

  42. Summary

  43. Contributions • A summary analysis of the processor malicious inclusion examples published to date • A novel, assertion-based process for formalizing security requirements which derive from a processor's architectural specification • A method for dynamically enforcing processor security requirements that is applicable across nearly all phases of development, from simulation to fielded operation • A demonstration, in a real general-purpose processor design, of how the method can be used to detect some, though not all, malicious inclusions

  44. Contributions • The most complete public-domain software tool for generating synthesizable checkers, based on PSL assertions • A description of the algorithmic complexity for each step in the PSL checker-generator method, and arguments for its soundness and completeness • Summary: Yes, there is a method by which we can define, and then dynamically enforce, some behavioral requirements in hardware designs

  45. Publications • Published • March 2011: International Conference on Information Warfare (ICIW '11), Washington, DC (best Ph.D. student award) • June 2011: IEEE International Symposium on Hardware-Oriented Security and Trust (HOST '11), San Diego, CA • Under Review • DATE '12: Design, Automation, and Test Europe

  46. Defining and EnforcingHardware Security Requirements9 Sep 2011 CDR Mike Bilzor mbilzor@nps.edu

  47. References • [Adee08] Sally Adee. "The Hunt for the Kill Switch," IEEE Spectrum, May 2008. http://spectrum.ieee.org/semiconductors/design/the-hunt-for-the-kill-switch • [Abram09] Miron Abramovici and Paul Bradley. "Integrated Circuit Security – New Threats and Solutions," CSIRW, April 2009. • [Agrawal10] Agrawal, Baktir, Karakoyunlu, Rohatgi, and Sunar. " Trojan Detection using IC Fingerprinting," in Security and Privacy, IEEE Symposium on, (Oakland, CA, USA), pp. 296–310, May 2007. • [Banga10] Banga and Hsiao. "Trusted RTL: Trojan Detection Methodology in Pre-Silicon Designs," In Hardware- Oriented Security and Trust (HOST), IEEE International Symposium on, pages 56–59, Anaheim, CA, USA, June 2010. • [Bilzor10] Bilzor. “3D Execution Monitor: Using 3D Circuits to Detect Hardware Malicious Inclusions in General Purpose Processors,” in International Conference on Information Warfare, (Washington, DC, USA), March 2011. • [Bilzor10a] M. Bilzor, T. Huffmire, C. Irvine, and T. Levin. “Security Checkers: Detecting Processor Malicious Inclusions at Runtime,” in IEEE International Symposium on Hardware-Oriented Security and Trust, (San Diego, CA, USA), June 2010.

  48. References • [Boule08] Boule and Zilic. "Generating Hardware Assertion Checkers," Springer, 2008. • [Dav05] Davis et al. "Demystifying 3D ICs: The Pros and Cons of Going Vertical," IEEE Design & Test of Computers, November-December 2005. • [Eisner08] C. Eisner and D. Fisman. "A Practical Introduction to PSL," Springer, 2006. • [Fin07] Findenig. "Behavioral synthesis of PSL assertions," Upper Austrian University of Applied Sciences, Master’s thesis, 2007. • [Grow08] Grow, Tschang, Edwards, and Burnsed. "Dangerous Fakes," Business Week, 2 October 2008. • [Hicks10] Hicks, Finnicum, King, Martin, and Smith. "Overcoming an Untrusted Computing Base: Detecting and Removing Malicious Hardware Automatically," Proceedings of the 31st IEEE Symposium on Security & Privacy (Oakland), May 2010. • [Intel10] Intel Corporation. "From Sand to Silicon: Making of a Chip," April 2010. • [Jin08] Jin et al., "Experiences in Hardware Trojan Design and Implementation," Hardware-Oriented Security and Trust, IEEE International Workshop on, 2007. • [Karri10] Karri, Rajendran, Rosenfeld, and Tehranipoor. "Trustworthy Hardware: Identifying and Classifying Hardware Trojans," Computer, vol. 43, pp. 39–46, October 2010.

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