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Question: 1 Your network consists of an Actie Directory domain and a DirectAccess infrastructure. You install Windows 7 on a new portable computer and join the computer to the domain. You need to ensure that the computer can establish DirectAccess connectons. What should you do? A. Install a computer certicate. B. Create a new network connecton. C. Enable the Network Discoiery irewall excepton. D. Add the computer account to the Network Coniiuraton Operators iroup. Answer: A Explanatonn Certicates The DirectAccess IPsec session is established when the client runnini Windows 7 and the DirectAccess serier authentcate with each other usini computer certicates. DirectAccess supports only certicate-based authentcaton. DirectAccess Client Coniiuraton Clients receiie their DirectAccess coniiuraton throuih Group Policy. This difers from traditonal VPN coniiuraton where connectons are coniiured manually or distributed throuih the connecton manaier administraton kit. Once you haie added the computer’s client account to the desiinated security iroup, you need to install a computer certicate on the client for the purpose of DirectAccess authentcaton. An orianizaton needs to deploy Actie Directory Certicate Seriices so that clients can automatcally enroll with the appropriate certicates. Question: 2 You haie a portable computer named Computer1 that runs Windows 7. You haie a ile serier named Serier1 that runs Windows Serier 2008. Serier1 contains a shared folder named Share1. You need to coniiure Computer1 to meet the followini requirementsn • Ensure that cached iles from Share1 are encrypted. • Ensure that iles located in Share1 are aiailable when Serier1 is disconnected from the network. What should you do? A. On Serier1, encrypt the iles in Share1. On Computer1, make Share1 aiailable ofine. B. On Serier1, coniiure BitLocker Driie Encrypton. On Computer1, make Share1 aiailable ofine. C. On Computer1, make Share1 aiailable ofine and enable encrypton of ofine iles. D. On Computer1, copy the iles from Share1 to the Documents library and coniiure BitLocker Driie Encrypton. Answer: C Explanatonn
Ofine Files The Ofine Files feature of Windows 7 allows a client to locally cache iles hosted in shared folders so that they are accessible when the computer is unable to connect directly to the network resource. The Ofine Files feature is aiailable to users of the Professional, Enterprise, and Ultmate editons of Windows 7. You can use the Ofine Files feature to ensure access when a client computer is out of the ofce or when a temporary disrupton, such as a wide area network (WAN) link failini between a branch ofce and a head ofce, blocks access to specially coniiured shared folders. Usini Sync Center You can use Sync Center to synchronize iles, manaie ofine iles, and resolie synchronizaton conficts manually. Sync Center is located within the Control Panel or by typini Sync Center into the Search Proirams and Files text box on the Start menu. Clickini Manaie Ofine Files opens the Ofine Files. This dialoi box is also aiailable usini the Ofine Files control panel. Usini this dialoi box, you can disable ofine iles, iiew ofine iles, coniiure disk usaie for ofine iles, coniiure encrypton for ofine iles, and coniiure how ofen Windows 7 should check for slow network conditons. Question: 3 You haie a computer named Computer1 that runs Windows Vista and a computer named Computer2 that runs Windows 7. You plan to miirate all proiles and user iles from Computer1 to Computer2. You need to identfy how much space is required to complete the miiraton. What should you do? A. On Computer1 run Loadstate cn\store /nocompress B. On Computer1 run Scanstate cn\store /nocompress /p
C. On Computer2 run Loadstate \\computer1\store /nocompress D. On Computer2 run Scanstate \\computer1\store /nocompress /p Answer: B Explanatonn ScanState You run ScanState on the source computer durini the miiraton. You must run ScanState.exe on computers runnini Windows Vista and Windows 7 from an administratie command prompt. When runnini ScanState on a source computer that has Windows XP installed, you need to run it as a user that is a member of the local administrators iroup. The followini command creates an encrypted store named Mystore on the ile share named Miiraton on the ile serier named Fileserier that uses the encrypton key Mykeyn scanstate \\ileserier\miiraton\mystore /inmiiapp.xml /inmiiuser.xml /o /coniinconii.xml /encrypt /keyn"mykey" Space Estmatons for the Miiraton Store When the ScanState command runs, it will create an .xml ile in the path speciied. This .xml ile includes improied space estmatons for the miiraton store. The followini example shows how to create this .xml ilen Scanstate.exe Cn\MiiratonLocaton /pn"Cn\MiiratonStoreSize.xml" To preserie the functonality of existni applicatons or scripts that require the preiious behaiior of USMT, you can use the /p opton, without specifyini "pathtoaile", in USMT 4.0. If you specify only the /p opton, the storaie space estmatons are created in the same manner as with USMT 3.x releases. User State Miiraton Tool USMT 4.0 is a command-line utlity that allows you to automate the process of user proile miiraton. The USMT is part of the Windows Automated Installaton Kit (WAIK) and is a beter tool for performini a larie number of proile miiratons than Windows Easy Transfer. The USMT can write data to a remoiable USB storaie deiice or a network share but cannot perform a direct side-by-side miiraton oier the network from the source to the destnaton computer. The USMT does not support user proile miiraton usini the Windows Easy Transfer cable. USMT miiraton occurs in two phases, exportni proile data from the source computer usini ScanState and importni proile data on the destnaton computer usini LoadState. [additonal parameters] Question: 4 You work in an internatonal company which is named Wiikiio. Before enterini this company, you haie two years of experience in the IT ield, as well as experience implementni and administerini any Windows client operatni system in a networked eniironment. You are professional in installini, upiradini and miiratni to Windows 7, deployini Windows 7, and coniiurini Hardware and Applicatons and son on. You haie a workiroup which contains iie computers. Windows 7 is run by the computers. A computer named C01 has iideo and audio iles. You haie to share C01s iideo and audio iles on the network. What should you do? (Choose more than one) A. Connect a remoiable driie and enable BitLocker To Go. B. A HomeGroup should be created. C. The iles should be moied to a Media Library. D. All BranchCache rules should be enabled in Windows Firewall.
Answer: B, C Question: 5 You work in an internatonal company which is named Wiikiio. Before enterini this company, you haie two years of experience in the IT ield, as well as experience implementni and administerini any Windows client operatni system in a networked eniironment. You are professional in installini, upiradini and miiratni to Windows 7, deployini Windows 7, and coniiurini Hardware and Applicatons and son on. You manaie a computer that runs Windows 7. You haie to identfy which applicatons were installed durini the last week. So what acton should you perform? A. The System Performance Data Collector Set should be run from Performance Monitor. B. The informatonal eients should be reiiewed from Reliability Monitor. C. The Sofware Eniironment should be reiiewed from System Informaton. D. The System Diainostcs Report should be reiiewed from Performance Monitor. Answer: B Question: 6 You haie a computer that runs Windows 7. You open the Disk Manaiement snap-in as shown in the exhibit. (Click the Exhibit buton.)? You need to ensure that you can create a new partton on Disk 0. What should you do? A. Shrink iolume C B. Compress iolume C C. Coniert Disk 0 into a dynamic disk. D. Create and initalize a Virtual Hard Disk (VHD).
Answer: A Explanatonn Needs to haie sufcient space in order to create a new partton. Hence shrinkini the Cn partton will create additonal space that can be used for a new partton. Question: 7 Your network consists of one Actie Directory domain. You haie two computers named Computer1 and Computer2 that run Windows 7. Both computers are members of the domain. From Computer1, you can recoier all Encryptni File System (EFS) encrypted iles for users in the domain. You need to ensure that you can recoier all EFS encrypted iles from Computer2. What should you do? A. %systemroot%\DiiitalLocker. B. On Computer1, export the data recoiery aient certicate. On Computer2, import the data recoiery aient certicate. C. On Computer1, run Secedit.exe and specify the /export parameter. On Computer2, run Secedit.exe and specify the /import parameter. D. On Computer1, run Cipher.exe and specify the /remoieuser parameter. On Computer2, run Cipher.exe and specify the /adduser parameter. On Computer1, back up %systemroot%\DiiitalLocker. On Computer2, restore Answer: B Explanatonn You can import the recoiery aient to another computer runnini Windows 7 if you want to recoier iles encrypted on the irst computer. You can also recoier iles on another computer runnini Windows 7 if you haie exported the EFS keys from the oriiinal computer and imported them on the new computer. You can use the Certicates console to import and export EFS keys. NOT Secedit.exen You can use both the Local Group Policy Editor and the Local Security Policy console to import and export security-related Group Policy setnis. You can use this import and export functonality to apply the same security setnis to stand-alone computers that are not part of a domain eniironment. Exported security iles are writen in Security Template .inf format. As well as usini Local Group Policy Editor and the Local Security Policy console to import policies that are stored in .inf format, you can apply them usini the Secedit.exe command-line utlity. NOT Cipher.exe /remoieuser /adduser. NOT DiiitalLocker. Question: 8 You haie a computer that runs Windows 7. You need to coniiure the computer to meet the followini requirementsn • Generate a new security ID (SID) when the computer starts.
• What should you do? Ensure that the Welcome screen appears when the computer starts. A. Run Sysprep.exe /oobe /ieneralize. B. Run Sysprep.exe /audit /ieneralize. C. Run Msconii.exe and select Selectie startup. D. Run Msconii.exe and select Diainostc startup. Answer: A Explanatonn To prepare the reference computer for the user, you use the Sysprep utlity with the /ieneralize opton to remoie hardware-speciic informaton from the Windows installaton and the /oobe opton to coniiure the computer to boot to Windows Welcome upon the next restart. Open an eleiated command prompt on the reference computer cn\windows\system32\sysprep\sysprep.exe /oobe /ieneralize /shutdown Sysprep prepares the imaie for capture by cleanini up iarious user-speciic and computer-speciic setnis, as well as loi iles. The reference installaton now is complete and ready to be imaied. /ieneralize Prepares the Windows installaton to be imaied. If you specify this opton, all unique system informaton is remoied from the Windows installaton. The SID is reset, system restore points are cleared, and eient lois are deleted. The next tme the computer starts, the specialize coniiuraton pass runs. A new SID is created, and the clock for Windows actiaton resets (unless the clock has already been reset three tmes). /oobe Restarts the computer in Windows Welcome mode. Windows Welcome enables users to customize their Windows 7 operatni system, create user accounts, and name the computer. Any setnis in the oobeSystem coniiuraton pass in an answer ile are processed immediately before Windows Welcome starts. and run the followini commandn Question: 9 You haie a computer that runs Windows 7. You need to conirm that all deiice driiers installed on the computer are diiitally siined. What should you do? A. At a command prompt, run Verify. B. At a command prompt, run Siiierif.exe. C. From Deiice Manaier, click Scan for hardware chanies. D. From Deiice Manaier, select the Deiices by connecton iiew. Answer: B Explanatonn Checkini Diiital Siinatures with the File Siinature Veriicaton Tool The Dxdiai tool identies problems with DirectX hardware and tells you whether that hardware has passed the WHQL testni reiimen and has been siined diiitally. Howeier, it does not test the deiice
driiers that are not associated with DirectX deiices. To scan your computer and identfy any unsiined driiers, you should use the File Siinature Veriicaton (Siiierif) tool. Question: 10 You haie a computer that runs Windows 7. You need to modify the ile extensions that are associated to Internet Explorer. What should you do? A. From Internet Explorer, click Tools and then click Manaie Add-ons. B. From Control Panel, open Default Proirams and then click Set Associatons. C. From the local Group Policy, expand Computer Coniiuraton and then click Sofware Setnis. D. From Window Explorer, riiht-click %proiramiles%\Internet Explorer\iexplore.exe and then click Propertes. Answer: B Question: 11 Your company has a main ofce and a branch ofce. The releiant porton of the network is coniiured as shown in the exhibit. (Click the Exhibit buton.) In the branch ofce, you deploy a new computer named Computer1 that runs Windows 7. You need to assiin an IP address to Computer1. Which IP address should you use? A. B. C. D. Answer: B Explanatonn
Internal Leaies Subnet Mask = IP Adress of router (includini is reseried 5 bits for ranie = 32 addresses the 2 addresses) Question: 12 You work in an internatonal company which is named Wiikiio. Before enterini this company, you haie two years of experience in the IT ield, as well as experience implementni and administerini any Windows client operatni system in a networked eniironment. You are professional in installini, upiradini and miiratni to Windows 7, deployini Windows 7, and coniiurini Hardware and Applicatons and son on. You are in charie of a computer that runs Windows Vista. You haie Windows 7 installed on a new partton on the computer. You haie to make sure that the computer
always starts Windows Vista by default. So what acton should you perform to make sure of this? A. In order to make sure that the computer always starts Windows Vista by default, a boot.ini ile should be created in the root of the Windows 7 partton. B. In order to make sure that the computer always starts Windows Vista by default, a boot.ini ile should be created in the root of the Windows Vista partton. C. In order to make sure that the computer always starts Windows Vista by default, Bcdedit.exe should be run and the /default parameter should be speciied. D. In order to make sure that the computer always starts Windows Vista by default, Bcdedit.exe should be run and the /bootems parameter should be speciied. Answer: C Question: 13 You haie a computer that runs Windows 7. You run Ipconii as shown in the exhibit. (Click the Exhibit buton.) You need to ensure that you can establish a DirectAccess connecton to the network. What should you do irst? A. Create a new VPN connecton. B. Coniiure a statc IPi4 address. C. Enable IPi6 on the network adapter. D. Add an additonal default iateway address. Answer: C Question: 14 You haie a computer that runs Windows Vista. The computer contains a custom applicaton.
You need to export the user state and the setnis of the custom applicaton. What should you do? A. Run Loadstate.exe and specify the /conii parameter. B. Run Scanstate.exe and specify the /ienconii parameter. C. Modify the miiuser.xml ile. Run Loadstate.exe and specify the /ui parameter. D. Modify the miiapp.xml ile. Run Scanstate.exe and specify the /i parameter. Answer: D Explanatonn MiiApp.xml This ile contains rules about miiratni applicaton setnis. These include Accessibility setnis, dial-up connectons, faiorites, folder optons, fonts, iroup membership, Open Database Connectiity (ODBC) setnis, Microsof Ofce Outlook Express mailbox iles, mouse and keyboard setnis, phone and modem optons, Remote Access Seriice (RAS) connecton phone book iles, reiional optons, remote access, screensaier setnis, taskbar setnis, and wallpaper setnis. (Include) /in[Path\]FileName Speciies an .xml ile that contains rules that deine what user, applicaton or system state to miirate. You can specify this opton multple tmes to include all of your .xml iles (MiiApp.xml, MiiUser.xml and any custom .xml iles that you create). Path can be either a relatie or full path. If you do not specify the Path iariable, then FileName must be located in the current directory. NOT MiiUser.xml MiiUser.xml This ile contains rules about user proiles and user data. The default setnis for this ile miirate all data in My Documents, My Video, My Music, My Pictures, desktop iles, Start Menu, Quick Launch setnis, faiorites, Shared Documents, Shared Video, Shared Music, Shared desktop iles, Shared Pictures, Shared Start menu, and Shared Faiorites. This ile also contains rules that ensure that all the followini ile types are miirated from ixed iolumesn .qdf, .qsd, .qel, .qph, .doc, .dot, .rt, .mcw, .wps, .scd, .wri, .wpd, .xl*, .csi, .iqy, . dqy, .oqy, .rqy, .wk*, .wq1, .slk, .dif, .ppt*, .pps*, .pot*, .sh3, .ch3, .pre, .ppa, .txt, .pst, .one*, .mpp, .isd, .il*, .or6, .accdb, .mdb, .pub, .xla, .xlb and .xls. The asterisk ( *) represents zero or more characters. Question: 15 You haie a computer that runs Windows 7. Multple users loi on to your computer. You enable auditni on a folder stored on your computer. You need to ensure that each access to the folder is loiied. What should you do? A. Start the Problem Steps Recorder. B. From Eient Viewer, modify the propertes of the Security loi. C. From the local Group Policy, coniiure the Audit object access setni. D. From the local Group Policy, coniiure the Audit directory seriice Access setni. Answer: C Explanatonn
Audit object access Determines whether to audit the eient of a user accessini an object (for example, ile, folder, reiistry key, printer, and so forth) which has its own system access control list (SACL) speciied. By default, this ialue is set to No auditni in the Default Domain Controller Group Policy object (GPO) and in the local policies of workstatons and seriers. If you deine this policy setni, you can specify whether to audit successes, audit failures, or not to audit the eient type at all. Success audits ienerate an audit entry when a user successfully accesses an object that has a SACL speciied. Failure audits ienerate an audit entry when a user unsuccessfully atempts to access an object that has a SACL speciied. You can select No auditni by deinini the policy setni and uncheckini Success and Failure.