Resistencia, Argentina The Resistance city, in Castilian: Resistencia, is a city in northern Argentina, the capital of the Chaco Province, located on a tributary of the Paraná River. As of the 2001census [INDEC], the population of the city proper is 274,490 inhabitants. The metropolitan area totals 359,590, the 11th largest in Argentina. Resistencia is a commercial and transportation center for the sparsely inhabited frontier region to the northwest. Major manufactures include processed food, textiles, refined metal, and wood and leather products. The river port of Barranqueras is nearby. Originally called San Fernando del Río Negro, the site was settled in the 17th century as a Jesuitmission and then abandoned in the late 18th century. Following Argentina's war with Paraguay (1864–1870), the site was reestablished as an important military outpost. Its present name was adopted in 1876 from the Resistance of the native to be colonized during the wars against the indigenous people.
La Plata La Plata is the capital city of the province of Buenos Aires, Argentina, as well as of the partido of La Plata. The city was planned to serve as the capital of the province after the city of Buenos Aires was declared as the federal district in 1880. Per the 2001census [INDEC], the city proper has a population of 574,369 and its metropolitan area has 694,253 inhabitants. La Plata was officially founded by Governor Dardo Rocha on November 19, 1882 and its construction was fully documented in photographs by Tomás Bradley Sutton.[1] Its current mayor is Pablo Bruera.
La Plata Argentina Resistencia
1) Argentina is known for: First...Argentina Tango! Argentina tango personifies Argentina because it consists of different styles and is danced to a musical genre that originated from Argentina. How to dance Argentina tango: Argentina tango is danced in an embrace which can be danced close or more open. Close embrace is a more traditional way of dancing it, which means the dancers have to be connected chest-to-chest. Argentina tango is danced with emotion and the speed is am extremely important element of dancing tango. Second...Argentina soccer! Argentina soccer is the most popular sport, where the kids play in the streets. The Argentina National soccer team has been on a role and has not disappointed Argentina since the first world cup in 1930. Argentina held the 1979 world cup and as well emerged as the champions! Third...Beef Production! Beef is the key component to Argentina cuisine! This country is the third largest beef exporter after Brazil and Australia. Did you know Argentina has the worlds largest consumption rate of beef! Mr. Hunter, have fun in Argentina!!!!!
2) I chose the Inca’s as my ancient civilization! The first detail I found was that the Inca Empire became the largest Empire in pre-Columbia America. My second detail is that the Inca Empire is also known as the Tawantinsuyu!! Did you know that the Inca Empire was split by a ritual war to decide who would be Inca Hanan and who would be Inca Hurin. Life is different now in Argentina because the Inca’s are not in control anymore and a new set of government is controlling Argentina My trip so far has been amazing!!! One night I went out for dinner and as im walking to the restaurant there are kids from ages 3-19 playing soccer on the cobblestone roads. Then you walking into this square that has Argentina tango dancing and I have no clue how they move there bodies to the music but it is a beautiful dance. I get to the restaurant and sit down and order some food. When it comes it is of course beef! There beef is delicious!!
Bibliography: Resistencia Article: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Resistencia,_Chaco La Plata Article: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/La_Plata Google earth: Maps Google earth: photos Beef production in Argentina: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Argentine_beef Soccer in Argentina: http://www.mapsofworld.com/argentina/argentina-tourism/argentina-soccer.html Tango in Argentina: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Argentine_Tango