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The Great Spiritual Traditions of the World - Their empirical and theoretical foundations, ... other sciences, spiritual life, art and cultural life, and politics, some of whom ...
Slide 1:The 17th International Transpersonal Conference:Consciousness Revolution: Transpersonal Discoveries That Are Changing the World"
Slide 2:The Conference Mission Inspired by the success of the 2008 First World Congress on Psychology and Spirituality in New Delhi and of the annual and multicultural conferences of the European Transpersonal Association (EUROTAS), a group of psychologists sharing the transpersonal vision has decided to continue the tradition of the international transpersonal meetings.
This group representing the major American, European, Australian, and Asian transpersonal institutions decided to hold the 17th International Conference on June 23-27, 2010, in Moscow.
Slide 3:The Conference Mission The mission of the Conference is to present, both experientially and didactically, breakthrough discoveries revealing the fundamental role of consciousness in all human affairs and the value for humanity of our growing insights into the nature of consciousness and of the world. We want to review the role the transpersonal perspective has played in human history from the time of the first shamans 50.000 years ago to the discoveries of modern consciousness research, transpersonal psychology, and other scientific disciplines.
The Conference will present not only a comprehensive overview of the forty years of the transpersonal paradigm through the voices of its founders and pioneers, but also outline its future perspectives. The lasting legacy of this conference will be several volumes documenting its proceedings in hundreds of papers by authors from many countries of the world, exploring the relevance of transpersonal research and ideas for science, politics, economy, ecology, religion, art, and other fields.
We hope to bring over a 1000 participants from more than 50 countries, as well as numerous keynote speakers and spiritual teachers.
Slide 4:Main Themes of the Conference The Transpersonal Perspective in Human History (shamanism, rites of passage, ancient mysteries, great spiritual and mystical traditions, William James, C.G. Jung, Roberto Assagioli, Russian transpersonalists, transpersonal psychology, etc).
The Great Spiritual Traditions of the World - Their empirical and theoretical foundations, validity, and importance (Roger Walsh, Ken Wilber, Frances Vaughan, Stanislav Grof, various spiritual teachers, etc.)
Russian Transpersonalism (Siberian shamanism, hesychasm, F.M. Dostoevsky, Russian religious philosophy, Russian cosmism, G.I. Gurdjieff, modern transpersonal schools).
New Cartography of the Human Psyche and the Holotropic Perspective (C.G. Jung, Stanislav Grof, Ken Wilber, Charles Tart, Roberto Assagioli,).Transpersonal Psychology and Depth Ecology (Thomas Berry, David Abram, Joanna Macy, Arne Naess, etc)
Consciousness Evolution, the New Economics, The Harmonic World Society, and Overcoming the Global Crisis (Stanislav Grof, Lloyd de Mause, James Hillman, Al Gore, Peter Russell, The Club of Rome, The Club of Budapest, etc)
The Integral Vision (Ken Wilber, Michael Murphy, George Leonard, Russian integral philosophy)
The Processwork (Arny and Amy Mindell, Max and Ellen Schupbach, etc)
Noetic and Spiral Dynamics (Alex Key, Chris Cowan, Natasha Todorovich, etc)
Slide 5:Main Themes of the Conference Transpersonal Therapies (Jungian psychology, Stanislav and Christina Grofs holotropic breathwork, Arny and Amy Mindells processwork, Dora Kalffs sandplay, Bert Hellingers family constellation, work with the enneagram, Roberto Assagiolis psychosynthesis, and others).
Transpersonal Psychology and the New Paradigm in Science (Thomas Kuhn, Karl Pribram, David Bohm, Rupert Sheldrake, Wassily Nalimov, Ilya Prigogine, Fritjof Capra, Fred Alan Wolf, John Barrow, Frank Tipler, Stanislav Grof, Amit Goswami, Ervin Laszlo, Ellias Capriles, Harry Hunt, Jorge Ferrer, and others).
Anomalous Phenomenaand Transpersonal Psychology (synchronicities, transit astrology, near-deathexperience, extrasensory perception, etc) Dean Radin, Marilyn Schlitz, Ernest Senkowski, Mark Macy, George Meek, Jacques Valle, Ken Ring, Bruce Greyson, and others)
Human potential and Farther Reaches of Human Nature: future of the body, spiritualization of the material world, optimum health, wellbeing, and performance (Abraham Maslow, Michael Murphy, Sri Aurobindo, and others)
Transpersonal Dimensions of the Masculine and Feminine (Tantric science, art, and ritual, Jenny Wade, Margo Anand, Will Keepin, David Deida, etc)
World Spiritual Communities (Esalen Institute, Auroville, Findhorn Community, Omega Institute, Damanhur, etc)
Transpersonal Dimensions of Art (religious and mystical art, fantastic and psychedelic art, trance music, ritual dance, movies, fiction, etc)
Towards a Comprehensive Map of Human Development ("Genome of Human Development")
Slide 6:Among the world presenters
Slide 7:Among the world presenters
Slide 8:Among the world presenters
Slide 9:Among the Russian presenters
Slide 10:Among the Russian presenters
Slide 11:Artistic and Cultural events Nikolay Oorzhak
Stas Namin
Silvia Nakkach
Festivals of Slavic, Buddhist, Indian, Russian Orthodox, Sufi, Celtic, and shamanic music.
World Festival of Transpersonal Arts (dance, instrumental music, chanting, paintings, sculptures, movies)
(to be continued)
Slide 12:Organizing committee Executive committee:
Vladimir Maykov, on-site coordinator, president of the Russian Association ofTranspersonal Psychology and Psychotherapy
Harris Friedman, president of the International Transpersonal Association (ITA)
Vitor Rodriguez, president of the European Transpersonal Association (Eurotas)
Steven Schmitz, Institute of Transpersonal Psychology (ITP)
Ksenia Kuleshova, director and founder of Loft center
(to be continued)
Slide 13:Organizing committee Advisory committee:
Stanislav Grof, founding president of the International Transpersonal Association (ITA)
Christina Grof, founding vice-president of the International Transpersonal Association (ITA)
Dulce Murphy, director of Track II
Michael Murphy, co-founder of the Esalen Institute
Robert Frager, founder and first president of the Institute of Transpersonal Psychology
Arny Mindell, founder of process-oriented psychology
Amy Mindell, co-founder of process-oriented psychology
Stuart Sovatsky, co-president of ATP
John Drew, ex-president of EUROTAS
Tav Sparks, director of Grof Transpersonal Training
Rajiv Malhotra*, founder and president of Infinity Foundation
(to be continued)
Slide 14:Organizing committee Scientific program committee:
Olga Luchakova, professor of the Institute of Transpersonal Psychology
David Lukoff, co-president of ATP
Les Lancaster, professor of the Liverpool John Moores University
Victor Petrenko, professor of the Moscow State University
Glenn Hartelius, editor of the International Journal for Transpersonal Studies
Vladimir Kozlov, professor of the Yaroslavl State University
(to be continued)
Slide 15:Supporting Organizations International Transpersonal Association (ITA)
European Transpersonal Association (EUROTAS)
Association of Transpersonal Psychology and Psychotherapy, Russia
Japan Association for Transpersonal Psychology/Psychiatry *
Association of Body-Oriented Psychotherapists (Russia)
Moscow Association of Analytical Psychology
World Business Academy, Santa Clara*
John Fetzer Institute*
*to be confirmed
Slide 16:Supporting Organizations All-Russian Professional Psychotherapeutic League
Institute of Group and Family Psychology and Psychotherapy
Institute of Transpersonal Psychology (ITP)
California Institute of Integral Studies (CIIS)
John F. Kennedy University
Institute of Noetic Sciences (IONS)
Esalen Institute
Association of Transpersonal Psychology (ATP)
(to be continued)
Slide 17:Audience Representatives of the governmental structures, business elite
Slide 18:Financial Sponsors (as of August 19th) Alexey Kuptsov, Russian businessperson
Eduard Sagalaev, president of the Russian National Association of TV broadcasters
Slide 19:Place: Arsenal New venue ARSENAL for conducting culture and mass events from the company NEXT LEVEL The venue is located in the centre of Moscow: 13 Vetoshniy lane.
Restored quarter ideally fits for conducting different types of events: fashion shows, presentations, exhibitions etc.
The building disposes large number of office accommodations, access to transport and parking spaces for the invited guests.
- total area 1500 square meters
- total area the main hall 800 square meters
- the height of the ceiling 24 meters
- electric power 200 kilovolt
- parking area during evening and night time
for 100 cars
- make-up rooms for artists
- checkroom for 1000 persons
- toilet and smoking zones
Slide 20:Place: Arsenal
Slide 21:Place: Izmailovo Hotel complex "Izmailovo", consisting of 4 buildings - "Alpha", "Beta", "Vega", "Gamma-Delta", gives all necessary facilities and services for tourists and businesspersons. It is great for hosting various mass and cultural events and presentations.
"Izmailovo" is located 30 meters from the metro station "Partizanskaya", in the greenest area of Moscow, 5 minutes of walking from the Izmailovsky recreation park. Hotel windows face Izmailovsky Park and New Moscow microdistrict.
Quality services, full safety, developed infrastructure all confirmed by diplomas and prizes received by the hotel in different years.
Slide 22:Place: Izmailovo
Slide 23:PR-support
Slide 24:PR-support Not less than 50 Russian mass media press, radio, and electronics - will report about the project: from announcements and listings to magazine covers, state-of-the-art reviews, and society columns.
Groups of mass-media:
TV - not less than 6 (news blocks, reports from seminars and special events)
Radio - not less than 4 (news blocks, analytics)
Daily press and magazines - not less than 30 - (announcements, news blocks, analytics, interview, a society column)
The Internet - not less than 50 (announcements, news blocks, press releases of the project, an analyst, interview)
About 50 international and foreign mass media will receive the information on the project on channels of news agencies and will publish it in the form of reports of information.
Slide 25:PR-support Mailing of the adjusting press release and images will occur on base in more than 400 addresses
The press lunch for the selected circle of mass-media will be organized.
Information sponsors will be chosen from following options:
Esquire magazine
Psychologies magazine
Time-out magazine
Desillusionist magazine
Slide 26:Supported by Russian WEB-sites and portals transpersonal.ru
Slide 27:Previous experience of PR support Many mass-media have placed the information on Stanislav Grof's visit to Moscow in 2007. They published more than 20 interviews and over 100 Internet - resources.
Information about his visit appeared on five TV channels:
- 1st channel - Capital- ???- ?2??- ???
The information also appeared in many printed mass media:
- The Russian reporter
- The newspaper "Truth"
- The new newspaper
- Magazine "?????"
- Magazine "Slops, etc.
Slide 28:Previous experience of PR support
Slide 29:The Past and Future of the International Transpersonal Association ITA Birth and Death
The International Transpersonal, Association (ITA) was launched in 1978 by Stanislav Grof, its founding president, along with Michael Murphy and Richard Price, the founders of the Esalen Institute in Big Sur, California, to promote transpersonal education and research, as well as to organize international transpersonal conferences.
So far sixteen international transpersonal conferences have been held in different parts of the world, twelve of them under the auspices of the ITA (photos from the conferences are available on the ATP Member web site.) However, after the 2004 ITA Conference in Palm Springs, CA, the ITA was dissolved when Stanislav and Christina Grof found it too demanding on their time and energy to continue organizing large international meetings.
David Lukoff, Co-President of ATP, began to explore the possibility of forming a new umbrella organization for the 28 worldwide transpersonal associations (see the ATP Guide the Transpersonal Internet at http://atpweb.org/IntlTranspOrgs.asp), modeled after Eurotas, which is a an umbrella organization for 18 European Transpersonal Associations (www.eurotas.org). Another group was discussing the need for an international association: Harris Friedman, Editor of the International Journal of Transpersonal, Studies (see www.transpersonalstudies.org), was looking for an organization to sponsor this journal and it seemed to him that an international journal would be best sponsored by an international organization, something he began to discuss with the Managing Editor of the IJTS, Glenn Hartelius and Les Lancaster, IJTSs Coordinating Editor, who had also received a small grant from the British Psychological Society to fund the development of a web site to link the international transpersonal community.
Stanislav Grof gave his blessing to the idea of incorporating ITA again. The ITA was reincorporated on May 27, 2008. The initial officers are Friedman serving as its President, Lukoff as Vice President, and Hartelius as Secretary and Treasurer.
Slide 31:The International Transpersonal Conferences Held by ITA
Slide 32:Typical representatives of the ITA membership
Slide 33:Outstanding Presenters at ITA Conferences
Slide 34:Sponsorship
Slide 35:Sponsorship
Slide 36:Sponsor's package ?1
Slide 37:Sponsor's package ?2
Slide 38:Sponsor's package ?3
Slide 39:Sponsor's package ?4
Slide 40:Sponsor's package ?5
Slide 41:Contacts The Russian side coordinator
Vladimir Maykov Phone: +7 903 9685712e-mail: vmaykov@gmail.com