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Bellwork October 11 th :. Fix the errors in the following sentences. Copy the incorrect sentence, then fix errors in a different color. 1 . Louis and Ginny had finish the project before dinner. (1)
Bellwork October 11th: • Fix the errors in the following sentences. Copy the incorrect sentence, then fix errors in a different color. • 1. Louis and Ginny had finish the project before dinner. (1) • 2. The benefits of diet and exercise have been giving much attention by health care providers. (1) • 3. The travel package includes a round-trip ticket to Athens, a cruise through the Cyclades and all hotel accommodations. (2) • 4. The cat just set there watching his prey. (1) • 5. Their going to Homecoming tonight. (1)
Bellwork April 22nd : • Until we take the CST , we will be using our bellwork time to review strategies to pass the test. • On your Bellwork Page Copy the review strategy: • Test Taking Strategy #1: • Read the questions before you read the passage. That way you know what you are looking for as you read. Sometimes you do not even need to read a passage because the questions do not require it. • Read and answer number 1-7 from your booklet . Record your answers on your bellwork paper. DO NOT WRITE ON THE ACTUAL TEST BOOKLET.
Corrections • 1. Louis and Ginny had finishedthe project before dinner. (1) • 2. The benefits of diet and exercise have been givenmuch attention by health care providers. (1) • 3. The travel package includes:a round-trip ticket to Athens, a cruise through the Cyclades and a full booking of all hotel accommodations. (2) • Parallel structure: all the items in a list need to be started in a similar way • 4. The cat just sat there watching his prey. (1) • Set vs. Sat. You set something down. You sat for a while. • 5. They’regoing to Homecoming tonight. (1) • Their: possession • They’re : they are • There: a place or statement of begin ex: over there /There is a large dog starting at us.
Bellwork • “We should not fret for what is past, nor should we be anxious about the future; men of discernment deal only with the present moment.” • -Chanakya • 1. Explain what the quote means. ( 3-5 sentences) • 2. Do you agree or disagree and Why? Cite examples from everyday life as support . (7-10 Sentences)
Bellwork October 1st : • You have been hired to write a dictionary of common terms, phrases, and slang words used by today’s youth. Write down and explain three entries you would add to this exciting book. • 7-10 sentences
Why Peer Edit? Peer editing allows students to: • develop self assessment skills by editing the work of others. • Constructive criticism from others may help students improve a paper before the teacher sees it. • All involved may recognize writing as a social, collaborative activity. • Students grow intellectually by exposure to the ideas of others.
3 Steps to Peer Editing There are three important steps to remember when you are peer editing another student’s writing. • Step 1 – Compliments • Tell them what they have done well • Step 2 – Suggestions • Tell them what they can improve. • This is the most important thing • you can do to help them improve. • Step 3 – Corrections • Fix little errors on their papers • Punctuation/grammar/spelling.
Follow these steps today: • 1. Read the paper all the way through once before you correct anything at all. Really think about what the author is trying to say before you comment. • 2. Make suggestions on the actual essay. • 3. Fill out the peer edit worksheet that I have passed out to you. • 4. If you finish one paper early, • start editing a second paper. • If you have edited a second paper you may read silently or work on making corrections to your paper. • Remember: you are a valuable person that can aid in this student’s success. Give them your full attention by being completely focused on their essay today.
Peer edit reflection Questions • Somewhere on your paper answer: • 1. Based on what my peer editor commented, what did I do really well on this essay? • 2. Based on what my peer editor suggested, what can I fix and make better on my final draft in order to have a stronger paper?
Final Draft DUEThursday • Needs to include: • 1. Final Draft • 2. Turnitin.com receipt • 3. Peer Edit • 4. Rough draft • 5. One page memory • 6. Notes on Writing a biographical narrative ALL OF THESE MUST BE INCLUDED TO RECEIVE CREDIT FOR YOU ESSAY!
Review of Works Cited • List your sources in alphabetical order by author’s last name • Indent every line after the first line • Use “citationmachine.net” if you do not remember how to format your entries following MLA format.
Bellwork October 12th: • You have been hired to write a dictionary of common terms, phrases, and slang words used by today’s youth. Write down and explain three entries you would add to this exciting book. • 7-10 sentences
Final Draft DUE: Monday • Needs to include: • 1. Final Draft • 2. Turnitin.com receipt • 3. Peer Edit • 4. Rough draft ALL OF THESE MUST BE INCLUDED TO RECEIVE CREDIT FOR YOU ESSAY!