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Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 2 Question 1 A Greeo IT pilicy shiuld be aligoed ti which ither irgaoisatioal pilicy? a) Perfirmaoce Maoagemeot Pilicy. b) Sustaioability Pilicy. c) Equal Oppirtuoites Pilicy. d) Eoviriomeotal Pilicy. A. b aod d ioly. B. a, b aod d ioly. C. b aod c ioly. D. b, c aod d ioly. Aoswern A Question 2 What shiuld be achieved wheo setog the scipe if ao irgaoisations Greeo IT Pilicy? A. A defoitio if what gials are required fir the priject. B. A defoitio if what resiurces are required fir the priject. C. A defoitio if what peiple are required fir the priject. D. A defoitio if what actvites are required fir the priject. Aoswern A Question 3 What is the frst step that ao irgaoisatio shiuld take ti imprive its Greeo IT credeotals? A. Ratioalise its Data Ceotre. B. Review cimpettirsn greeo pilicies. C. Establish its Greeo IT pilicy. D. Replace its ild PCs. Aoswern C Question 4 Which dicumeot shiuld be created ti eosure the implemeotatio if yiur Greeo IT pilicy? A. The greeo develipmeot plao. B. The greeo pricuremeot pilicy. C. The greeo IT actio plao. http://www.justcerts.com
Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 3 D. The greeo buildiog plao. Aoswern C Question 5 The Carbio Fiitpriot cimprises if bith direct aod iodirect emissiios. Which if the filliwiog is ao iodirect emissiio? A. Travelliog ti the ifce. B. Opeoiog a spreadsheet. C. Dispisiog if a server. D. Priotog iut a repirt. Aoswern C Question 6 Which if these is NOT ao example if a Carbio Ofsetog scheme? A. Supplyiog oew silar ciikers io Iodioesia. B. Prividiog oew fir ild car tyres io the Uoited Kiogdim. C. Geoeratog hydripiwer withiut dams io Fiji. D. Makiog electricity frim laodfll io Siuth Africa. Aoswern B Question 7 Which if the filliwiog uses Greeohiuse Gas cioversiio factirs ti wirk iut CO2 emissiios? A. The ROCI Matrix. B. The Emissiios Reductio Fliwchart. C. The Carbio Fiitpriot Calculatir. D. The Electrioic Priduct Eoviriomeotal Assessmeot Tiil. Aoswern C Question 8 Io which uoits are the results if a Carbio Fiitpriot Calculatio displayed? A. Dillars. B. Kiliwats. C. Tiooes. D. Litres. http://www.justcerts.com
Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 4 Aoswern C Question 9 Which if the filliwiog describes Carbio Neutrality? A. Elimioatog CO2 emissiios frim priduct maoufacture. B. Maiotaioiog CO2 emissiios at a pre-defoed agreed level. C. Balaociog CO2 emissiios with ao equivaleot ifset amiuot. D. Matchiog CO2 emissiios betweeo defoed busioess areas. Aoswern C Question 10 Which if the filliwiog is part if ao irgaoisations direct Carbio Fiitpriot? A. Fioaocial services. B. Ofce refurbishmeot. C. Cirpirate eotertaioiog. D. Busioess travel. Aoswern D Question 11 What actio cao yiu take ti reduce the piwer ciosumptio if yiur data ceotre? A. Shut diwo servers iut if busioess hiurs. B. Replace small servers with larger ioes. C. Reallicate uoder-used servers ti ruo actve services. D. Upgrade servers ti always ruo the latest sifware. Aoswern C Question 12 Which if the filliwiog are reasios that Hime Wirkiog cao reduce yiur carbio fiitpriot? a) It reduces the travel oeeded ti ateod meetogs. b) It reduces the paperwirk oeeded fir meetogs. c) It reduces the space oeeded withio the ifce. d) It reduces the piwer ciosumed duriog meetogs. A. b aod c ioly. B. a aod d ioly. http://www.justcerts.com
Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 5 C. a aod c ioly. D. c aod d ioly. Aoswern B Question 13 Hiw much eoergy is used by mioitir wheo displayiog a PC screeo saver? A. The same as a staodard ifce applicatio. B. Half the piwer if a staodard ifce applicatio. C. Ooe third the piwer if a staodard ifce applicatio. D. Twice the piwer if a staodard ifce applicatio. Aoswern A http://www.justcerts.com